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Her er en oversikt over de bøkene fra Borgensamlingen som er registrert så langt i biblioteket på Metodistkirkens Hovedkontor.


Signatur Forfatter Tittel
BORGEN 016.287 Ca [Cavender, Curtis H.] [from old catalog] Catalogue of works in refutation of Methodism
BORGEN 152.46 Fl [Fletcher, Alfred Brinson Woods], 1896- [from old catalog] Life without fear : ten talks on the psychology of Christian living
BORGEN 264.23 Hy [Lampe, John Frederick], 1703?-1751. [from old catalog] Hymns on the great festivals, and other occasions
BORGEN 230 Mc [McClintock, John], 1814-1870. [from old catalog] Analysis of Watson's Theological institutes : designed for the use of students and examining committees
BORGEN 230 Mc [McClintock, John], 1814-1870. [from old catalog] Analysis of Watson's Theological institutes : designed for the use of students and examining committees
BORGEN 287.321 Ni [Nichols, John H.] Bible tools for busy people
BORGEN 248.4 Sm [Smith, Hannah (Whitall) Mrs.], 1832-1911. [from old catalog] The Christian's secret of a happy life
BORGEN 287 We [Weller, Samuel], 1684-1753. [from old catalog] The trial of Mr. Whitefield's spirit : In some remarks upon his fourth Journal
BORGEN 264.23 We [Wesley, John], 1703-1791 A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
BORGEN 264.23 We [Wesley, John], 1703-1791 A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
BORGEN 264.070.2 Co [Wesley, John], 1703-1791 A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
BORGEN 287.092 Ab Abbott, Benjamin, 1732-1796. [from old catalog] Experience and gospel labors of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott : to which is annexed, a narrative of his life and death
BORGEN 220.7 Ab   The Abingdon Bible commentary
BORGEN 783.9 Al Adlrick, J. [from old catalog] The sacred lyre : a new collection of hymns and tunes for social and family worship
BORGEN 287.09741 Al Allen, Stephen, 1810-1888 History of Methodism in Maine, 1793-1886 : Published with the approval of the Maine and East Maine conferences
BORGEN 922.773 Al Allen, Stephen, 1810-1888 The life of Rev. John Allen, better known as "Camp-meeting John,"
BORGEN 287.01 An Andrews, W. P. Two epistles: I. To professors of perfect love : II
BORGEN 287.6 An Annan, William The difficulties of Armenian Methodism..
BORGEN s291.432 Ar Archibald, Chestina Mitchell African American history month : daily devotions, 2004
BORGEN 230.49 Arminius, Jacobus, 1560-1609 The works of James Arminius ..
BORGEN 266.78 Ar Arms, Goodsil Filley, 1854- History of the William Taylor self-supporting missions in South America
BORGEN 287.63209 Ar Armstrong, James Edward, b. 1830 History of the old Baltimore conference from the planting of Methodism in 1773 to the division of the conference in 1857
BORGEN 231.1 Ar Arthur, William, 1819-1901. [from old catalog] The tongue of fire : or, The true power of Christianity
BORGEN 231.3 Ar Arthur, William, 1819-1901. [from old catalog] The tongue of fire : or, The true power of Christianity
BORGEN 287.609 24 As Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 Francis Asbury in North Carolina
BORGEN 287.609 24 As Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 The causes, evils, and cures of heart and church divisions
BORGEN 248 As Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 The causes, evils, and cures of heart and church divisions
BORGEN 287.609 24 As/III Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 The journal of the Rev. Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church : from August 7, 1771, to December 7, 1815
BORGEN 287.609 24 As/I Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 The journal of the Rev. Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church : from August 7, 1771, to December 7, 1815
BORGEN 287.609 24 As Asbury, Herbert, 1891-1963 A Methodist saint : the life of Bishop Asbury
BORGEN 287.609 2 As Asbury, Herbert, 1891-1963 Up from Methodism
BORGEN 287.09749 At Atkinson, John, 1835-1897 Memorials of Methodism in New Jersey : from the foundation of the first society in the state in 1770, to the completion of the first twenty years of its history
BORGEN 287.09749 At Atkinson, John, 1835-1897 Memorials of Methodism in New Jersey : from the foundation of the first society in the state in 1770, to the completion of the first twenty years of its history
BORGEN 259.4 Ba Babbitt, Edmond Holt The pastor's pocket manual for hospital and sickroom
BORGEN 266.754 Ba Badley, Brenton T ((Brenton Thoburn)), 1876-1949 Visions and victories in Hindustan : a story of the mission stations of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Southern Asia
BORGEN 266.76 Ba Baker, Frances J The story of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1869-1895
BORGEN 264.209 24 Ba Baker, Frank, 1910- Charles Wesley's verse : an introduction
BORGEN 264.209 24 Ba Baker, Frank, 1910- Charles Wesley's verse : an introduction
BORGEN(P) 265.9 Ba Baker, Frank, 1910-1999 Methodism and the love-feast
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ba Baker, Frank,, 1910- Charles Wesley, : as revealed by his letters.
BORGEN 262.07 Ba Baker, Osmon C ((Osmon Cleander)), 1812-1871 A guide-book in the administration of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 262.07 Ba Baker, Osmon C ((Osmon Cleander)), 1812-1871 A guide-book in the administration of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 268.87 Ba Baldwin, Lewis V, 1949- Plenty good room : a Bible study based on African American spirituals. Student
  Bangs, Nathan, 1778-1862 A history of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 230.044 Ba Bangs, Nathan, 1778-1862 The errors of Hopkinsianism detected and refuted
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Ba Bangs, Nathan, 1778-1862 The life of the Rev. Freeborn Garrettson : compiled from his printed and manuscript journals, and other authentic documents
BORGEN 287.6 Ba Bangs, Nathan, 1778-1862. [from old catalog] An original church of Christ
BORGEN 287.6 Ba Bangs, Nathan. A vindication of Methodist Episcopacy..
BORGEN 287.6 Ba Bangs, Nathan. A vindication of Methodist Episcopacy..
BORGEN 287.633 Ba Banks, John S ((John Shaw)), 1835-1917 A manual of Christian doctrine
  Banks, Louis Albert. [from old catalog] The great promises of the Bible..
BORGEN 234.8 Ba Barker, John H. J. this is the will of God : a study in the doctrine of entire sanctification as a definite experience
BORGEN 287.632 Ba Barnes, Annie M. [from old catalog] Scenes in pioneer Methodism..
BORGEN 287.6 Ba Barr, Josiah Henry Early Methodists under persecution..
BORGEN 287.092 Ba Barr, Josiah Henry. Early Methodists under persecution..
BORGEN 287.632 Ba Barratt, Norris Stanley, 1862- [from old catalog] Barratt's chapel and Methodism, historical address delivered before forty-third Wilmington annual conference
BORGEN 252 Ba Barton, Frederick ((Frederick M.)) Pulpit power and eloquence : or, One hundred best sermons of the nineteenth century
BORGEN 252 Ba Bascom, H. B ((Henry Bidleman)), 1796-1850 Sermons from the pulpit
BORGEN 287.632 Ba Bascom, H. B ((Henry Bidleman)), 1796-1850 The Methodist Church property case : report of the suit of Henry B. Bascom and others vs. George Lane and others : heard before the Hon. judges Nelson and Betts in the Circuit Court, United States, for the Southern District of New-York, May 17-29, 1851
BORGEN 287.7 Ba Bassett, Ancel H, 1809-1886. [from old catalog] A concise history of the Methodist Protestant Church from its origin
BORGEN 287.7 Ba Bassett, Ancel H, 1809-1886. [from old catalog] A concise history of the Methodist Protestant Church from its origin
BORGEN 287 Ba Baxter, Daniel Minort, 1872- [from old catalog] Back to Methodism
BORGEN 264.03 Be Beckwith, Roger T Priesthood and sacraments : a study in the Anglican-Methodist report
BORGEN 252 Be Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 Plymouth pulpit: sermons preached in Plymouth church, Brooklyn
BORGEN 287.6320977 Be Beggs, S. R ((Stephen R.)), b. 1801 Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest : embracing reminiscences and incidents of settlement and growth, and sketches of the material and religious progress of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, with especial reference to
BORGEN 287.092 Be Belcher, Joseph, 1794-1859 George Whitefield: a biography : with special reference to his labors in America
BORGEN 287.092 Be Belcher, Joseph, 1794-1859 George Whitefield: a biography : with special reference to his labors in America
BORGEN 225.7 Be Bengel, Johann Albrecht, 1687-1752. [from old catalog] D. Joh. Alberti Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti : in quo ex nativa verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, soncinnitas, salubritas sensuum coelestium indicatur
BORGEN 234.5 Be Benko, Stephen, 1924- [from old catalog] The meaning of sanctorum communio
BORGEN 287.633755 Be Bennett, William Wallace, 1821-1887 Memorials of Methodism in Virginia : from its introduction into the state, in the year 1772, to the year 1829
BORGEN 252.07 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821 Sermons on various occasions : and most of them of the principal subjects of genuine Christianity
BORGEN 287.092 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821. [from old catalog] [The life of the Rev. John de la Flechere : compiled from the narratives of the Rev. Mr. Wesley]
BORGEN 287.092 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821. [from old catalog] [The life of the Rev. John de la Flechere : compiled from the narratives of the Rev. Mr. Wesley]
BORGEN 287.092 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821. [from old catalog] [The life of the Rev. John de la Flechere : compiled from the narratives of the Rev. Mr. Wesley]
BORGEN 287.092 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821. [from old catalog] The life of the Rev. John W. de la Flechere : compiled from the narrative of Rev. Mr. Wesley; the biographical notes of Rev. Mr. Gilpin; from his own letters, and other authentic documents, many of which were never before published
BORGEN 287.092 Be Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821. [from old catalog] The life of the Rev. John W. de la Flechere : compiled from the narratives of Rev. Mr. Weslely; the biographical notes of Rev. Mr. Gilpin; from his own letters, and other authentic documents, many of which were never before published
BORGEN 264.23 Be Benson, Louis FitzGerald, 1855-1930. [from old catalog] Studies of familiar hymns
BORGEN 270.6485 Be Bergendoff, Conrad John Immanuel, 1895- Olavus Petri and the ecclesiastical transformation in Sweden, 1521-1552 : a study in the Swedish Reformation
BORGEN 264.070 2 Be Berger, Teresa Theologie in Hymnen? : zum Verhèaltnis von Theologie und Doxologie am Beispiel der Collection of Hymns for the use of the "People called Methodists" (1780)
BORGEN 265.1 Be Bethall, Christopher, bp. of Bangor, 1773-1859. [from old catalog] A general view of the doctrine of regeneration in baptism
BORGEN 245.207 Be Bett, Henry, 1876-1953 The hymns of Methodism : in their literary relations
BORGEN 245.207 Be Bett, Henry, 1876-1953 The hymns of Methodism
BORGEN 245.1 Ps [Bible. O. T. Psalms. Eng. Paraphrases. [from old catalog]] The Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts..
BORGEN 220.7 We [Bible. O.T. English. Authorized. 1765] Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament. v.I
BORGEN 220.7 We [Bible. O.T. English. Authorized. 1765] Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament. v.II
BORGEN 220 Ne [Bible. English. Confraternity. 1953] New Catholic edition of the Holy Bible
BORGEN 226 Go [Bible. N.T. English. Revised Standard. 1957] Gospel parallels : a synopsis of the first three Gospels : with alternative readings from the manuscripts and noncanonical parallels : text used is the Revised Standard Version, 1952 : the arrangement follows the Huck-Lietzmann synopsis, ninth edition, 19
BORGEN 283.42 Bi Bicknell, E. J ((Edward John)), 1882-1934 A theological introduction to the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England
BORGEN 239 Bi Binney, Amos, 1802-1878 Binney's Theological compend improved : containing a synopsis of the evidences, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity. Designed for Bible classes, theological students, and young preachers
BORGEN 230 Bi Binney, Amos, 1802-1878. [from old catalog] The theological compend: containing a system of divinity, or a brief view of the evidences, doctrines, morals, and institutions of Christianity : disigned for the Benefit of Families, Bibleclasses,and Sunday-Schools
BORGEN 230 Bi Binney, Amos, 1802-1878. [from old catalog] The theological compend: containing a system of divinity, or a brief view of the evidences, doctrines, morals, and institutions of Christianity : disigned for the Benefit of Families, Bibleclasses,and Sunday-Schools
BORGEN 239 Bi Binney, Amos. [from old catalog] The theological compend.. : containing a system of Divinity ; or a brief view of the evidences, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity ; designed for the bebfit of families, bible classes and sunday schools
BORGEN 224.1 Bi Birch, Bruce C Singing the Lord's song : a study of Isaiah 40-55
BORGEN 232.6 Bl Blackstone, W. E ((William E.)), b. 1841 Jesus is coming
BORGEN 287.609 24 Bl Blanchard, Richard E We remember John : a biography of John W. Branscomb, first bishop elected from Florida Methodism
BORGEN 234.8 Bo Boardman, Henry Augustus, 1808-1880. [from old catalog] The "Higher life" doctrine of sanctification
BORGEN 287.609 24 Bo Boaz, Hiram Abiff, Bp, 1866- [from old catalog] Eighty-four golden years
BORGEN 922.773 Bo Boehm, Henry, 1775-1875 The patriarch of one hundred years : being reminiscences, historical and biographical of Rev. Henry Boehm
BORGEN 287 Bo Boland, J. M. The problem of Methodism
BORGEN 268 Bo Bovard, William Sherman, 1864- [from old catalog] Adults in the Sunday school
BORGEN 252.07 Br Bradburn, Samuel, 1751-1816 Methodism set forth and defended : in a sermon on Acts XXVIII, 22, preached at the opening of Portland-chapel, Bristol, August, 26, 1792
BORGEN 287.092 4 Br Bradley, Sidney Benjamin, 1901- The life of Bishop Richard Whatcoat
BORGEN 922.573 Br Brainerd, David, 1718-1747. [from old catalog] The life and diary of David Brainerd
BORGEN 922.449 2 Br Brandt, Kaspar, 1653-1696 The life of James Arminius..
BORGEN Arkiv 234.163 Br Brevint, Daniel, 1616-1695 The Christian sacrament and sacrifice : by way of discourse, meditation, and prayer upon the nature, parts, and blessings, of the Holy Communion. Missale romanum; or, Depth and mystery of Roman mass: laid open and explained, for the use of both reformed a
BORGEN 280 Br   A brief dictionary of the denominations
BORGEN 220.07 Br Briggs, Charles A ((Charles Augustus)), 1841-1913 Biblical Study : its principles methods and history together with a catalogue of books of reference
BORGEN 287.092 4 Br Bristol, Frank Milton, 1851-1932 The life of Chaplain McCabe, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 264.23 Br   The Broadman hymnal
BORGEN 234.8 Br Brooks, John Rives, 1836- Scriptural sanctification : an attempted solution of the holiness problem
BORGEN 813.54 Br   Brother Mason, the circuit rider : or ten years a Methodist preacher
299.3 Wi Brown, Brian, [from old catalog] The wisdom of the Egyptians : The story of the Egyptians, the religion of the ancient Egyptians, the Ptah-hotep and the Ke'gemini, the "Book of the dead", the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, Egyptian magic, the Book of Thoth
BORGEN 284.2 Br Brown, Francis, 1784-1820 Calvin and Calvinism : defended against certain injurious representations contained in a pamphlet entitled "A sketch of the life and doctrine of the celebrated John Calvin", of which Rev. Martin Ruter claims to be the author
BORGEN r413 Br Brown, Francis, 1849-1916 A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament : with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic
BORGEN 269.209 24 Br Brown, George, b. 1792 The lady preacher : or, the life and labors of Mrs. Hannah Reeves, late the wife of the Rev. Wm. Reeves, D.D., of the Methodist Church
BORGEN 220.9 Br Brown, Lewis The graphic Bible from Genesis to Revelation in animated maps & charts
BORGEN 287 Br Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877 The great iron wheel examined : or, its false spokes extracted, and an exhibition of Elder Graves, its builder
BORGEN 285.1 Br Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. [from old catalog] Helps to the study of Presbyterianism
BORGEN 234.163 Br Bruce, Robert, 1554-1631 The mystery of the Lord's Supper : sermons on the sacrament preached in the Kirk of Edinburgh in A. D. 1589
BORGEN 287.6 Br Brunner, John H. [from old catalog] The union of the churches
BORGEN 269.2 Br Bryan, Dawson C ((Dawson Charles)), 1900- Building church membership through evangelism
BORGEN 287.63209 Bu Buckley, J. M ((James Monroe)), 1836-1920 Constitutional and parliamentary history of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 305.4 Bu Buckley, J. M ((James Monroe)), 1836-1920 The wrong and peril of woman suffrage
BORGEN 287.60973 Bu Buckley, James Monroe, 1836-1920. [from old catalog] A history of Methodists in the United States
BORGEN 230 Bu Buckley, James Monroe, 1836-1920. [from old catalog] The fundamentals and their contrasts
BORGEN 201 Bu Buckley, James Monroe, 1836-1920. [from old catalog] The fundamentals and their contrasts
  Buckley, Ray Christmas moccasins
BORGEN 287.092 Bu Bulmer, Agnes (Collinson), Mrs, 1775-1836. [from old catalog] Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Mortimer: with selections from her correspondence
BORGEN 287.6 Bu Burns, William Henry, 1840-1916 Crisis in Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Bu Burt, William, Bp, 1852-1936 Europe and Methodism
BORGEN 287.6320972 Bu Butler, John Wesley, 1851-1918 History of the Methodist Episcopal church in Mexico : personal reminiscences, present conditions and future outlook
BORGEN 266.023 Bu Butter, [Sarah F. S.] [from old catalog] History of the Women's foreign missionary society, M.E. church
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ca Candler, Warren A ((Warren Akin)), 1857-1941 Bishop Charles Betts Galloway : a prince of preachers and a Christian statesman
BORGEN 238.11 Ca Candler, Warren A ((Warren Akin)), 1857-1941 The Christ and the creed ..
BORGEN 238.11 Ca Candler, Warren A ((Warren Akin)), 1857-1941 The Christ and the creed ..
BORGEN 231.7 Ca Candler, Warren A ((Warren Akin)), 1857-1941 The kingdom of God's dear Son
BORGEN 208.1 Ca Candler, Warren A ((Warren Akin)), 1857-1941 Wit and wisdom of Warren Akin Candler
BORGEN 239 Ca Candler, Warren Akin, bp, 1857-1941. [from old catalog] Christus auctor; a manual of Christian evidences
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ca Cannon, James, 1864-1944 Bishop Cannon's own story : Life as I have seen it
BORGEN 782.27 Ca   Cantate Domino : an ecumenical hymn book
BORGEN 287.773 25 Ca   Cantos del pueblo
BORGEN 287.773 25 Ca   Cantos del pueblo
BORGEN 287.6 Ca Carradine, Beverly, 1848-1919 Pastoral sketches
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ca Carroll, Henry K ((Henry King)), 1848-1931 Francis Asbury in the making of American Methodism
BORGEN 287.609 Ca Carter, Henry, 1874- [from old catalog] The Methodist heritage
BORGEN 234.8 Ca Carter, Thomas, 1817-1888 All for Christ : or, How the Christian may obtain
BORGEN 287.092 Ca Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872 Fifty years as a presiding elder
BORGEN 287.092 Ca Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872. [from old catalog] Autobiography of Peter Cartwright : an American Methodist travelling preacher
BORGEN 287.092 Ca Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872. [from old catalog] Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, the backwoods preacher
BORGEN 287.091 Ca Carvosso, William, 1750-1834. [from old catalog] The great efficacy of simple faith in the atonement of Christ, exemplified in a memoir of Mr. William Carvosso
BORGEN 269.2 Ca Caughey, James, 1810?-1891 Methodism in earnest : being the history of a great revivel in Great Britain in which twenty thousand souls were justified, and ten thousand sanctified, in about six years
BORGEN 269.2 Ca Caughey, James, 1810?-1891 Methodism in earnest : the history of a revival in Great Britain in which twenty thousand souls professed faith in Christ, and ten thousand professed sanctification in connection with the labors of the Rev. James Caughey
BORGEN 236.22 Ch Chambers, Arthur, 1853?-1918 "Our life after death" : or The teaching of the Bible concerning the unseen-world
BORGEN 230.709 Ch Chiles, Robert Eugene Theological transition in American Methodism, 1790-1935
BORGEN 252.03 Ch Church of England Sermons or Homilies : appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory ; to which are added The constitutions and cannons ecclesiastical and The thirty-nine articles of The Church of England
BORGEN 287.09 Ch Church, Leslie Frederic, 1886- [from old catalog] More about the early Methodist people
BPRGEN 287.092 4 Cl Clark, D. W ((Davis Wasgatt)), 1812-1871 Life and times of Rev. Elijah Hedding ..
BORGEN 252.076 Cl Clark, Davis Wasgatt, bp, 1812-1871, [from old catalog] The Methodist Episcopal pulpit : a collection of original sermons from living ministers of the M. E. church
BORGEN 266.022 Cl Clark, Elmer Talmage, 1886-1966 The missionary imperative : addresses delivered at the International missionary conference, Memphis Tennessee
BORGEN 287.633 Cl Clark, Elmer Talmage, 1886-1966 The task ahead : the missionary crisis of the church
BORGEN 265.3 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] A discourse on the nature, design, and institution, of the eucharist or sacrament of the Lord's supper
BORGEN 252 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Discourses on various subjects relative to the being and attributes of God and His works in creation, providence and grace
BORGEN 287.092 4 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the Wesley family
BORGEN 922.742 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the Wesley family
BORGEN 287.092 4 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the Wesley family
BORGEN 287.092 4 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the Wesley family
BORGEN 287.092 4 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the Wesley family
BORGEN 252 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Vol. I
BORGEN 252 Cl Clarke, Adam, 1760?-1832. [from old catalog] Vol. II
BORGEN 922.742 Cl Clarke, Adam, ca. 1762-1832 An account of the infancy, religious, and literary life of Adam Clarke .. : written by one who was intimately acquainted with him from his boyhood to the sixtieth year of his age
BORGEN 922.742 Cl Clarke, Adam, ca. 1762-1832 An account of the infancy, religious, and literary life of Adam Clarke .. : written by one who was intimately acquainted with him from his boyhood to the sixtieth year of his age
BORGEN 922.742 Cl Clarke, Adam, ca. 1762-1832 An account of the infancy, religious, and literary life of Adam Clarke .. : written by one who was intimately acquainted with him from his boyhood to the sixtieth year of his age
BORGEN 220.6 Cl Clarke, Adam, ca. 1762-1832 The preacher's manual : including Clavis biblica; and A letter to a Methodist preacher
BORGEN 253.7 Cl Cleveland, Catharine C ((Catharine Caroline)) The great revival in the West, 1797-1805
253.5 Cl Clinebell, Howard John, 1922- [from old catalog] Mental health through Christian community : the local church's ministry of growth and healing
BORGEN s252.076 Co Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814 The substance of a sermon on the Godhead of Christ, preached at Baltimore, in the state of Maryland, on the 26th day of December, 1784, before the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.09415 Co Cole, Richard Lee, 1878- [from old catalog] One Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.092 Co Colhouer, Thomas H. [from old catalog] Sketches of the founders of the Methodist Protestant church, and its bibliography
BORGEN 287.63209 Co Conable, Francis W. [from old catalog] History of the Genesee annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 248.32 Co   Concerning prayer : its nature, its difficulties and its value
BORGEN 262.12 Co Cooke, Richard J ((Richard Joseph)), 1853-1931 The historic episcopate : a study of Anglican claims and Methodist orders
BORGEN 262.12 Co Cooke, Richard J ((Richard Joseph)), 1853-1931 The historic episcopate : a study of Anglican claims and Methodist orders
BORGEN 287.092 Co Cooper, Mary, 1786-1812 Memoirs of the late Mrs. Mary Cooper, of London : who departed this life, June 22, 1812, in the twenty-sixth year of her age. Extracted from her diary and epistolary correspondence. By Adam Clarke, LL.D
BORGEN 287.6 Co Cooper, Rufus T. Jesuitism in Methodism
BORGEN 225 Cr Craig, Clarence Tucker, 1895-1953 The beginning of Christianity
BORGEN 492.4 Cr Creager, Harold Luther, 1897- Beginners' Hebrew grammar
BORGEN 781.71 Cr Creamer, David. [from old catalog] Methodist hymnology; comprehending notices of the poetical works of John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 Cr Creighton, James, 1736-1819 Elegiac stanzas occasioned by the death of the Rev. Charles Wesley ..
BORGEN s287.092 4 Cr Creighton, James, 1736-1819 Elegiac stanzas occasioned by the death of the Rev. Charles Wesley ..
BORGEN 287.1 Cr Creighton, James, 1736-1819 Poetic miscellanies : written occasionally, and addressed to the author's relatives and particular friends
BORGEN 252 Cr Creighton, Joseph H. [from old catalog] Sermons, lectures and essays
BORGEN 287.1 Cr Crook, William, 1823-1897. [from old catalog] The ancestry of the Wesleys : with special reference to their connexion with Irland
BORGEN 922.773 Cr Crooks, George Richard, 1822-1897 Life and letters of the Rev. John M'Clintock
BORGEN 287.092 4 Cr Crooks, George Richard, 1822-1897 The life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 220.4 Cr Cruden, Alexander, 1699-1770 A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures
BORGEN 265.2 Co Cully, Kendig Brubaker, [from old catalog] Confirmation: history, doctrine, and practice
BORGEN 287 Cu Cummings, A. W. [from old catalog] The early schools of Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Cu Cushman, Ralph S ((Ralph Spaulding)), 1879-1960 The message of stewardship : a book for daily devotions and class study
BORGEN 920 Cy   Cyrus David Foss : 1834-1910
BORGEN 248.4 Da Dale, Robert William, 1829-1895. [from old catalog] Laws of Christ for common life
BORGEN 287.092 4 Da Davey, Cyril James The man who wanted the world : the story of Thomas Coke
BORGEN 287.092 4 Da Davies, Edward, 1830- The Bishop of Africa : or, The life of William Taylor, D.D
BORGEN 287.092 4 Da Davies, Edward, 1830- The Bishop of Africa : or, The life of William Taylor, D.D
BOR 287.542 Da Davies, Rupert E ((Rupert Eric)), 1909-1994 Methodism
BORGEN 287.7 Da Davis, Lyman Edwyn, 1854- Democratic Methodism in America : a topical survey of the Methodist Protestant Church
BORGEN 220.48 Da Davis, W. Hersey ((William Hersey)), 1887-1950 Beginner's grammar of the Greek New Testament
BORGEN 922.773 De Dempsey, Elam Franklin, b. 1878 Atticus Green Haygood ..
BORGEN 287.609 24 De Dempsey, Elam Franklin, b. 1878 Life of Bishop Dickey, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 954 Dh Dharmaraj, Jacob S Colonialism and Christian mission : postcolonial reflections
BORGEN 287.092 Di Dickinson, Peard, 1758-1802. [from old catalog] Memoirs of the life of the Rev. Peard Dickinson
BORGEN 253 Di Dicks, Russell Leslie, 1906- How to make pastoral calls, for ministers and laymen
BORGEN 266.009 2 Dj Djurfeldt, Olof, 1931- [from old catalog] Det nya Afrika
BORGEN 248.4 Do Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751 The rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses with sermon on the care of the soul
BORGEN 248.4 Do Doddridge, Philip, 1702-1751 The rise and progress of religion in the soul : illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses, suited to persons of every character & circumstance, with a devout meditation and prayer added to each chapter
BORGEN 726.5 Do Dolbey, George W The architectural expression of Methodism : the first hundred years
BORGEN 287.609 Do Dorion, Eustache Charles Edouard, 1872- [from old catalog] New England Methodism : the story of the New England Convention of Methodist Men, held in Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., November 11-13,1914
BORGEN 287 In Dorris, Charles E. W. An interesting correspondence : a discussion between C. E. W. Dorris and Miss Nora Yount (Christians) and A. E. Clement, W.H. Lovell, Chas. W. Galloway and Geo W. Nackles (Methodists)
BORGEN 922 Do Dow, Lorenzo, 1777-1834 The dealings of God, man, and the devil
BORGEN 287.092 4 Dr Drew, Samuel, 1765-1833 The life of the Rev. Thomas Coke, LL : D., including in details his various travels and extraordinary missionary exertions, in England, Ireland, America, and the West-Indies
BORGEN 287.09 Dr Drinkhouse, Edward Jacob. [from old catalog] History of Methodist reform, synoptical of general Methodism, 1703 to 1898 : Vol I
BORGEN 210 Dr Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897 Naturens lagar och Andens verld
BORGEN 202 Dr Drury, A. W ((Augustus Waldo)), 1851-1935 Outlines of doctrinal theology : with preliminary chapters on theology in general and theological encyclopedia
BORGEN 289.9 Dr Drury, A. W ((Augustus Waldo)), 1851-1935 The life of Bishop J.J. Glossbrenner of the United Brethren in Christ : with an appendix containing a number of his sermons and sketches
BORGEN 287.092 4 Dr Drury, Augustus Waldo, 1851- [from old catalog] The life of Rev. Philip William Otterbein, founder of the Church of the United brethren in Christ
BORGEN 289.9 Dr Drury, Augustus Waldo, 1851-1935. [from old catalog] Minutes of the annual and general conferences of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ : 1800-1818
BORGEN 287.092 4 Du Du Bose, Horace M ((Horace Mellard)), 1858-1941 Life of Joshua Soule
BORGEN 287 Du Du Bose, Horace M ((Horace Mellard)), 1858-1941 The symbol of Methodism : being an inquiry into the history, authority, inclusions, and uses of the twenty-five articles
BORGEN 203.809 Du Duchesne, L ((Louis)), 1843-1922 Christian worship : its origin and evolution; a study of the Latin liturgy up to the time of Charlemagne
BORGEN 234 Du Dunn, Lewis Romaine, 1822-1898. [from old catalog] Sermons on the higher life ..
BORGEN 914 Du Durbin, John P ((John Price)), 1800-1876 Observations in Europe : principally in France and Great Britain
BORGEN 287.609 24 Du Duren, William Larkin Francis Asbury : founder of the American Methodism and unofficial minister of State
BORGEN 287.092 Du Duren, William Larkin, 1870- The top sergeant of the pioneers : the story of a lifelong battle for an ideal
BORGEN 287.092 Dy Dyer, John Lewis, 1812- The snow-shoe itinerant : An autobiography of the Rev. John L. Dyer, familiarly known as "Father Dyer," of the Colorado conference, Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 232 Ed Edersheim, Alfred, 1825-1889. [from old catalog] The life and times of Jesus the Messiah : Vol I
BORGEN 287.609 Ed Edwards, Maldwyn, 1903-1974 After Wesley
BORGEN 234.161 Es Edwards, Peter, of Portsea, Eng Candid reasons for renouncing the principles of antipaedobaptism : Also, an appendix, containing A short method with the Baptists
BORGEN 269.4 Ek Ekman, Ulf Denna vèalsignade press! : historien om Livets ord
BORGEN 287.092 4 El Elliot, Charles, 1792-1869. [from old catalog] The life of the Rev. Robert R. Roberts, one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church
  Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939 The new spirit
BORGEN 287.632 Em Emory, John, 1789-1835 A defence of "our fathers"
BORGEN 287.092 4 Em Emory, Robert, 1814-1848 The life of the Rev. John Emory, D. D. : one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN Arkiv 287.6 Em Emory, Robert, 1814-1848. [from old catalog] History of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.632 09 Em Emory, Robert. [from old catalog] History of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church..
BORGEN 287.632 Em Empory, John, bp, 1789-1835. [from old catalog] The Episcopal controversy reviewed
BORGEN 812.5 Em Emurian, Ernest K. Dramatized stories of hymns and hymn writers
BORGEN 264 èO   Der èOkumenische Gottesdienst : Grundsèatze und Modelle
BORGEN 922.742 Et Etheridge, J. W ((John Wesley)), 1804-1866 The life of the Rev. Adam Clarke
BORGEN 287.092 4 Et Etheridge, J. W ((John Wesley)), 1804-1866 The life of the Rev. Thomas Coke, D.C.L
BORGEN 238.7 Di Evangelical Methodist Church. [from old catalog] Discipline of the Evangelical Methodist Church : 1953
BORGEN 238.7 Di Evangelical Methodist Church. [from old catalog] Discipline of the Evangelical Methodist Church : 1966-1970
BORGEN 287.63109 Ev Evers, Joseph Calvin, 1926- The history of the Southern Illinois Conference, the Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.092 Ex   The experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
BORGEN 287.092 Ex   The experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
BORGEN 843.4 Fe Fâenelon, Franðcois de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715 Letters of love and counsel
BORGEN 135.430 92 Fa [Fama fraternitatis. English] The fame and confession of the fraternity of R.C., commonly, of the Rosie Cross : with a praeface annexed thereto, and a short declaration of their physicall work
  Farish, Hunter Dickinson, 1897-1945 The circuit rider dismounts
BORGEN 263.041 Fa Farmer, Leslie. [from old catalog] Land of the Gospel
BORGEN 230.03 Fa Farrar, John. [from old catalog] An ecclesiastical dictionary ..
BORGEN 287.092 Fe Feeman, Harlan Luther, 1873- [from old catalog] Francis Asbury's silver trumpet
BORGEN 254.2 Fe Felton, Ralph Almon, 1882- [from old catalog] Church bells in many tongues
BORGEN 287.632 Ff Ffirth, John Truth vindicated, or, A Scriptural essay : wherein the vulgar and frivolous cavils, commonly urged against the Medthodist Episcopal Church are briefly considered in a letter to a friend
  Filson, Floyd V ((Floyd Vivian)), 1896-1980 Opening the New Testament
BORGEN 220.7 Fi Filson, Floyd V ((Floyd Vivian)), 1896-1980 Opening the New Testament
BORGEN 287.6 Fi Finley, James B ((James Bradley)), 1781-1856 Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley; or, Pioneer life in the West
BORGEN 287.63209 Fi Finley, James Bradley, 1781-1856 Sketches of western Methodism : biographical, historical, and miscellaneous. Illustrative of pioneer life
BORGEN 269.2 Fi Finney, Charles Grandison, 1792-1875 Lectures on revivals of religion
BORGEN 252 Fi Finney, Charles Grandison, 1792-1875 Sermons on Gospel themes
BORGEN 287.663 092 4 Fi Finney, Thomas M, 1827- The life and labors of Enoch Mather Marvin, late bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 287.982 4 Fi Fisher, Welthy Honsinger, 1879-1980 Frederick Bohn Fisher
BORGEN 910.4 Fi Fisk, Wilbur, 1792-1839. [from old catalog] Travels on the continent of Europe : viz., in England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands
BORGEN 220.6 Fi Fitchett, W. H ((William Henry)), 1845-1928 Where the higher criticism fails : a critique of the destructive critics
BORGEN 921 Fi Fitzgerald, Oscar P. Sunset views : in three parts
BORGEN 922.773 Fi Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn, bp, 1829-1911. [from old catalog] John B. McFerrin : A biography
  Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn, bp, 1829-1911. [from old catalog] The class-meeting
BORGEN 287.6 Fl Flanigen, J. R. [from old catalog] Methodism; old and new.. : with sketches of some of its early preachers
BORGEN 233.14 Fl Fletcher, Johannes, 1729-1785 Der verdorbene und verlorene zustand des menschen, bewiesen in einer appellation an thatsachen u. die gesunde vernunft
BORGEN 252.07 Fl Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 A dreadful phenomenon described and improved : being a particular account of the sudden stoppage of the river Severn, and of the terrible desolation that happened ... on Thursday morning, May the 27th, 1773 : and the substance of a sermon preached the nex
BORGEN 287.092 Fl Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 The portrait of Saint Paul
BORGEN 273.6 Fl Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 The posthumous works of the Rev. John Fletcher
BORGEN 264.23 Fl Flew, R. Newton ((Robert Newton)), 1886-1962 The hymns of Charles Wesley : a study of their structure
BORGEN 287.092 4 Fl Flint, Charles Wesley, Bp Charles Wesley and his colleagues
BORGEN 325.1 Fl Flom, George T ((George Tobias)), 1871-1960 A history of Norwegian immigration to the United States from the earliest beginning down to the year 1848
BORGEN 287.092 Fl Flood, Theodore L, 1842- Lives of Methodist bishops
BORGEN 226.6 Fo Foakes-Jackson, F. J ((Frederick John)), 1855-1941 The Acts of the apostles
BORGEN 231.3 Fo Folsom, John D ((John Dana)), 1842- The Holy Spirit our helper
BORGEN 287.63206 Fo Ford, Thomas Burgess, 1848-1919. [from old catalog] The presiding eldership structural in the Methodist Episcopal church
  Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 1848-1921 Positive preaching and modern mind
BORGEN 266.34 Fo Foss, Cyrus David, bp, 1834-1910. [from old catalog] From the Himalayas to the equator
BORGEN 230.422 Fo Foster, Randolph S ((Randolph Sinks)), 1820-1903 Objections to Calvinism as it is, ..
BORGEN 287.632 Fo Foster, Randolph Sinks, 1820-1903. [from old catalog] Union of Episcopal Methodisms
BORGEN 287.092 4 Fo Fotsch, Wilhelm. Glaubenshelden
  Fouler, Andrew. [from old catalog] An exposition of the articles of religion of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America
BORGEN 248.52 Fo Fox, Eddie Faith sharing : dynamic christian witnessing by invitation
BORGEN 242.1 Fr Franckforter Theologia germanica : which setteth forth many fair lineaments of divine truth, and saith very lofty and lovely things touching a perfect life
BORGEN 287 Ga Gaddis, Maxwell Pierson, 1811-1888 Foot-prints of an itinerant
  Galloway, Charles B ((Charles Betts)), 1849-1909 Great men and great movements : a volume of addresses
BORGEN 287.092 Ga Gamble, Thomas, 1868-1945 The love stories of John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.111 Ga Garber, Paul Neff, 1899- [from old catalog] That fighting spirit of Methodism
BORGEN 266.7 Ga Garber, Paul Neff, 1899- [from old catalog] The Methodist meeting house
BORGEN 287.097 3 Ga Garber, Paul Neff, 1899- [from old catalog] The romance of American Methodism
  Gates, Edward Percy, 1886- [from old catalog] How to organize a Christian endeavor society
BORGEN 282 Gi Gilbert, Jesse S. The mystery of iniquity or Romanism not Christianity
BORGEN 287.092 4 Gi Gill, Frederick C ((Frederick Cyril)), 1898- Charles Wesley, the first Methodist
BORGEN 287.092 Gi Gillilan, James David Thomas Corwin Iliff : apostle of home missions in the Rocky Mountains
BORGEN 269.209 2 Gl Gledstone, James Paterson. [from old catalog] George Whitefield, M.A., field-preacher
BORGEN 280 Gl   Glieder an einem Leib : die Freikirchen in Selbstdarstellungen
BORGEN 269 Go Godwin, George, 1889-1974 The great revivalists
BORGEN 232 Go Goguel, Maurice, 1880- Jesus and the origins of Christianity : Vol II, The life of Jeus
BORGEN 262.076 Go Goodell, Charles LeRoy, 1854-1937 The drillmaster of Methodism : principles and methods for the class leader and pastor
251.018 Go Goppelt, Leonhard, 1911-1973 The Easter message today : three essays
BORGEN 234.4 Go Gorham, B. Weed ((Barlow Weed)), 1814-1889 God's method with man, or, Sacred scenes along the path to heaven
BORGEN 287.632 Lo Gorrie, P. Douglass Black River and Northern New York conference memorial : second series
BORGEN 287.092 Go Gorrie, Peter Douglass, 1813-1884. [from old catalog] The lives of eminent Methodist ministers
BORGEN 287.092 Go Gorrie, Peter Douglass, 1813-1884. [from old catalog] The lives of eminent Methodist ministers
BORGEN 234.8 Go Goulburn, Edward Meyrick, 1818-1897. [from old catalog] The pursuit of holiness : a sequel to Thoughts on personal religion, intended to carry the reader somewhat farther onward in the spiritual life
BORGEN 287.632 Gr Graves, James R. The great iron wheel : or Republicanism backwards and Christianity reversed
BORGEN 287.633 Gr Graves, James R. The new great iron wheel : An examination of the new M. E. church, South
BORGEN 230 Gr Graves, Kersey, 1813-1883 The world's sixteen crucified saviors : or, Christianity before Christ, containing new, startling, and extraordinary revelations in religious history, which disclose the oriental origin of all the doctrines, principles, precepts, and miracles of the Chris
BORGEN 287.633092778 Gr Gray, Marcus Lemon, 1857- 1806-1906. The centennial volume of Missouri Methodism : Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 016.287 Wo Green, Richard, 1829-1907 The works of John and Charles Wesley : A bibliography: containing an exact account of all the publications issued by the brothers Wesley, arranged in chronological order, with a list of the early editions, and descriptive and illustrative notes
BORGEN 287.092 Gr Green, William M Life and papers of A.L.P. Green, D.D
BORGEN 262.07 Gr Gregg, Samuel [from old catalog] Infant church membership : or the Spiritual and Permanent Character of The Abrahamic Covenant
BORGEN 230 Gr Griffith, Leonard, 1920- Barriers to Christian belief
BORGEN 264.23 Gr Grosart, Alexander Balloch, 1827-1899 Songs of the day and night : or, Three centuries of original hymns for public and private praise and reading. The life-story of Jesus Christ--a cantata ; with other sacred poems
BORGEN 262.001 1 Gr Groscurth, Reinhard, [from old catalog] Kirchenunionen und Kirchengemeinschaft
BORGEN 287.092 4 Gr Grose, George Richmond, 1869- James W. Bashford : pastor, educator, bishop
BORGEN 287.06 Gu Guptill, Roger S Though thousands fall : the story of Melville B. Cox
BORGEN 282.092 4 Gu Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717 Autobiography of Madame Guyon
BORGEN 282.092 4 Gu Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717 Letters of Madame Guyon : being selections of her religious thoughts and experiences
BORGEN 928.4 Gu Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte, 1648-1717 Sweet smelling myrrh : the autobiography of Madame Guyon
239 Ha Haldeman, I. M ((Isaac Massey)), 1845-1933 A king's penknife : or, Why I am opposed to modernism
BORGEN 252.06 Ha Haldeman, I. M ((Isaac Massey)), 1845-1933 Ten sermons on the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ : preached in the First Baptist church, New York City, from October 15 to December 17, 1916
BORGEN 287.6 Ha Hamill, E. J. A discussion on Methodist Episcopacy
BORGEN 287.6758 Ha Hammond, Edmund Jordan. [from old catalog] The Methodist Episcopal church in Georgia, being a brief history of the two Georgia conferences of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Hampson, John,, 1760-1817. Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., : with a review of his life and writings, and a History of Methodism, from it's commencement in 1729, to the present time.
BORGEN 782.23 Ha Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759 Messiah : an oratorio, for four-part chorus of mixed voices, soprano, alto, tenor, and bass soli and piano
BORGEN 261 Ha Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 The Methodist Church in social thought and action
BORGEN 287.632 Ha Harmon, Nolan B ((Nolan Bailey)), 1892- The rites and ritual of Episcopal Methodism : with particular reference to the rituals of the Methodist Episcopal church and to the Methodist Episcopal church, South, respectively
BORGEN 287.6 Ha Harmon, Nolan B ((Nolan Bailey)), 1892- Understanding the Methodist Church
BORGEN 287 Ha Harmon, Nolan B ((Nolan Bailey)), 1892- Understanding the Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6 Ha Harmon, Nolan B ((Nolan Bailey)), 1892- Understanding the Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.07 Ha Harmon, Nolan Bailey, 1892- [from old catalog] The organization of the Methodist Church : historic development and present working structure
377 Ha Harner, Nevin Cowger, 1901-1951 The educational work of the church
  Harris, W. L. [from old catalog] The relation of the Episcopacy to the general conference
BORGEN 262.127 Ha Harris, W. L. [from old catalog] The relation of the Episcopacy to the general conference
Borgen 287.6 Ha Harrison, W. F. [from old catalog] Methodist union, threatened in 1844, was formerly dissolved in 1848 ..
BORGEN 287.09 Ha Harrison, W. P. The high-churchman disarmed : a defense of our Methodist fathers
BORGEN 290 Ha Hartman, Louis O. [from old catalog] Popular aspects of oriental religions
BORGEN 269.2 Ha Hartt, Julian Norris. [from old catalog] Toward a theology of evangelism
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ha Haven, E. O ((Erastus Otis)), 1820-1881 Autobiography of Erastus O. Haven..
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Haven, Gilbert, 1821-1880 Incidents and anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor : for over forty years pastor of the Seaman's Bethel, Boston
BORGEN 285.9 Ha Hawley, Zerah Kent Congregationalism and Methodism
BORGEN 287.6772 He Heller, Herbert L, 1908- [from old catalog] Indiana Conference of the Methodist Church, 1832-1956 : Under the auspices of the Historical Society of the Indiana Conference
BORGEN 250 He Hendrix, E. R ((Eugene Russell)), 1847-1927 Skilled labor for the Master
BORGEN 262.07 He Hensey, James Andrew, 1866- The district superintendent : asset or liability?
BORGEN 262.147 He Hensey, James Andrew, 1866- The itinerancy : its power and peril
BORGEN 262.1576 He Hensey, James Andrew, 1866- The layman in the itinerancy
BORGEN 242 He Hervey, James, 1714-1758. [from old catalog] Meditations and contemplations : to which is prefixed The life of the author
BORGEN 252 Hervey, James. [from old catalog] The whole works of.. : James Hervey..
BORGEN 783.9 We Hildebrandt, Franz, 1909- [from old catalog] Wesley hymn book
BORGEN 016.284 Hi Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim A bibliography of Anabaptism : 1520 - 1630
BORGEN 026.287747 In Historical Records Survey (New York, N.Y.) Inventory of the church archives in New York city : The Methodist Church
BORGEN 286.0973 Hi   The History of American Methodism : Volume I
BORGEN 287.092 Ho Hobart, Chauncey, 1811-1904 Recollections of my life : fifty years of itinerancy in the Northwest
BORGEN 287.909 Ho Hogue, Wilson T ((Wilson Thomas)), 1852-1920 History of the Free Methodist church of North America : Vol.1
BORGEN 287.09 Ho Holden, J. M. M Heartening heritage on a Carolina crescent
BORGEN 813.6 Ho Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926 Excerpts from Samantha among the brethren
BORGEN 813.4 Ho Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926 My wayward pardner : or, My trials with Josiah, America, the Widow Bump, and etcetery
BORGEN 287.0954 Ho Hollister, John Norman The centenary of the Methodist Church in southern Asia
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ho Holt, Ivan Lee, Bp, 1886- [from old catalog] Eugene Russell Hendrix : servant of the kingdom
BORGEN 230.7 Ho Horner, R. C. Notes on Boland : or Mr. Wesley and the Second Work of grace
BORGEN 287.609 Ho Hoskins, Frank W The history of Methodism in Pensacola, Florida : its rise and progress
BORGEN 226.5 Ho Hoskyns, Edwyn Clement, Sir, 1884-1937 The Fourth gospel
BORGEN 287 Ho Hoss, Elijah Embree, bp, 1849-1919 Methodist fraternity and federation : being several addresses and other papers on this general subject
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ho Hoss, Elijah Embree, bp, 1849-1919 William McKendree : a biographical study
BORGEN 264.13 Ho Hostetter, B. David, 1926- Prayers for the seasons of God's people : worship aids for the Revised common lectionary, Year C
BORGEN 287.092 4 Hu Hughes, Edwin Holt, 1866-1950 I was made a minister : an autobiography
BORGEN 264.23 Hu Hultman, J. A. Nya solskensstrålar
BORGEN 287.09 Hy Hyde, A. B ((Ammi Bradford)), 1826-1921 The story of Methodism : tracing the rise and progress of that wonderful religious movement
BORGEN 287.09 Hy Hyde, A. B ((Ammi Bradford)), 1826-1921 The story of Methodism throughout the world : from the beginning to the present time ... giving an account of its various influences and institutions of to-day
BORGEN(P) 287.09 Hy Hyde, A. B ((Ammi Bradford)), 1826-1921 The story of Methodism throughout the world : tracing the rise and progress of that wonderful religious movement
BORGEN 230.7 Hü Hülster, A. Die Christliche glaubenslehre vom standpunkt des Methodismus
BORGEN 232 Ed   Vol II
BORGEN 242.1 Im [Imitatio Christi. English. [from old catalog]] Of the imitation of Christ : in four books
BORGEN 287.092 In Ingerslew, John P. [from old catalog] 5 aar hos biskop Bast
BORGEN 266 Ma International missionary council (4th meeting : 1938 : Madras) "The Madras series", presenting papers based upon the meeting of the International missionary council, at Tambaram, Madras, India, December 12th to 29th, 1938 : Vol I
BORGEN 207 Je International missionary council. [from old catalog] The Jerusalem meeting of the International missionary council, March 24-April 8, 1928 .. : Vol I
BORGEN 287.092 Is   Isaac W. Wiley, late bishop of the M. E. church : A monograph
BORGEN 287.092 Ja Jackson, Thomas The life of the Rev. Robert Newton, D. D
BORGEN 287.092 Ja Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873 Recollections of my own life and times
BORGEN 251.92 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/1 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/3 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/5 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/2 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/6 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 251.92 Ja/4 Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873, [from old catalog] The lives of early Methodist preachers
BORGEN 287.092 Ja Jackson, Thomas, 1783-1873. [from old catalog] The life of the Rev. Robert Newton, D. D
BORGEN 248.481 409 42 Ja Jaeger, Werner Wilhelm, 1888-1961 Two rediscovered works of ancient Christian literature : Gregory of Nyssa and Macarius
BORGEN 287.415 Je Jeffery, Frederick Irish Methodism : an historical account of its traditions, theology, and influence
BORGEN 294.3 Je Jennings, Hargrave, 1817?-1890 Phallicism, celestial and terrestrial, heathen and Christian, its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its foundation in Buddhism : with an essay on mystic anatomy
BORGEN 234.8 Je Jessop, Harry Edward, 1884- [from old catalog] Foundations of doctrine in Scripture and experience
BORGEN 782.27 Je   Jesu meine Freude : Lieder zur Evangelisation
BORGEN 266.02 Jo John, I. G. [from old catalog] Handbook of Methodist missions
BORGEN 206.1 Jo Johnson, Paul Emanuel, 1898- Psychology of pastoral care
BORGEN 287.092 Jo Jones, D. M Charles Wesley : a study
BORGEN 231.7 Jo Jones, E. Stanley The unshakable kingdom and the unchanging person
BORGEN 231.8 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Christ and human suffering
BORGEN 261.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Christ at the Round table
BORGEN 261.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Christ at the Round table
BORGEN 261.7 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Christ's alternative to communism
BORGEN 231.7 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The choice before us
BORGEN 266.023 54 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of every road : a study in Pentecost
BORGEN 266.023 54 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of every road : a study in Pentecost
BORGEN 277.3 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of the American road
BORGEN 232.9 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of the Mount : a working philosophy of life
BORGEN 232.9 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of the Mount : a working philosophy of life
BORGEN 230.41 Le Jones, Levin Thoughts on various subjects
BORGEN 252 Jo Jones, Sam P ((Sam Porter)), 1847-1906 Sam Jones' sermons
BORGEN 287.092 Jo Jones, Sam P, Mrs The life and sayings of Sam P. Jones
BORGEN 264.2303 Ju Julian, John, 1839-1913 A dictionary of hymnology : setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations
BORGEN 287.092 Ke Kelly, Charles H, 1833-1911 Memories
BORGEN 252.07 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton Bp, 1907- Fresh every morning
BORGEN 250 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- With singleness of heart
BORGEN 252.07 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- [from old catalog] Have this mind
BORGEN 251 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- [from old catalog] His word through preaching
BORGEN 287.6 Ke Kern, John A ((John Adam)), 1846-1926 A study of Christianity as organized : its ideas and forms
BORGEN 253.1 Ki Kidder, Daniel Parish, 1815-1891. [from old catalog] The Christian pastorate : its character, responsibilities and duties
BORGEN 262 Ki King, Peter King, Lord, 1669-1734 An inquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, and worship, of the primitive church, that flourished within the first three hundred years after Christ
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ki Kirk, John, 1813-1886 The mother of the Wesleys : a biography
BORGEN 287.536 Ki Kissack, Reginald Church or no church? : A study of the development of the concept of church in British Methodism
  Klein, G. [from old catalog] Den fèorsta kristna katekesen : dess religionshistoriska fèorutsèattningar; en undersèokning
BORGEN 287.091 Kn Knight, Helen C ((Helen Cross)), 1814-1906 Lady Huntington and her friends; or, The revival of the work of God in the days of Wesley, Whitefield, Romaine, Venn, and others in the last century
231.1 Kn Knudson, Albert C ((Albert Cornelius)), 1873-1953 The doctrine of God
BORGEN 201 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- Present tendencies in religious thought
BORGEN 224.06 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- The beacon lights of prophecy : an interpretation of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Deutero-Isaiah
BORGEN 201 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- The philosophy of personalism : A study in the metaphysics of religion
BORGEN 221.6 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- The religious teaching of the Old Testament
BORGEN 289.92 Ko Koontz, Paul Rodes, 1890- The bishops, Church of the United Brethren in Christ
BORGEN 289.92 Ko/2 Koontz, Paul Rodes, 1890- The bishops, Church of the United Brethren in Christ
BORGEN 289.92 Ko/1 Koontz, Paul Rodes, 1890- The bishops, Church of the United Brethren in Christ
BORGEN 266 Kr Kraemer, H ((Hendrik)), 1888-1965 The Christian message in a non-Christian world
BORGEN 130 Kr Kriese, Richard Okkultismus im Angriff
BORGEN 236.8 La Lake, James E. Bishop Foster's heresy
BORGEN 241.2 La Lanahan, John, 1815-1903 The era of frauds in the Methodist Book Concern at New York
BORGEN 253.7 La Langford, Andy Worship and evangelism
BORGEN 287 La/I Lavington, George The enthusiasm of methodists and papist compared..
BORGEN 287 La/II Lavington, George The enthusiasm of methodists and papist compared..
BORGEN 287 Lavington, George The enthusiasm of methodists and papist compared..
BORGEN 232.9 La Laymon, Charles M The life and teachings of Jesus
BORGEN(P) 287.09 Le Lee, James Wideman, 1849-1919. [from old catalog] The illustrated history of Methodism : the story of the origin and progress of the Methodist church
BORGEN 287.609 24 Le Lee, Jesse, 1758-1816 Memoir of the Rev. Jesse Lee : With extracts from his journals
BORGEN 287.09 Le Lee, Jesse, 1758-1816. [from old catalog] A short history of the Methodists, in the United States of America : beginning in 1766, and continued till 1809
BORGEN 287.092 Le Lee, Leroy Madison, 1803-1882. [from old catalog] The life and times of the Rev. Jesse Lee
BORGEN 210 Le Lee, Luther, 1800-1889. Natural theology : or the existence attributes and government of God
BORGEN 289.1 Le Lee, Luthor Universalism examined and refuted..
BORGEN 287.142 Le Lee, Umphrey, 1893- [from old catalog] The historical backgrounds of early Methodist enthusiasm
BORGEN 287 Le Lee, Umphrey, 1893-1958 Our fathers and us : the heritage of the methodists
BORGEN 178 Le Lees, Frederic Richard, 1815-1897 The temperance Bible-commentary: giving at one view, version, criticism, and exposition, in regard to all passages of Holy Writ bearing on 'wine' and 'strong drink,'
BORGEN 922.773 Le Leete, Frederick De Land, Bp, 1866- [from old catalog] Adventures of a traveling preacher
BORGEN 287.092 Le Leete, Frederick DeLand, 1866-1958 Methodist bishops: personal notes and bibliography
BORGEN 271 Le Leete, Frederick DeLand, bp, 1866- Christian brotherhoods
BORGEN 230.7 Le Lerch, David,, 1903- Heil und heiligung bei John Wesley, : dargestellt unter besonderer berèucksichtigung seiner Anmerkungen zum Neuen Testament ...
BORGEN 230.7 Le Lessmann, Thomas Rolle und Bedeutung des Heiligen Geistes in der Theologie John Wesleys : eine Darstellung
BORGEN 265.1 Le Levington, John Scripture baptism defended, and Anabaptist notions proved to be anti-Scriptural novelties
  Lewin, Samuel Aaron, 1877-1953 Sex without fear
BORGEN 262.1 Le Lewis, G. Douglass ((Granville Douglass)), 1934- Meeting the moment : leadership and well-being in ministry
BORGEN 287.609 24 Le Lewis, James, 1864- Francis Asbury : bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 268.87 Le Lewis, Tamara E Plenty good room : a Bible study based on African American spirituals. Leader
BORGEN 287 Li Lidgett, J. S ((John Scott)), 1854-1953 Methodism in the modern world
BORGEN 287.092 Jo Lincoln College (University of Oxford) John Wesley's rooms in Lincoln college, Oxford
BORGEN s 287 Li Lindstrèom, Harald Gustaf êAke, 1905- [from old catalog] John Wesleys budskap och nutidsmèanniskan
403 Li   Lippincott's gazetteer of the world : A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world ..
BORGEN 234 Ll Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn The plight of man and the power of God
BORGEN s287.092 Lo Lockhart, Wilfred Cornett, 1906- [from old catalog] John Fletcher, evangelist
248.5 Lo Lockyer, Herbert Evangelize or fossilize : a stirring call to evangelism
BORGEN 226.96 Lo [Lord's prayer. Polyglot] The Lord's prayer in the principal languages, dialects and versions of the world : printed in type and vernaculars of the different nations
BORGEN 287.632 Lo Loucks, Albert C. Black River and Northern New York conference memorial : third volume
BORGEN 266 Lo Loveland, Gilbert Training world Christians : a handbook in missionary education
  Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 D. Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
  Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 D. Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
  Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 D. Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
  Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 D. Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
BORGEN 922 Sk M'Clintock,John [from old catalog] Sketches of eminent Methodist ministers..
BORGEN 239 Mc M'Comas, Zaccheus Onion A treatise on Christianity : vindicating the Protestant declaration, "The Holy Scriptures are the only, and a sufficient rule of a Christian's faith and practice" ..
BORGEN 782.27 Md M'Dougall, Ellen Mary Lidgett, lady Songs of the church with stories of their writers
BORGEN 922.6 Mc MacClenny, W. E ((Wilbur Earnest)), b. 1875 The life of Rev. James O'Kelly and the early history of the Christian church in the South
BORGEN 248.29 Ma Mackie, Alexander The gift of tongues
BORGEN 920.073 Ma Mains, George Preston, 1844-1930 James Monroe Buckley
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ma Mains, George Preston, 1844-1930. [from old catalog] Francis Asbury
BORGEN 234.8 Ma Mallalieu, Willard F ((Willard Francis)), 1828-1911 The fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ
BORGEN 242 Ma Mallalieu, Willard F ((Willard Francis)), 1828-1911 Words of cheer and comfort
BORGEN 230 Ma   Man's dilemma & God's answer : Broadcast series
BORGEN 264.23 Ma Manning, Bernard Lord, 1892-1941 The hymns of Wesley and Watts : five informal papers
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ma Marlay, John F The life of Rev. Thomas A. Morris, D.D. : late senior bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 230 Ma Martensen, Hans Lassen, 1808-1884. [from old catalog] Den christelige dogmatik
BORGEN 287.609 Ma Martin, Isaac Patton, 1867-1960 Church Street Methodists. Children of Francis Asbury : a history of Church street Methodist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee 1816-1947
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ma Martin, Isaac Patton, 1867-1960 Elijah Embree Hoss, ecumenical Methodist
BORGEN 287.633 Ma Martin, Isaac Patton, 1867-1960 Methodism in Holston
BORGEN 287.6 Ma Marvin, Enoch M. The doctrinal integrity of Methodism
BORGEN 252 Ma Marvin, Enoch Mather, bp, 1823-1877. [from old catalog] Sermons ..
BORGEN 177 Ma Mason, John, 1706-1763. [from old catalog] Self-knowledge : a treatise showing the nature and benefit of that important science with various reflections and observations on human nature
  Mathews, Basil, 1879-1951 The clash of color
BORGEN 922.741 Ma Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, ca. 1742-1810 The life of Darcy, Lady Maxwell, of Pollock : complied from her volumious diary and correspondence and from other authentic documents
BORGEN 922.741 Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, ca. 1742-1810 The life of Darcy, Lady Maxwell, of Pollock
BORGEN 922.741 Ma/1 Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, ca. 1742-1810 The life of Darcy, Lady Maxwell, of Pollock
BORGEN 230.3 Mc McAdoo, Henry Robert, Bp. of Ossory. [from old catalog] The spirit of Anglicanism : a survey of Anglican theological method in the seventeenth century
BORGEN 287.633 092 4 Mc McAnally, D. R ((David Rice)), 1810-1895 The life and labors of Rev. E. M. Marvin, one of the bishops of the M. E. church, South : together with a discussion of some of the more important points of doctrine and principles of church polity taught by the Methodist Episcopal churches
BORGEN 781.71 Mc McCommon, Paul. [from old catalog] Music in the Bible
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mc McConnell, Francis John, 1871-1953 By the way : an autobiography
BORGEN 261.5 Mc McConnell, Francis John, 1871-1953 Public opinion and theology
BORGEN 287.631 Mc McConnell, Francis John, 1871-1953 The essentials of Methodism
BORGEN 287.663 092 4 Mc McConnell, Francis John, bp, 1871- Edward Gayer Andrews
BORGEN 231 Mc McConnell, Francis John, bp, 1871- The diviner immanence
BORGEN 287.09745 Mc McDonald, W ((William)), 1820-1901 History of Methodism in Providence
BORGEN 269.2 Mc McDowell, William Fraser, 1858-1937 That I may save some
BORGEN 248.4 Mc McKerrow, James Clark, 1888- [from old catalog] An introduction to pneumatology
BORGEN 234.16 Mc McLelland, Joseph C The visible words of God : an exposition of the sacramental theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli, 1500-1562
BORGEN 287.09 Mc McTyeire, Holland N., 1824-1889 A history of Methodism..
  McTyeire, Holland Nimmons, 1824-1889 A manual of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church, South : including the decisions of the College of bishops and rules of order applicable to ecclesiastical courts and conferences
BORGEN 287.6 Me Meacham, Albert G. [from old catalog] A compendious history of the rise and progress of the Methodist church..
BORGEN 287 09 Me Meacham, Albert G. [from old catalog] A compendious history of the rise and progress of the Methodist church..
BORGEN 287.092 Me   Memorial of Philip Embury : the first Methodist minister in the new world
BORGEN 263.041 Me Meredith, William Henry, 1844-1911 Pilgrimages to Methodist shrines
BORGEN 262.07 Me Merrill, Stephen Mason, Bp, 1825-1905 A digest of Methodist law : or, Helps in the administration of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 262.07 Me Merrill, Stephen Mason, Bp, 1825-1905 A digest of Methodist law : or, Helps in the administration of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 236.25 Me Merrill, Stephen Mason, bp, 1825-1905. [from old catalog] The New Testament idea of hell
BORGEN 287.092 4 Me Messmore, J. H The life of Edwin Wallace Parker, D. D. : missionary bishop of southern Asia, forty-one years a missionary in India
BORGEN 287 Me   Methodism
BORGEN 287.632 07 Me Methodist Centennial Conference ((1884 : Baltimore, Md) Proceedings, sermon, essays, and adresses of the Centennial Methodist Conference : held in Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 238.7 Do Methodist church (Canada) [from old catalog] The doctrine and discipline of the Methodist church, 1902
BORGEN 287.63109 Ne Methodist Church (U.S.). Conferences Newark Conference centennial history, 1857-1957 : a hundred years of Methodism
BORGEN 262.07415 Ma Methodist Church in Ireland Manual of the laws & discipline of the Methodist Church in Ireland
BORGEN 230.7 Me Methodist Episcopal Church A form of discipline for the ministers, preachers, and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America : considered and approved at a conference held at Baltimore in the State of Maryland on Monday the 27th of December 1784, in which Thomas Coke and
BORGEN(P) 230.7 Me Methodist Episcopal Church A form of discipline for the ministers, preachers, and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America : considered and approved at a conference held at Baltimore in the State of Maryland on Monday the 27th of December 1784, in which Thomas Coke and
BORGEN 230.7 Me Methodist Episcopal Church A form of discipline, principles and doctrines for the ministers, preachers, and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America : considered and approved at a conference held at Baltimore in the State of Maryland on Monday the 27th of December 1784,
BORGEN 287.632 Mi Methodist Episcopal Church Minutes of several conversations between the Rev. Thomas Coke, LL. D., the Rev. Francis Asbury and others : at a conference, begun in Baltimore, in the state of Maryland, on Monday, the 27th. of December, in the year 1784, composing a form of discipline f
BORGEN 203.8 Ri Methodist Episcopal Church Ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.632 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Constitution of the Methodist Episcopal Church : and the constitutions and charters of the several organizations authorized by the General Conference, to which is added the Constitution of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 287.63209 Me Methodist Episcopal church. Conference England History of the New England conference... 1796-1910
Borgen 287.63209 Ba Methodist Episcopal Church. Conferences Baltimore Methodism and the general conference of 1908
BORGEN 287.632 Re Methodist Episcopal church. General conference Reports of the Committee on judiciary of the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, with rulings by the Board of bishops
BORGEN 287.769 Pr Methodist Episcopal church. State convention. Iowa Proceedings of the...Iowa Methodist state convention..
BORGEN 615.852 Re Methodist Society for Medical and Pastoral Psychology Religion and medicine : essays by members of the Methodist Society for Medical and Pastoral Psychology
BORGEN 232.3 Mi Miley, John, 1813-1895 The atonement in Christ ..
BORGEN 289.9 Mi Miller, D.L. Some who led
231.6 Mi Miller, Emory, b. 1834 The evolution of love
BORGEN 234.8 Mi Mills, J. S ((Job Smith)), 1848-1909 Holiness
BORGEN 261.2 Mi Minz, Nirmal, Bishop Mahatma Gandhi and Hindu-Christian dialogue
BORGEN 200.54 Mi Mitchell, J. Murray ((John Murray)), 1815-1904 The great religions of India
BORGEN 287.663 093 4 Mi Mitchell, James, 1818-1903. [from old catalog] The life and times of Levi Scott, D. D., one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 922.742 Mo Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 The life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher : consort and relict of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madeley, Salop
BORGEN 922.742 Mo Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 The life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher : consort and relict of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madeley, Salop
BORGEN 287.092 Mo Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 The life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher : consort and relict of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madeley, Salop
BORGEN 287.1 Mo Moore, Matthew H Sketches of the pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mo Moore, Matthew H Sketches of the pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia
BORGEN 287.6 Mo Moore, Matthew H Sketches of the pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia
BORGEN 376.942 Mo More, Hannah, 1745-1833 Strictures on the modern system of female education : with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune
BORGEN 376.942 More, Hannah, 1745-1833 Strictures on the modern system of female education : with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune
BORGEN 376.942 Mo/1 More, Hannah, 1745-1833 Strictures on the modern system of female education : with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune
BORGEN 248.32 Mo More, Hannah, 1745-1833 The book of private devotion : a series of prayers and meditations; with an introductory essay on prayer
BORGEN 287.312 Mo Morris, T. A. A discourse on Methodist church polity..
BORGEN 252.076 Mo Morris, Thomas A ((Thomas Asbury)), 1794-1874 Sermons on various subjects
BORGEN 265 Mo Mortimer, Alfred G. [from old catalog] The eucharistic sacrifice .. : an historical and theological investigation of the sacrificial conception of the holy eucharist in the christian church
BORGEN 234.5 Mo Moule, C. F. D ((Charles Francis Digby)), 1908-2007 The sacrifice of Christ
BORGEN 287.6 Mo Mouzon, Edwin DuBose, 1869-1937 Fundamentals of Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Mu Munhall, Leader W. Breakers! : Methodism adrift
BORGEN 287.6 Mu Munhall, Leader W. Breakers! : Methodism adrift
BORGEN 252.07 Mu Munsey, William Elbert, 1833-1877. [from old catalog] Sermons and lectures
BORGEN 248.4 Mu Murray, Andrew, 1828-1917 Be perfect! : A message from the Father in Heaven to his children on earth : meditations for a month
BORGEN 234.8 Mu Murray, Andrew, 1828-1917. [from old catalog] Holy in Christ : thoughts on the calling of God's children to be holy as He is holy
BORGEN 287.632 Mu Musgrave, George W. The polity of the Methodist Episcopal church in the United States..
BORGEN 287.6 Na Nall, Torney Otto, 1900- [from old catalog] Vital religion : a crusading church faces its third century
BORGEN 287.6 Na   A Narrative and defence of the proceedings of the Methodist Episcopal church in Baltimore city station, against certain local preachers and lay-memebers of said church..
BORGEN 230.7 Ne Neely, Thomas B ((Thomas Benjamin)), 1841-1925 Doctrinal standards of Methodism, including the Methodist Episcopal churches
BORGEN 262.07 Ne Neely, Thomas B ((Thomas Benjamin)), 1841-1925 The bishops and the supervisional system of the Methodist Episcopal church
287.632 Ne Neely, Thomas B. [from old catalog] The evolution of Episcopacy and organic Methodism
BORGEN 287.631 Ne Neely, Thomas Benjamin, bp, 1841-1924. [from old catalog] American Methodism, its divisions and unification
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ne Neitz, Salomon Das leben und wirken des seligen Johannes Seybert, ersten bischofs der Evangelischen gemeinschaft
BORGEN 283.42 Ne Nelson, Robert. [from old catalog] A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England : with collects and prayers for each solemnity
BORGEN 234.163 Ne   The new week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord's supper..
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ne Newcomer, Christian, 1749-1830 Christian Newcomer, his life, journal and achievements
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ne Newcomer, Christian, 1749-1830 Christian Newcomer, his life, journal and achievements
BORGEN 922.773 Ne Newell, E. F ((Ebenezer Francis)), 1775-1867 Life and observations of Rev. E. F. Newell : who has been more than forty years an itinerant minister in the methodist Episcopla church ..
BORGEN 307.76 Ne Newell, Herbert Andrew, 1869-1934. [from old catalog] Benares, 'the Hindus' holy city : an illustrated guide to places of interest with map
261 Ni Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971 Moral man and immoral society : a study in ethics and politics
321 Ni Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971 The children of light and the children of darkness
BORGEN 287.092 Ni Nind, John Newton, 1854-1921 Mary Clarke Nind and her work : her childhood, girlhood, married life, religious experience and activity, together with the story of her labors in behalf of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 269.209 2 Ni Ninde, Edward Summerfield, 1866-1935 George Whitefield, prophet-preacher
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ni Ninde, Mary Louise, 1858- William Xavier Ninde : a memorial
BORGEN 220.09 Ni Nineham, D. E ((Dennis Eric)), 1921- The Church's use of the Bible : past and present
BORGEN 230.094 3 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, bp, 1867 Some recent phases of German theology
BORGEN 262.147 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, bp, 1867- [from old catalog] Die ordination im methodismus : ein beitrag zur entstehungsgeschichte der kirchlichen selbstèandigkeit der Methodistenkirche
BORGEN 287.09 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, bp, 1867- [from old catalog] kurzgefasste geschichte des methodismus von seinen anfèangen biz zur gegenwart
BORGEN 287.09 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, bp, 1867- [from old catalog] kurzgefasste geschichte des methodismus von seinen anfèangen biz zur gegenwart
BORGEN 208.1   Obras de Wesley
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/13   Obras de Wesley : Cartas, tomo I
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/14   Obras de Wesley : Cartas, tomo II ; Índices
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/6   Obras de Wesley : Defensa del Metodismo
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/11   Obras de Wesley : Diarios, tomo I
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/12   Obras de Wesley : Diarios, tomo II
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/9   Obras de Wesley : Espiritualidad e himnos ; Notas al Nuevo Testamento ; primera parte
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/7   Obras de Wesley : La Vida Cristiana
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/5   Obras de Wesley : Las Primeras Sociedas Metodistas
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/10   Obras de Wesley : Notas al Nuevo Testamento : segunda parte
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/1   Obras de Wesley : Sermonâes, I
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/2   Obras de Wesley : Sermonâes, II
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/3   Obras de Wesley : Sermonâes, III
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/4   Obras de Wesley : Sermonâes, IV
BORGEN 208.1 Ob/8   Obras de Wesley : Tratados Teológicos
BORGEN 287.609769 Oc Ockerman, Foster First United Methodist Church, Lexington, Kentucky : bicentennial history
BORGEN 362.506 274 71 Ol   The old brewery, and the new mission house at the Five Points
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ol Oldham, William Fitzjames, 1854-1937 Thoburn--called of God
BORGEN 287.092 4 Os Osborn, Albert, b. 1849 John Fletcher Hurst : a biography
BORGEN 287.092 Os Osborn, Elbert, 1800-1881. [from old catalog] Passages in the life and ministry of Elbert Osborn : an itinerant minister of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 016.287 Os Osborn, George, 1808?-1891 Outlines of Wesleyan bibliography : or, A record of Methodist literature from the beginning. In two parts: the first containing the publications of John and Charles Wesley ... the second, those of Methodist preachers ..
BORGEN 252.076 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Albert Outler, the churchman
BORGEN 252.076 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Albert Outler, the preacher
BORGEN 251 Ox Oxnam, Garfield Bromley, 1891- [from old catalog] Preaching and the social crisis
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pa Paine, Robert, 1799-1882 Life and times of William M'Kendree : Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 234.8 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Faith and its effects
BORGEN 287.092 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Four years in the Old world : comprising the travels, incidents, and evangelistic labors of
BORGEN 230.7 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Incidental illustrations of the economy of salvation : its doctrines and duties
BORGEN 230.7 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Incidental illustrations of the economy of salvation : its doctrines and duties
BORGEN 262.14 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Promise of the Father : or, A neglected speciality of the last days. Addressed to the clergy and laity of all Christian communities
BORGEN 234.8 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 The way of holiness : with notes by the way; being a narrative of religious experience resulting from a determination to be a Bible Christian
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pa Palmer, Walter C ((Walter Clark)), 1804-1883 Life and letters of Leonidas L. Hamline, D. D., late one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 231.3 Pa Parker, Joseph, 1830-1902. [from old catalog] The Paraclete : an essay on the personality and ministry of the Holy Ghost, with some reference to current discussions
BORGEN 287.63209 Pa Parks, Stephen. [from old catalog] Troy conference miscellany, containing a historical sketch of Methodism ..
BORGEN 265.3 Pa Parris, John R. [from old catalog] John Wesley's doctrine of the sacraments
BORGEN 252 Pa Pattillo, Henry, 1726-1801 Sermons, & c
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pa Paul, John Haywood, 1877- The soul digger : or, Life and times of William Taylor
BORGEN 234 Pa Paul, Robert S ((Robert Sydney)), 1918- The atonement and the sacraments
BORGEN 287.09748 Pa Payton, Jacob Simpson, 1884- Our fathers have told us : the story of the founding of Methodism in western Pennsylvania
BORGEN 922.773 Pe Pearne, Thomas Hall, b. 1820. [from old catalog] Sixty-one of itinerant Christian life in church and state
BORGEN 234.8 Pe Peck, George, 1797-1876. [from old catalog] The Scripture doctrine of Christian perfection stated and defended: with a critical and historical examination of the controversy, ancient and modern, also practical illustrations and advices
BORGEN 234.8 Pe Peck, George, 1797-1876. [from old catalog] The Scripture doctrine of Christian perfection stated and defended: with a critical and historical examination of the controversy, both ancient and modern
BORGEN 287.609 Pe Peck, George. [from old catalog] Early Methodism within the bounds of the old Genessee conference.. : from 1788 to 1828
BORGEN 259.2 Pe Peck, Jonas O. [from old catalog] The probationer's companion : with studies in Pilgrim's progress
BORGEN 287.091 Pe Pennewell, Almer. [from old catalog] A voice in the wilderness : Jesse Walker, "The Daniel Boone of Methodism"
BORGEN 287.6 Pe   The people(s) called Methodist : forms and reforms of their life
BORGEN 254.7 Pe Perkins, Ernest Benson, 1881- Methodist preaching houses and the law : the story of the Model Deed
BORGEN 221 Pf Pfeiffer, Robert H ((Robert Henry)), 1892-1958 Introduction to the Old Testament
BORGEN 234.163 Ph Phillips, J. B ((John Bertram)), 1906-1982 Appointment with God
BORGEN 266.023 Pi Pickett, J. Waskom ((Jarrell Waskom)), b. 1890 Christ's way to India's heart
BORGEN 234.8 Pi Pickett, Leander Lycurgus, 1859- [from old catalog] The Pickett-Smith debate: on entire sanctification; a second blessing : Affirmative: Evangelist L.L. Pickett, of Wilmore, Ky. Negative: Rev. M.A. Smith of North Texas Conference; both of M.E. Church, South
BORGEN 287.09758 Pi Pierce, Alfred Mann, 1874- A history of Methodism in Georgia : February 5, 1736 - June 24, 1955
287.633 092 4 Pi Pierce, Alfred Mann, 1874- Giant against the sky : the life of Bishop Warren Akin Candler
BORGEN 922.742 Pi Piette, Maximin. [from old catalog] La râeaction weslâeyenne dans l'âevolution protestante : âetude d'histoire relgieuse
BORGEN 922 Pi Pike, G. Holden ((Godfrey Holden)), 1836- John Wesley : the man and his mission
BORGEN 287.141 Pi Pike, G. Holden ((Godfrey Holden)), 1836- Wesley and his preachers, their conquest of Britain
BORGEN 287.092 Pi Pinson, William Washington, 1854-1930 George R. Stuart, life and work
BORGEN 287.092 Pi Pinson, William Washington, 1854-1930 Walter Russell Lambuth, prophet and pioneer
BORGEN 287.092 Pl Plyler, A. W The Iron duke of the Methodist itinerancy : an account of the life and labors of Reverend John Tillett of North Carolina
BORGEN 220.09 Po Pollard, Alfred W ((Alfred William)), 1859-1944 Records of the English Bible : the documents relating to the translation and publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611
BORGEN 287.09 Po Porter, James, 1808-1888. [from old catalog] A compendium of Methodism : embracing the history and present condition of its various branches in all countries ; with a defence of its doctrinal, governmental and prudential peculiarities
BORGEN 287.09 Po Porter, James, 1808-1888. [from old catalog] A compendium of Methodism : embracing the history and present condition of its various branches in all countries ; with a defence of its doctrinal, governmental and prudential peculiarities
BORGEN 269.24 Po Porter, James, 1808-1888. [from old catalog] Revivals of religion: their theory, means, obstructions, uses and importance : with duty of Christians in regard to them
BORGEN 287.09 Po Porter, James, 1808-1888. [from old catalog] The revised compendium of Methodism : embracing the history and present condition of its various branches in all countries ; with a defence of its doctrinal, governmental and prudential peculiarities
BORGEN 287 Po Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942 Back to Oxford : a search for the essentials of Methodism
BORGEN 262.11 Po Powell, Thomas, Wesleyan Minister An essay on apostolical succession : being a defence of a genuine protestant ministry, against the exclusive and intolerant schemes of papists and high churchmen; and supplying a general antidote to popery: also, a critique on The apology for apostolical
BORGEN 287 Po Powell, Thomas, Wesleyan Minister An essay on apostolical succession : being a defence of a genuine protestant ministry, against the exclusive and intolerant schemes of papists and high churchmen; and supplying a general antidote to popery: also, a critique on The apology for apostolical
BORGEN 230 Po Poyser, George K., [from old catalog] Orthodoxy in the civil courts
BORGEN 264.2 Hy Presbyterian Church in the United States. [from old catalog] The hymnbook
  [Priapea. Italian & Latin] I carmi priapei
  [Priapea. Italian & Latin] I carmi priapei
BORGEN 264.2 Pr Price, Carl F. [from old catalog] One hundred and one hymn stories
BORGEN 264.23 Pr Price, Carl Fowler, 1881- Curiosities of the hymnal
BORGEN 220.4 Pr Price, Ira Maurice, 1856-1939. [from old catalog] The ancestry of our English Bible
BORGEN 287.633 Pr Price, R. N ((Richard Nye)), b. 1830 Holston Methodism : from its origin to the present time
BORGEN 287.633 Pr Price, R. N ((Richard Nye)), b. 1830 Holston Methodism : from its origin to the present time
BORGEN 268.05 Pr Prince, John Wesley, 1892- Wesley on religious education : a study of John Wesley's theories and methods of the education of children in religion
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pr   Prophetic evangelist : the living legacy of Harry Denman
BORGEN 252.07 Qu Quayle, William Alfred, bp, 1860-1925. [from old catalog] Eternity in the heart
BORGEN 251 Qu Quayle, William Alfred, bp, 1860-1925. [from old catalog] The pastor-preacher
BORGEN 234.23 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 A working faith : by Harris Franklin Rall
BORGEN 227 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 According to Paul
BORGEN 230 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 Christianity : an inquiry into its nature and truth
BORGEN 236.3 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 Modern premillennialism and the Christian hope
BORGEN 230.71 Ra Ralston, Thomas Neely,, 1806-1891. Elements of divinity, : or a concise and comprehensive view of Bible theology : comprising the doctrines, evidences, morals, and institutions of Christianity
  Ralston, Thomas Neely,, 1806-1891. Æfrom old catalogÅ Elements of divinity,
BORGEN 153.83 Ra Ramage, Ian. Battle for the free mind
BORGEN 231.3 Ra Ramm, Bernard L ((Bernard Lawrence)), 1916-1992 The witness of the Spirit
  Randall, Louis. [from old catalog] Sermon ... Maryland annual conference ..
BORGEN 264.23 Ve Randolph, David James (ed.), 1934- Ventures in song
BORGEN 922.773 Ra Ransford, Charles Orrin John Scripps, Methodist preacher, newspaperman
BORGEN 920 Ra Rattenbury, J. Ernest ((John Ernest)), 1870-1963 The conversion of the Wesleys
BORGEN 783.9 Ra Rattenbury, John Ernest, 1870- [from old catalog] The evangelical doctrines of Charles Wesley's hymns
BORGEN 272.092 Ra Rattenbury, Owen Flame of freedom : the romantic story of the Tolpuddle martyrs
  Ray, John The wisdom of god manifested in the works of creation
BORGEN 287.09769 Re Redford, Albert H. [from old catalog] Western cavaliers .. : the Methodist Episcopal church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844
287.633 09 Re Reford A. H. [from old catalog] History of the organization of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ri Rice, Merton Stacher, 1872- William Alfred Quayle : the skylark of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ri Ridgaway, Henry B ((Henry Bascom)), 1830-1895 The life of Edmund S. Janes ..
BORGEN 922.733 Ri Ridgaway, Henry B ((Henry Bascom)), 1830-1895 The life of the Rev. Alfred Cookman : with some account of his father, the Rev. George Grimston Cookman
BORGEN 287.092 Ri Rigg, James H ((James Harrison)), 1821-1909 The living Wesley
BORGEN 241.697 6 Ri   The right choice
BORGEN 287.0978 Ri   The rise of Methodism in the West : being the journal of the Western conference 1800-1811
BORGEN 239 Ri Rishell, C. W ((Charles Wesley)), 1850-1908 The foundations of the Christian faith
BORGEN 287.633 092 4 Ri Rivers, R. H ((Richard Henderson)), 1814-1894 The life of Robert Paine, D. D., bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 230 Ro Roads, Charles, 1855- [from old catalog] Abnormal Christians
BORGEN 824.6 Roberts, William, 1767-1849 Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More : By William Roberts ..
BORGEN 824.6 Ro/1 Roberts, William, 1767-1849 Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More : By William Roberts ..
BORGEN 231.3 Ro Robinson, H. Wheeler ((Henry Wheeler)), 1872-1945 The Christian experience of the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 227.87 Ro Robinson, Theodore H ((Theodore Henry)), 1881-1964 The Epistle to the Hebrews
BORGEN 287.092 Ro Roche, John A ((John Alexander)), 1813-1898 The life of John Price Durbin .. : with an analysis of his homiletic skill and sacred oratory
BORGEN 266.76 Ro Roche, John Alexander, 1813-1898. [from old catalog] The life of Sarah A. Lankford Palmer, Mrs., who for sixty years was the able teacher of entire holiness
BORGEN 287.092 Ro Roche, John Alexander, 1813-1898. [from old catalog] The life of Sarah A. Lankford Palmer, Mrs., who for sixty years was the able teacher of entire holiness
BORGEN 922.741 Ro Rogers, Hester Ann, 1756-1794 An account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Anne Rogers, also a sermon preached on the occasion of her death, October 26, 1794 : to which is added spiritual letters
BORGEN 287.0943 Ro Rott, Ludwig Die englischen Beziehungen der Erweckungsbewegung und die Anfèange des Wesleyanischen Methodismus in Deutschland : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Erweckungsbewegung und des Freikirchentums in Deutchland in der 1. Hèalfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
BORGEN 781.71 Ro Routley, Erik. Church music and theology
BORGEN 287 Ro Rowe, Gilbert Theodore, 1875-1965 The meaning of Methodism : a study in Christian religion
BORGEN 287.092 Ro Rowley, Charles E Apples of gold
BORGEN 398.9 Ru Runes, Dagobert David, 1902- [from old catalog] A dictionary of thought
243 Ru Russell, Arthur J ((Arthur James)) For sinners only
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ru Rust, Richard S ((Richard Sutton)), 1815-1906 Isaac W. Wiley, late bishop of the M. E. church : A monograph
BORGEN 287.6 Ry Ryle, J. C ((John Charles)), 1816-1900 Home truths
BORGEN 922.773 Sa Sandford, P. P ((Peter P.)), 1781 or 2-1857 Memoirs of Mr. Wesley's missionaries to America : Compiled from authentic sources
BORGEN 264.2 Sa Sankey, Ira David, 1840-1908 Gospel hymns nos. 1 to 6
BORGEN 131.33 Sa Sargant, William Walters Battle for the mind
BORGEN 287.092 Sc Schmidt, Martin, 1909- Der junge Wesley als Heidenmissionar und Missionstheologe : ein Beitr. z. Entstehungsgeschichte d. Methodismus
BORGEN s287.092 Sc Schmidt, Martin, 1909- Der junge Wesley als Heidenmissionar und Missionstheologe : ein Beitr. z. Entstehungsgeschichte d. Methodismus
BORGEN 287.092 4 Sc Schmidt, Martin, 1909- John Wesley : a theological biography : from 17th June 1703 until 24th May 1738
BORGEN 287.092 4 Schmidt, Martin, 1909- John Wesley : a theological biography
BORGEN 287.092 Sc Schneeberger, Vilâem Theologische Wurzeln des sozialen Akzents bei John Wesley
BORGEN 922.742 Sc Schofield, Charles Edwin, 1894- [from old catalog] Aldergate and after
BORGEN 922.742 Sc Schofield, Charles Edwin, 1894- [from old catalog] Aldergate and after
248.24 Sc Schofield, Charles Edwin, 1894- [from old catalog] Aldersgate and after
BORGEN 264.2309 Sc Schulz, Walter, 1895- [from old catalog] Die bedeutung der vom angelsa¨chsischen methodismus beeinflussten liederdichtung fu¨r unsere deutschen kirchengesa¨nge,illustriert an den Liedern von Ernst Gebhardt
BORGEN 206.1 Sc Scott, R. B. Y ((Robert Balgarnie Young)), 1899- The relevance of the prophets
BORGEN 234.9 Se Sellon, Walter Arguments against the doctrine of general redemption
BORGEN 252.076 Se   Sermons on miscellaneous subjects
BORGEN 252.076 Se   Sermons on miscellaneous subjects
BORGEN 287.09 Se Sevre, Leif. [from old catalog] The story of the Upper room : 30th anniversary, March-April 1935-1965
BORGEN 306.6 Sh Shackford, John Walter, 1878- ... The program of the Christian religion
BORGEN 287.092 Sh Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919 The story of a pioneer
  Sheldon, Henry C ((Henry Clay)), 1845-1928 New Testament theology
234.16 Sh Sheldon, Henry C ((Henry Clay)), 1845-1928 Sacerdotalism in the nineteenth century : a critical history
BORGEN 230 Sh Sheldon, Henry C ((Henry Clay)), 1845-1928 System of Christian doctrine
BORGEN 287.092 4 Sh Sheridan, Wilbur Fletcher, 1863-1920. [from old catalog] The life of Isaac Wilson Joyce
BORGEN 287.0973 Sh Shipp, Albert Micajah, 1819-1887 The history of Methodism in South Carolina
BORGEN 287.63206 Si Sibley, Hiram L. [from old catalog] The organic law of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 287.092 Si Sigston, James. [from old catalog] Memoir of the life and ministry of Mr. William Bramwell, lately an itinerant Methodist preacher with extracts from his interesting and extensive correspondece
BORGEN 287.092 Si Simon, John S ((John Smith)), 1843-1933 John Wesley : the master-builder
BORGEN 287.092 Si Simon, John S ((John Smith)), 1843-1933 John Wesley and the advance of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Si Simon, John Smith John Wesley and the Methodist societies
BORGEN 287.092 Si Simon, John Smith John Wesley and the Methodist societies
BORGEN 287.092 Si Simon, John Smith, 1843-1933. John Wesley : the last phase
BORGEN 289.5 Si Simonsen, Severin E From the Methodist pulpit into Christian science : and how I demonstrated the abundance of substance and supply
BORGEN 251 Si Simpson, Matthew, 1811-1884. [from old catalog] Lectures on preaching, delivered before the Theological department of Yale college
BORGEN 287.609 Si Simpson, Matthew. [from old catalog] A hundred years of Methodism
BORGEN 264.23 Si Sims, Walter Hines Baptist hymnal
BORGEN 265.1 Sl Slicer, Henry An appeal to the candid of all denominations in which the obligation, subjects and mode of baptism are discussed..
BORGEN 225 Sl Sloan, William Wilson A survey of the Old Testament
BORGEN 231.3 Sm Smeaton, George, 1814-1889. [from old catalog] The doctrine of the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 287.09771 Sm Smeltzer, Wallace Guy, 1900- Methodism on the headwaters of the Ohio : the history of the Pittsburgh Conference of the Methodist Church
BORGEN 269.209 24 Sm Smith, Amanda, 1837-1915 An autobiography : the story of the Lord's dealings with Mrs. Amanda Smith, the colored evangelist; containing an account of her life work of faith, and her travels in America, England, Ireland, Scotland, India, and Africa, as an independent missionary
BORGEN 266.51 Sm Smith, Arthur Henderson, 1845-1932 Rex Christus : an outline study of China
248.5 Sm Smith, Asbury Love abounds : a profile of Harry Denman a modern disciple
BORGEN 234.16 Sm Smith, Charles Ryder, 1873-1956 The sacramental society
BORGEN 287.092 4 Sm Smith, George Gilman, 1836-1913 The life and times of George Foster Pierce.. : with his sketch of Lovick Pierce, D. D., his father
BORGEN 287.092 4 Sm Smith, George Gilman, 1836-1913. [from old catalog] The life and letters of James Osgood Andrew, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church South
BORGEN 287.092 Sm Smith, Henry, b. 1769 Recollections and reflections of an old itinerant : A series of ltters originally published in the Christian advocate and journal and the Western Christian advocate
BORGEN 287.673 Sm Smith, Rembert Gilman, 1878- [from old catalog] Moscow over Methodism?
BORGEN 287.092 Sn Snell, F. J ((Frederick John)), 1862- Wesley and Methodism
  Society for the Encouragement of Pious Young Men in the Ministry in the Protestant Episcopal Churches in Virginia & Maryland Address and constitution of the Society for the Encouragement of Pious Young Men for the Ministry in the Protestant Episcopal Churches of Virginia & Maryland
BORGEN 287.092 So Sommer, J. W. Ernst ((Johann Wilhelm Ernst)), 1881-1952 John Wesley und die soziale Frage
BORGEN 290 So Soper, Edmund Davison, 1876-1961 The religions of mankind
BORGEN 287.092 So Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. The life of Wesley : and the rise and progress of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. The life of Wesley : and the rise and progress of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 So Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. The life of Wesley : and the rise and progress of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 So Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. The life of Wesley : and the rise and progress of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 4 Sp Spreng, S. P ((Samuel Peter)), 1853-1946 The life and labors of John Seybert : first bishop of the Evangelical association
BORGEN 967 Sp Springer, John McKendree, 1873- The heart of Central Africa : mineral wealth and missionary opportunity
BORGEN 266.023675 1 Sp Springer, John McKendree, Bp, 1873- Pioneering in the Congo
BORGEN 287.092 Sp Springer, John McKendree, Bp, 1873- [from old catalog] I love the trail : a sketch of the life of Helen Emily Springer
BORGEN 266.675 1 Sp Springer, John McKendree, bp, 1873- [from old catalog] Christian conquests in the Congo
BORGEN 287.632 St Stafford, Thomas Albert, 1885- [from old catalog] Pension administration in the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.632 St Stafford, Thomas Albert, 1885- [from old catalog] Pension administration in the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.142 82 St Stamp, William Wood, 1801-1877. [from old catalog] The Orphan-house of Wesley : with notices of early Methodism
BORGEN 615.852 St Stanger, Frank Bateman God's healing community
BORGEN 270.09 St Stapleton, A ((Ammon)), 1850-1916 Annals of the Evangelical Association of North America and history of the United Evangelical Church
  Stapleton, A ((Ammon)), 1850-1916 Flashlights on evangelical history
BORGEN 012 St Stearns, Wallace N ((Wallace Nelson)), b. 1866 A manual of patrology : being a concise account of the chief persons, sects, orders, etc., in Christian history from the first century to the period of the reformation, with select bibliographical references
BORGEN 283 St Steele, Allen "The Episcopal church defended" : reviewed: being a vindication of Methodist episcopacy
BORGEN 231.3 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914 ????? Steele's answers
BORGEN 234.8 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914 A defense of Christian perfection : or, A criticism of Dr. James Mudge's "Growth in holiness toward perfection,"
BORGEN 234.8 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914 Jesus exultant : or, Christ no pessimist, and other essays
BORGEN 234.8 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914 Jesus exultant : or, Christ no pessimist, and other essays
BORGEN 234.8 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914. [from old catalog] Half-hours with St. Paul and other Bible readings
BORGEN 231.3 St Steele, Daniel, 1824-1914. [from old catalog] The gospel of the Comforter
BORGEN 248 St Steele, Daniel. Mile-stone papers, doctrinal, ethnical and experimental, on Christian progress
BORGEN 297.092 St Steele, Robert V. P. The vanishing evangelist
BORGEN 242 St Steere, Douglas V ((Douglas Van)), 1901-1995 Doors into life through five devotional classics
BORGEN 287.632 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 A compendious history of American Methodism
BORGEN 262.07 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 An essay on church polity
BORGEN 922.773 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 Life and times of Nathan Bangs, D. D
BORGEN 287.092 4 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 Sketches & incidents
BORGEN 287.092 4 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 Sketches & incidents
BORGEN 264.23 St Stevenson, George J. [from old catalog] The Methodist hymn-book and its associations
BORGEN 287.092 4 St Stevenson, George John, 1818-1888. [from old catalog] Memorials of the Wesley family
BORGEN 262 St Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699 The irenicum : or pacificator: being a reconciler as to church differences
BORGEN 230 St Stokes, Mack B Questions and answers about life and faith
BORGEN 242 St Stookey, Laurence Hull, 1937- This day : a Wesleyan way of prayer
BORGEN 231.3 St Streeter, Burnett Hillman, 1874-1937 The Spirit : the relation of God and man, considered from the standpoint of recent philosophy and science
BORGEN 287.092 St Strickland, W. P ((William Peter)), 1809-1884 The life of Jacob Gruber
BORGEN 287.773 2 St Stringer, Denise L How is it with your soul? : class leader's manual for use with this day
BORGEN 287.773 2 St Stringer, Denise L How is it with your soul? : director's guide for use with this day
BORGEN 287.092 St Strobridge, George Egerton, 1839-1910 Biography of the Rev. Daniel Parish Kidder
BORGEN 242.2 St Sturm, Christoph Christian, 1740-1786. [from old catalog] Reflections on the being and attributes of God and on his works soth in nature and providence for every day in the year
BORGEN (P) 230.7 Su Sulzberger, A. Christliche Glaubenslehre vom methodistischen Standpunkt
BORGEN 230.7 Su Sulzberger, A. Christliche Glaubenslehre vom methodistischen Standpunkt
BORGEN 922.773 Bi Summers, Thomas O ((Thomas Osmond)), 1812-1882 Biographical sketches of eminent itinerant ministers : distinguished, for the most part, as pioneers of Methodism within the bounds of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 252 Su Summers, Thomas O ((Thomas Osmond)), 1812-1882 Sermons by Southern Methodist preachers
BORGEN 261.83 Sw Swaney, Charles Baumer, 1888- [from old catalog] Episcopal Methodism and slavery : with sidelights on ecclesiastical politics
  Sweet, William W. [from old catalog] Circuit-rider days in Indiana
BORGEN 287.6772 Sw Sweet, William Warren [from old catalog] Circuit-rider days in Indiana
BORGEN 287.6771 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881- [from old catalog] Circuit-rider days along the Ohio : being the journals of the Ohio Conference from its organization in 1812 to 1826
BORGEN 241.3 Sw Sweeten, Howard W. Must we sin? : a treatise of the sin question from the standpoint of reason and revelation
BORGEN 266.02368 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 Christian adventures in South Africa
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 Story of my life : an account of what I have thought and said and done in my ministry of more than fifty-three years in Christian lands and among the heathen ..
BORGEN 266.02354 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 Ten years of self-supporting missions in India
BORGEN 287.09 Te Tees, Francis Harrison, 1875- The beginnings of Methodism in England and in America
BORGEN 287 Te Tefft, Benjamin F. [from old catalog] Methodism successful and the internal causes of its success
BORGEN 287.092 Te Telford, John, 1851-1936 The life of John Wesley
BORGEN 226.5 Te Tenney, Merrill C ((Merrill Chapin)), 1904-1985 John: the Gospel of belief : an analytic study of the text
BORGEN 920 Th Thoburn, Isabella, 1840-1901 Phoebe Rowe
BORGEN 287. 092 Th Thoburn, J. M ((James Mills)), 1836-1922 Life of Isabella Thoburn
BORGEN 266.023 Th Thoburn, J. M ((James Mills)), 1836-1922 The Christian conquest of India
BORGEN 287.092 4 Th Thomas, Hiram Washington, 1832-1909. [from old catalog] Life and sermons of Dr. H. W. Thomas ..
BORGEN 230 Th Thomas, T. K The witness of S. K. George
BORGEN 287.092 4 Th Thompson, Henry Adams, 1837- Biography of Jonathan Weaver, D. D. : a bishop in the church of the United Brethren in Christ for thirty-five years
BORGEN 289.9 Th Thompson, Henry Adams, 1837-1920. [from old catalog] Our bishops : a sketch of the origin and growth of the church of the United brethern in Christ as shown in the lives of its distinguished leaders
BORGEN 264.16 Th Thompson, T ((Tom)), d. 1917 The offices of baptism and confirmation
BORGEN 287.092 4 Th Thomson, Edward, b. 1848 Life of Edward Thomson, D.D., LL.D : late a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 266.7 Th Thomson, Edward, Bp, 1810-1870 Our oriental missions ..
BORGEN 234.163 Th Thurian, Max. [from old catalog] The Eucharistic memorial : Part I - The Old Testament
BORGEN 234.163 Th Thurian, Max. [from old catalog] The Eucharistic memorial : Part II - The New Testament
BORGEN 287.63209 Ti Tigert, Jno. J ((John James)), 1856-1906 A constitutional history of American Episcopal Methodism
  Tigert, Jno. J ((John James)), 1856-1906 A constitutional history of American Episcopal Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ti Tigert, John James, 1882-1965 Bishop Holland Nimmons McTyeire : ecclesiastical and educational architect
BORGEN 234 Ti Tillett, Wilbur F ((Wilbur Fisk)), 1854-1936 Personal salvation : studies in Christian doctrine pertaining to the spiritual life
BORGEN 230.7 Do Tillett, Wilbur Fisk, 1854- The doctrines and polity of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 220.07 Ti Tilley, Ethel. [from old catalog] Book of the ages : a course for junior high groups in the vacation church school
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Ti Tipple, Ezra S. [from old catalog] Freeborn Garrettson..
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ti Tipple, Ezra Squier, 1861-1936. [from old catalog] Francis Asbury : the prophet of the long road
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ti Tippy, Worth Marion, 1867- Frontier bishop : the life and times of Robert Richford Roberts
BORGEN 287.092 To Torry, Alvin, b. 1797 Autobiography of Rev. Alvin Torry : first missionary to the Six Nations and the northwestern tribes of British North America
BORGEN 287.0945 To Tourn, Giorgio You are my witnesses : the Waldensians across 800 years
BORGEN 230.7 To Townsend, L. T ((Luther Tracy)), 1838-1922 The controversy between true and pretended Christianity : an essay delivered before the Massachusetts Methodist Convention, held in Boston, Oct. 15, 1868
BORGEN 269.209 73 Tr Tracy, Joseph, 1793?-1874 The great awakening : A history of the revival of religion in the time of Edwards and Whitefield
BORGEN 922.773 Tr Travis, Joseph, 1786-1858 Autobiography of the Rev. Joseph Travis, A. M., a member of the Methodist annual conference : Embracing a succinct history of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; particularly in part of Western Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi
BORGEN 287.092 Tr Treffry, Richard, 1771-1842 Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Benson
BORGEN 378.014 097 3 Tr Trotter, F. Thomas ((Frederick Thomas)), 1926- Politics, morality and higher education : essays in honor of Samuel DuBois Cook
BORGEN 246.588 Tr Troyer, Johannes The cross as symbol & ornament : collected, drawn, and described by Johannes Troyer
BORGEN 221 Tu Tuck, William C. [from old catalog] Step by step introduction to the Old Testament
BORGEN 922 Tu Tuttle, Alexander H. [from old catalog] Nathan Bangs..
BORGEN 262 Ty Tydings, Richard, 1783-1865 A refutation of the doctrine of uninterrupted apostolic succession : with a correction of errors concerning Rev. John Wesley and Dr. Coke. In answer to the Rev. G.T. Chapman, D.D., and others
  Tyerman, Luke, 1819 or 20-1889 The life and times of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., founder of the Methodists
BORGEN 287.092 Ty Tyerman, Luke, 1819 or 20-1889 Wesley's designated successor : the life, letters, and literary labours of the Rev. John William Fletcher
BORGEN 922.742 41 Ty Tyerman, Luke, 1819 or 20-1889. [from old catalog] The life of the Rev. George Whitefield ..
BORGEN 220 Um Umen, Samuel A pathway to the Bible : the Old and New Testaments summarized
BORGEN 248.4 Un Underhill, Evelyn, 1875-1941 The life of the spirit and the life of to-day
BORGEN 204.2 Un Underwood, Alfred Clair, 1885- Conversion : Christian and non-Christian; a comparative and psychological study
BORGEN 220.15 Ur Urquhart, John The wonders of prophecy : or, what are we to believe?
BORGEN 287.092 Va Valencia, Josâe L Under God's umbrella : an autobiography
BORGEN 266.76 Va Van Cott, Maggie Newton, b. 1830 The harvest and the reaper
BORGEN 266.764 Ve Vernon, Walter N Methodism moves across north Texas
BORGEN 287.092 Ve Vernon, Walter N William Stevenson : riding preacher
BORGEN 287.09771 Ve Versteeg, John Marinus, 1888- Methodism : Ohio Area (1812-1962)
BORGEN 269.24 Vi Vincent, H. [from old catalog] A history of the Wesleyan Grove, Martha's vineyard, camp meeting ..
BORGEN 287.09 Dr   Vol II
BORGEN 287.633 Pr   Vol II
BORGEN 287.633 Pr   Vol III
BORGEN 287.633 Pr   Vol V
BORGEN 287.909 Ho   Volume II
BORGEN 202 Wa Wakefield, Samuel. [from old catalog] Et fuldstendigt System af kristleig Theologi : eller En sammentrængt, lettfattelig og systematisk Betragtning over Kristendommenes Beviser, Lærdomme, Moral og Indstiftelser
BORGEN 287.632 Wa Wakeley, J. B ((Joseph Beaumont)), 1809-1875 Lost chapters recovered from the early history of American Methodism
  Wakeley, J. B ((Joseph Beaumont)), 1809-1875 Lost chapters recovered from the early history of American Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Wakeley, J. B ((Joseph Beaumont)), 1809-1875 The heroes of Methodism : containing sketches of eminent Methodist ministers, and characteristic anecdotes of their personal history
BOR 287 Wa (?) Wakeley, J. B ((Joseph Beaumont)), 1809-1875 The heroes of Methodism : containing sketches of eminent Methodist ministers, and characteristic anecdotes of their personal history
BORGEN 265.1 Wall, William, 1647-1728 The history of infant baptism .. : together with Mr. Gale's reflections and Dr. Wall's defence
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Wallace, Adam, 1825-1903. [from old catalog] The parson of the islands : a biography of the Rev. Joshua Thomas; embracing sketches of his contemporaries, and remarkable camp meeting scenes, revival incidents, and reminiscences of the introduction of Methodism on the islands of the Chesapeake, and th
BORGEN 922 Wa Ware, Thomas, 1758-1842. [from old catalog] Sketches of the life and travels of Rev. Thomas Ware, who has been an itinersant Methodist preacher for more than fifty years
BORGEN 261.8 Wa Warner, Wellman Joel, 1897- The Wesleyan movement in the industrial revolution
BORGEN 264.013 Wa Warren, F. E ((Frederick Edward)), 1842-1930 The liturgy and ritual of the ante-Nicene church
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Watkins, William Hamilton, 1815-1881 In memoriam: life and labors of the Rev. William Hamilton Watkins
BORGEN Ref. 220.3 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 A Biblical and theological dictionary: explanatory of the history, manners, and customs of the Jews, and neighbouring nations
BORGEN Ref. 220.3 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 A Biblical and theological dictionary: explanatory of the history, manners, and customs of the Jews, and neighbouring nations
BORGEN 252 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Sermons and sketches of sermons
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Theological institutes : or a view of the evidence, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Theological institutes : or a view of the evidence, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Theological institutes : or a view of the evidence, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Theological institutes : or a view of the evidence, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Theological institutes : or a view of the evidence, doctrines, morals and institutions of Christianity
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Vol. I
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Vol. I
BORGEN 252 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Vol. II
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Vol. II
BORGEN 230 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 Vol. II
BORGEN 239 Wa Watson, Richard. [from old catalog] An apology for the Bible
BORGEN 248.4 Wa Watters, William, 1751-1827 A short account of the Christian experience and ministereal labours, of William Watters
BORGEN 287.536 We Wearmouth, Robert Featherstone, 1882- Methodism and the working-class movements of England, 1800-1850
BOR 248.34 We Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon, 1893- [from old catalog] Time for God
BORGEN 289.9 We Weaver, Jonathan. A practical comment on the confession of faith of the church of the United Brethren in Christ
BORGEN 289.9 We Weaver, Jonathan. [from old catalog] A practical comment on the confession of faith of the church of the United brethren in Christ
251.08 We Webb, Aquilla, b. 1870 One thousand evangelistic illustrations
BORGEN 922 We Weekley, William Marion. [from old catalog] Twenty years on horseback : or itinerating in West Virginia
BORGEN 230.7 We Weissbach, Jèurgen Der neue Mensch im theologischen Denken John Wesleys
264.23 We Wesley, Charles Hymns for the nativity of our Lord
BORGEN(P) 287.092 We Wesley, John John Wesley's Journal : abridged edition
BORGEN 264.070 2 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791 A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
BORGEN 264.23 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791. [from old catalog] Hymns and sacred poems
BORGEN 821.5 We Wesley, Samuel, 1691-1739. [from old catalog] Poems on several occasions
BORGEN 287.607 Mi [Wesleyan Methodist church. [from old catalog]] Minutes of the Methodist conferences, from the first, held in London : Vol III
BORGEN 238.7 Me Wesleyan Methodist Church The Catechisms of the Wesleyan Methodists : compiled and published by order of the British Conference,adapted to the use of Families and Schools connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 238.7 Me Wesleyan Methodist Church The Catechisms of the Wesleyan Methodists : compiled and published by order of The Conference, for the use of the families and schools connected with that body
BORGEN 238.7 Ca Wesleyan Methodist Church The Catechisms of the Wesleyan Methodists : compiled and published by order of the Conference, for the use of the Families and Schools connected with that Body
  Wesleyan Methodist Church. [from old catalog] Minutes of the Methodist conferences, from the first, held in London
BORGEN 287.09 We Wesleyan University (Middletown, Conn.) ...Wesley bicentennial, Wesleyan university
BORGEN 287.092 We Wesleyan University (Middletown, Conn.) ...Wesley bicentennial, Wesleyan university
BORGEN 287.609761 We West, Anson, b. 1832 A history of Methodism in Alabama
BORGEN 221.6 We Westermann, Claus. [from old catalog] Probleme alttestamentlicher Hermeneutik : Aufsa¨tze zum Verstehen des Alten Testament
BORGEN 920.092 We Westin, Gunnar, 1890-1967 Minnen och kommentarer : êAren 1930-1946
BORGEN 155.937 We Weyrich, Walter, 1933- Wir haben gewusst, dass du früher gehen würdest : drei Jahre Zeit zum Sterben und Leben
BORGEN 271.99 Wh Wheeler, Henry Deaconesses ancient and modern..
BORGEN 230.7 Wh Wheeler, Henry, 1835-1925 History and exposition of the twenty-five articles of religion of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.632 We Wheeler, Henry, 1835-1925 One thousand questions and answers concerning the Methodist Episcopal church : its history, government, doctrines, and usages, including the origin, polity, and progress of all other Methodist bodies
BORGEN 266.76 Wh Wheeler, Mary Sparks First decade of the Woman's foreign missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 922.89 Wh White, Alma, b. 1862 Looking back from Beulah
BORGEN 298.9 Wh White, Alma, b. 1862 The New Testament church
BORGEN 289.9 Wh White, Alma, b. 1862 Truth stranger than fiction
BORGEN s283.73 Wh White, William, 1748-1836 Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America
BORGEN 264.23 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 A collection of hymns for social worship : more particularly designed for the use of the tabernacle congregation ; corrected and enlarged with some original hymns
BORGEN 252.07 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 Sermons on various subjects : together with several prayers adapted to the spiritual wants of Christians
BORGEN 287 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770. [from old catalog] Some remarks on a pamphlet, entituled, The enthusiams of Methodists and papists compar'd
BORGEN 248.32 Wh Whittle, D. W. [from old catalog] The wonders of prayer! : ..
BORGEN 287.663 092 4 Wi Wightman, William May, Bp, 1808-1882 Life of William Capers, D. D., one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church, South : including an autobiography
231.765 Wi Wildiers, N. M, 1904- An introduction to Teilhard de Chardin
BORGEN 921 Wi Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898. [from old catalog] The autobiography of an American woman, glimpses of fifty years
BORGEN 231.3 Wi Williams, Charles, 1886-1945 The descent of the Dove : a history of the Holy Spirit in the church
BORGEN 782.5 Wi Williams, Loren R ((Loren Raymond)) Graded choir handbook
BORGEN 230.58 Wi Williston, Seth, 1770-1851 A vindication of some of the most essential doctrines of the reformation : being a reply to objections raised against these doctrines in a late publication, entitled: "The errors of Hopkinsianism detected and refuted; in six letters, by Nathan Bangs ..."
BORGEN 230.74 Wi Williston, Seth, 1770-1851 A vindication of some of the most essential doctrines of the reformation : being a reply to objections raised against these doctrines in a late publication, entitled: "The errors of Hopkinsianism detected and refuted; in six letters, by Nathan Bangs ..."
BORGEN 287.092 4 Wi Wilson, Clarence True, 1872-1939 Matthew Simpson : patriot, preacher, prophet
377 Wi Wilson, Dorothy Frances. [from old catalog] Child psychology and religious education : a book for parents and teachers
BORGEN 287.632 Wi Wilson, James, 1760-1839 Apostolic church government displayed, and the government and system of the Methodist Episcopal Church investigated : to which is added, an appendix, containing a concise dissertation on the nature and duration of the apostolic personal authority and offi
BORGEN 248.24 Wi Wise, Daniel The convert's counsellor : popular objections to Methodism considered and answered
BORGEN 287.092 4 Wi Withrow, W. H ((William Henry)), 1839-1908 Barbara Heck : a tale of early Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Wi Withrow, W. H ((William Henry)), 1839-1908 Barbara Heck : a tale of early Methodism
BORGEN 922.7 Wi Withrow, William Henry, 1839-1908. [from old catalog] Makers of Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Wi Wittke, Carl Frederick, 1892-1971 William Nast, patriarch of German Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Wi Wittke, Carl Frederick, 1892-1971 William Nast, patriarch of German Methodism
BORGEN 234.8 Wo Wood, John Allen, 1828- [from old catalog] Perfect love : or plain things for those who need them
BORGEN 234.8 Wo Wood, John, Allen, 1828- [from old catalog] Perfect love
BORGEN 287.632 Wo Worley, Harry Wescott. [from old catalog] The central conference of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 287.643 Wu Wunderlich, Friedrich, Bp Brèuckenbauer Gottes
BORGEN 266.743 Wu Wunderlich, Friedrich, Bp Brèuckenbauer Gottes
BORGEN 248.4 Wy Wyon, Olive, 1890- Teachings toward Christian perfection : introducing three spiritual classics
BORGEN 201.5 Ya Yap, Kim Hao Doing theology in a pluralistic world
BORGEN 298.092 4 Ye Yeakel, Reuben Bishop Joseph Long .. : the peerless preacher of the Evangelical association
BORGEN 287.092 Yo Young, Jacob, 1776-1859 Autobiography of a pioneer
231.4 An Anderson, Ray Sherman Historical transcendence and the reality of God : A Christological critique
BORGEN 230.082 Ma Mant, Richard, 1776-1848 An appeal to the gospel : or, An inquiry into the justice of the charge, alleged by Methodists and other objectors, that the Gospel is not preached by the national clergy: in a series of discourses delivered before the University of Oxford in the year 181
159.91 Ca Carpenter, William Benjamin, 1813-1885 Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions
BORGEN 012 Ro Robertson, D. B Reinhold Niebuhr's works : a bibliography
BORGEN 012 Ti Tice, Terrence N Schleiermacher bibliography : With brief introds., annotations, and index
4711 De Flon Norske aviser 1763-1969. b1. alfabetisk fortegnelse
BORGEN 016.2 Ke Kepple, Robert J Reference works for theological research : an annotated selective bibliographical guide
BORGEN 016.231.3 Mi Mills, Watson E The Holy Spirit : a bibliography
BORGEN Ref. 016.274 107 Ro Roberts, Richard Owen, 1931- Whitefield in print : a bibliographic record of works by, for, and against George Whitefield : with annotations, biographical, and historical notices, and bibliographies of his associates and contemporaries : the whole forming a literary history of the gr
  Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim A bibliography of Anabaptism, 1520-1630, a sequel, 1962-1974
BORGEN 016.287 Ro Rowe, Kenneth E Methodist union catalog, pre-1976 imprints : Vol I
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol II
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol III
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol IV
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol V
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol VI
BORGEN 016.287 Ro   Vol VII
BORGEN Ja Jarboe, Betty John and Charles Wesley : a bibliography
BORGEN 016.287 1 Gr Green, Richard, 1829-1907 Anti-Methodist publications issued during the eighteenth century : a chronologically arranged and annotated bibliography ... A contribution to Methodist history
BORGEN r016.287 6 05 Me O'Brien, Elmer J Methodist reviews index 1818-1985 : a retrospective index of periodical articles and book reviews
BORGEN 016.289 9 Ko Kostlevy, William, 1952- Holiness manuscripts : a guide to sources documenting the Wesleyan Holiness Movement in the United States and Canada
r030 En   Encyclopædia of religion and ethics
BORGEN 060.42 Ro Robert, Henry M ((Henry Martyn)), 1837-1923 Robert's rules of order, newly revised : a new and enl. ed
BORGEN 070.5 Di   Directory of world Methodist publishing
121 Do Downey, David George, 1858-1935 Modern poets and Christian teaching : Richard Watson Gilder, Edwin Markham, Edward Rowland Sill
123 Qu Quayle, William A ((William Alfred)), 1860-1925 Lowell
BORGEN 131.3 Sc Schuller, Robert Harold Move ahead with possibility thinking
BORGEN 299.936 Ma Malko, George Scientology: the now religion
BORGEN 616.89 O'K O'Kelly, Lawrence I Introduction to psychopathology
150.1954 Ul Ulanov, Ann Belford The unshuttered heart : opening to aliveness/deadness in the self
152.4 Na Nathanson, Donald L Shame and pride : affect, sex, and the birth of the self
158.1 Sp Sparks, James Allen, 1933- Living the bad days : why they come and how to survive
BORGEN 172.4 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- The philosophy of war and peace
BORGEN 174.1 Ta Taylor, Thomas F, 1959- Seven deadly lawsuits : how ministers can avoid litigation and regulation
BORGEN 174.2 Hi Hilton, Bruce First, do no harm : wrestling with the new medicine's life & death dilemmas
BORGEN 174.2 Hi Hilton, Bruce Second opinion : reflecting on contemporary issues in bioethics
BORGEN 174.1 Ro Rolfsrud, Erling Nicolai, 1912-1994 Church etiquette for the layman
BORGEN 178.1 Ur Urwin, Evelyn Clifford, 1884- Methodism and sobriety : the story of a great transformation
BORGEN 200.19 Re Redding, David A The couch and the altar
BORGEN 201 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Is the kingdom of God realism?
201 Kn Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1873- The philosophy of personalism
BORGEN 201 Mc McCulloch, Joseph The divine drama : an essay in imaginative living
202 Po Porteous, Alvin C, 1922- The search for Christian credibility : explorations in contemporary belief
201.5 Do   Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God?
201.76332 Ki Kirk-Duggan, Cheryl A Violence and theology
201.65 St Stroble, Paul E, 1957- What about science and religion? : a study of faith and reason
BORGEN 202.07 An   And the laugh shall be first ; a treasury of religious humor
204.4 Ne Neeld, Elizabeth Harper, 1940- A sacred primer : the essential guide to quiet time and prayer
BORGEN 206.1 Jo Jones, J. William ((John William)), 1836-1909 Christ in the camp : or, Religion in Lee's army
BORGEN 207 Ch   Changing patterns of religious education
BORGEN 207.11 Me Messer, Donald E Calling church & seminary into the 21st century
BORGEN 207.117 6 Tr   Truth & tradition : a conversation about the future of United Methodist theological education
BORGEN 207.1176 Mo Mobley, G. Melton An educated ministry among us
BORGGEN 207.73 Ho Hough, Joseph C Christian identity and theological education
207.5 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Twelve Parables of Jesus
BORGEN 209.04 Pa Paul, Robert S The church in search of its self
BORGEN 209.22 Ro Rowland, Stanley J Men for others
210 Ga Garnett, Arthur Campbell, 1894- A realistic philosophy of religion
BORGEN 210 Ma Marty, Martin E, 1928- Varieties of unbelief
BORGEN 220 Sm Smart, Wyatt Aiken, 1883-1961 Still the Bible speaks
220.046 Co Cook, Stephen L, 1962- The apocalyptic literature
BORGEN 220.088 27 Go Gonzâalez, Catherine Gunsalus How United Methodists study scripture
BORGEN 220.092 Jo Jones, Scott J John Wesley's conception and use of Scripture
BORGEN 220.03 Di   The Dictionary of Bible and religion
BORGEN 220.09 Bi Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Collection The Bible : 100 landmarks from the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Collection : a guide to the inaugural exhibition in the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Galleries
220.1 Fr Froom, Le Roy Edwin, 1890- The prophetic faith of our fathers : the historical development of prophetic interpretation
220.1 Fr Froom, Le Roy Edwin, 1890- The prophetic faith of our fathers : the historical development of prophetic interpretation
220.1 Fr Froom, Le Roy Edwin, 1890- The prophetic faith of our fathers : the historical development of prophetic interpretation
220.1 Fr Froom, Le Roy Edwin, 1890- The prophetic faith of our fathers : the historical development of prophetic interpretation
220.1 Gr Green, Joel B, 1956- Seized by truth : reading the Bible as Scripture
220.1 Le Leach, Ted How does the Bible shape my faith? : a study of biblical interpretation and faith development
BORGEN 220.13 Li Lindsell, Harold, 1913-1998 The battle for the Bible
BORGEN 220.2 He   Helps to the study of the Bible : including introductions to the several books, the history and antiquities of the Jews, the results of modern discoveries and the natural history of Palestine, with copious tables, concordance and indices and a new series
220.3 Ca Calwer Verlagsverein Calwer Bibellexikon, biblisches Handwo¨rterbuch, illustriert
BORGEN 220.3 El Ellison, John W ((John William)), 1920- Nelson's complete concordance of the Revised standard version of the Bible
BORGEN r220.3 In   The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and resear
BORGEN r220.3 In   The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and resear
BORGEN r220.3 In   The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and resear
BORGEN r220.3 In   The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and resear
BORGEN r220.3 In   The Interpreter's dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha, with attention to archaeological discoveries and resear
BORGEN r220.3 Sm Smith, William, 1813-1893 A dictionary of the Bible : comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, natural history and literature
220.4 Cr Cruden, Alexander, 1699-1770 A complete concordance to the Old and New Testament : or, A dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible. With a complete table of proper names with their meanings in the original languages, a concordance to the proper names of the Old and New Testament
220.48 In [Bible. N.T. Greek. 1897] The interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament with the authorized version conveniently presented in the margins for ready reference
220.5 Ma [Bible. English. 1917] The marginal chain-reference Bible
BORGEN 220.52 El Eller, Vernard The language of Canaan and the grammar of feminism
BORGEN 220.52 Li   The living Bible, paraphrased
BORGEN 220.52009 Sh Sheeley, Steven M The Bible in English translation : an essential guide
r220.52 St Strong, James, 1822-1894 Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible
BORGEN 220.520 432 Bi [Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 1989] The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, New Revised Standard Version
BORGEN 220.520 432 Ho [Bible. English. The New King James Version, Red letter Version. 1989] Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments,The New King James Version, The Open Bible expanded edition
BORGEN 220.520433 Ko Kohlenberger, John R The NRSV concordance unabridged : including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books
220.55 Sa   La sacra bibbia ossia l'Antico e il Nuovo Testamento. Versione Riveduta ..
BORGEN 220.6 Ha Harrisville, Roy A His hidden grace : an essay on Biblical criticism
220.601 Me   Methods of biblical interpretation : excerpted from the Dictionary of biblical interpretation
220.601 Sc Schertz, Mary H Seeing the text : exegesis for students of Greek and Hebrew
BORGEN 220.601 Wi Wilson, Paul Scott, 1949- God sense : reading the Bible for preaching
BORGEN 220.608 968 Go Gonzâalez, Justo L Santa Biblia : the Bible through Hispanic eyes
BORGEN 220.608 996 073 Re Reid, Stephen Breck Experience and tradition
BORGEN 220.609 Gr Grant, Robert McQueen, 1917- A short history of the interpretation of the Bible
BORGEN 220.61 Bi   The Bible
220.601 Ca Camery-Hoggatt, Jerry Reading the Good Book well : a guide to biblical interpretation
BORGEN 220.7 Cl Clarke, Adam The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, the text printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes designed as a help to a b
BORGEN 220.7 Cl Clarke, Adam The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, the text printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes designed as a help to a b
BORGEN 220.7 Cl Clarke, Adam The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, the text printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes designed as a help to a b
BORGEN 220.7 Cl Clarke, Adam The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, the text printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes designed as a help to a b
BORGEN 220.7 Cl Clarke, Adam The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the text carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized translation including the marginal readings and parallel texts : with a commentary and critical notes designed as a h
BORGEN 220.82324 Ri Ringgren, Helmer, 1917- Sacrifice in the Bible
BORGEN 220.9505 St   The storyteller's companion to the Bible : volume 5, Old Testament wisdom
BORGEN 220.9505 St   The storyteller's companion to the Bible
BORGEN r220.91 Wr Wright, G. Ernest ((George Ernest)), 1909-1974 The Westminster historical atlas to the Bible
BORGEN 220.92 Ba Banks, Louis Albert, 1855-1933 The great saints of the Bible
BORGEN 220.92 Da Davidson, Donald Mothers in the Bible
Borgen 220.92 Lo Lockyer, Herbert All the men of the Bible : a portrait gallery and reference library of more than 3000 Biblical characters
Borgen 220.92 Lo Lockyer, Herbert All the men of the Bible : a portrait gallery and reference library of more than 3000 Biblical characters
220.92 Pe Peck, George Clarke, 1865-1927 Side-stepping saints
BORGFEN 220.920 82 Lo Lockyer, Herbert All the women of the bible : the life and times of all the women of the bible
BORGEN 220.95 Ke Keller, Werner, 1909- The Bible as history : a confirmation of the Book of Books
220.9505 St   The storyteller's companion to the Bible : volume 1, Genesis
220.9505 St   The storyteller's companion to the Bible : volume eight, Daniel and revelation
221 Ei Eissfeldt, Otto, 1887-1973 The Old Testament : an introduction, including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and also the works of similar type from Qumran: the history of the formation of the Old Testament
BORGEN 221 Ha Hanson, Paul D Old Testament apocalyptic
221.61 Mc McKenzie, Steven L, 1953- The Old Testament : its background, growth & content
221.609 He   Hebrew Bible : history of interpretation
BORGEN 221.920 82 De Dennis, Trevor Sarah laughed
BORGEN 221.922 Og Ogilvie, Lloyd John Lord of the impossible
BORGEN 221.95 We Westermann, Claus A thousand years and a day : our time in the Old Testament
BORGEN 222 Fr Fretheim, Terence E Deuteronomic history
BORGEN 222.1106 Ha Harnish, James A Journeys with the people of Genesis : contemporary insights from the Old Testament
BORGEN 222.11 Ki Kikawada, Isaac M, 1937- Before Abraham was : the unity of Genesis 1-11
    The complete Bible commentary
BORGEN 222.1109 Po Power, W. J. A, 1935- Once upon a time : a humorous re-telling of the Genesis stories
222.1507 Br Brueggemann, Walter Deuteronomy
222.907 Da Day, Linda Esther
222.13 Wi Willis, Timothy M Leviticus
BORGEN 223.206 An Anderson, Bernhard W Out of the depths : the Psalms speak for us today
BORGEN 223.206 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Living the Psalms : a confidence for all seasons
BORGEN 223.206 Re Reid, Stephen Breck Listening in : a multicultural reading of the Psalms
BORGEN 223.207 Br Brueggemann, Walter The message of the Psalms : a theological commentary
BORGEN 223.207 Cl Clifford, Richard J Psalms 73-150
223.2 Sp Spurgeon, C. H ((Charles Haddon)), 1834-1892 The treasury of David
223.7077 Yo Yoder, Christine Elizabeth, 1968- Proverbs
223.906 Ly Lyke, Larry L I will espouse you forever : the Song of Songs and the theology of love in the Hebrew Bible
223.2 Br Brown, Elijah P, 1842-1933 Lifting the latch : an hour with the Twenty-Third Psalm : new thoughts on an old theme
BORGEN 224 Fa Faus, William Arthur The genius of the prophets
224.061 St Stulman, Louis, 1953- You are my people : an introduction to prophetic literature
224.3077 Be Bergant, Dianne Lamentations
BORGEN 224.407 Bl Blackwood, Andrew Watterson, 1915- The other son of man: Ezekiel/Jesus
224.407 Bo Bowen, Nancy R, 1956- Ezekiel
224.507 Go Gowan, Donald E Daniel
BORGEN 224.807 7 Ha Hayes, John Haralson, 1934- Amos : the eighth-century prophet : his times and his preaching
BORGEN 224.906 Ha Harnish, James A God isn't finished with us yet : major promises from the Minor Prophets
BORGEN 225.4 Gr Greenlee, J. Harold ((Jacob Harold)), 1918- Introduction to New testament, textual criticism
BORGEN 225.52 Ne [Bible. N.T. English. New English. 1970] The New English Bible: New Testament
225.5208 Co [Bible. N.T. English. Common English. 2011] Common English Bible : New Testament : a fresh translation to touch the heart and mind
BORGEN 225.52 Ne [Bible. N.T. English. Phillips. 1962] The New Testament in modern English
BORGEN 225.6 Cr Craddock, Fred B The Gospels
BORGEN 225.6 Lo Lohse, Eduard, 1924- The formation of the New Testament
BORGEN 225.6 Mi Minear, Paul Sevier, 1906- Images of the church in the New Testament
225.609 Ne   New Testament, history of interpretation : excerpted from the Dictionary of biblical interpretation
225.61 Ho Holladay, Carl R A critical introduction to the New Testament : interpreting the message and meaning of Jesus Christ
BORGEN 225.66 Ke Kee, Howard Clark Understanding the New Testament
225.66 Ke Kee, Howard Clark Understanding the New Testament
225.66 Ke Kee, Howard Clark Understanding the New Testament
BORGEN 225.67 Mi Minear, Paul Sevier, 1906- The Bible and the historian : breaking the silence about God in biblical studies
225.6088 287 Gr Green, Joel B, 1956- Reading Scripture as Wesleyans
BORGEN 225.92 De Deissmann, Adolf, 1866-1937 Paul : a study in social and religious history
226 Wa [Bible. N.T. English. 1948] The way, the truth, the life : the words of Jesus
BORGEN 226.06 Ki Killinger, John Day by day with Jesus : 365 meditations on the Gospels
  Killinger, John Day by day with Jesus : 365 meditations on the Gospels
226.061 Mu Murphy, Frederick James An introduction to Jesus and the Gospels
BORGEN 226.07 So   Sowers & reapers : a companion to the four Gospels and Acts
BORGEN 226.0922 Un Underwood, Walter L ((Walter Lee)), 1925- The contemporary Twelve : the power of character in today's world
BORGEN 226.2 Fi Fitzgerald, Ernest A There's no other way
BORGEN 226.207 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- The Gospel of Matthew
BORGEN 226.3077 Ni Nineham, D. E ((Dennis Eric)), 1921- The Gospel of St. Mark
BORGEN 226.406 St Stronstad, Roger The charismatic theology of St. Luke
BORGEN 226.607 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- The book of Acts
226.70663 Th Theissen, Gerd The miracle stories of the early Christian tradition
BORGEN 226.9606 Ki Killinger, John The God named hallowed : the Lord's Prayer for today
226.207 Ha Hare, Douglas R. A Matthew
226.30486 Cr Croy, N. Clayton The mutilation of Mark's Gospel
226.306 Pu Purnell, Puck, 1946- Through Mark's eyes : a portrait of Jesus based on the Gospel of Mark
BORGEN 226.4 Ba Barclay, William, 1907-1978 Jesus Christ for today : seven studies i Luke's gospel
BORGEN 226.406 082 Se Seim, Turid Karlsen The double message : patterns of gender in Luke-Acts
226.407 7 Sp Spencer, F. Scott ((Franklin Scott)) The gospel of Luke and Acts of the apostles
BORGEN 226.4 Ca Caird, G. B ((George Bradford)), 1917- The Gospel of St. Luke
BORGEN 226.5 Ca Candler, Warren Akin, bp, 1857-1941. [from old catalog] Practical studies in the Fourth gospel : Volume I
BORGEN 226.5 Do Dodd, C. H ((Charles Harold)), 1884-1973 The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel
BORGEN 226.5 Ca   Volume II
226.5 Sm Smith, D. Moody ((Dwight Moody)) John
226.607 Ga Gaventa, Beverly Roberts The Acts of the Apostles
226.8 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Jesus' parables about discipleship
226.806 Du Duke, Paul Simpson The parables : a preaching commentary
BORGEN 226.806 Fi Fisher, Neal F ((Neal Floyd)), 1936- The parables of Jesus : glimpses of God's reign
BORGEN 226.806 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- The parables: sermons on the stories Jesus told
BORGEN 226.906 092 2 Me Meistad, Tore, 1942- Martin Luther and John Wesley on the Sermon on the mount
BORGEN 226.960 6 Bo Bondi, Roberta C A place to pray : reflections on the Lord's prayer
226.9 606 Go Gordon, Tyrone F.O.C.U.S : living the Lord's prayer
BORGEN 226.960 6 Wi Willimon, William H Lord, teach us : the Lord's prayer & the Christian life
BORGEN 227 Do Dodd, C. H ((Charles Harold)), 1884-1973 The meaning of Paul for today
227.06 Br Braxton, Brad Ronnell Preaching Paul
BORGEN 227.065 Pa [Bible. N.T. English. Revised standard. 1975] Pauline parallels
BORGEN 227.1 Tr Trotter, Mark Grace all the way home : a study of Romans
227.107 Ke Keck, Leander E Romans
227.307 Ro Roetzel, Calvin J 2 Corinthians
227.8107 Fu Furnish, Victor Paul 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians
BORGEN 227.2 Mo Moffatt, James, 1870-1944 The First epistle of Paul to Corinthians
BORGEN 227.206 Ba Baird, William, 1924- The Corinthian church : a Biblical approach to urban culture
BORGEN 227.207 Gl Glen, J. Stanley ((John Stanley)), 1907-1986 Pastoral problems in First Corinthians
BORGEN 228.07 Th Thompson, Leonard L, 1934- Revelation
BORGEN 229 Go [Bible. O.T. English. Goodspeed. 1938] The Apocrypha : an American translation
BORGEN 229 Lo [Bible. N.T. English. 1963] The lost books of the Bible and The forgotten books of Eden
BORGEN 229.8 Go [Gospel of Thomas (Coptic Gospel). English & Coptic] The Gospel according to Thomas
BORGEN 229.95 Go [Gospel of truth] The Gospel of truth : a Valentinian meditation on the gospel
BORGEN 230 Bl Bloesch, Donald G, 1928-2010 Essentials of evangelical theology : Volume one: God, Authority, and Salvation
BORGEN s230 Du Dunnam, Maxie D This is Christianity : leaders guide
BORGEN 230 Du Dunnam, Maxie D This is Christianity
BORGEN 230 Du Dunnam, Maxie D This is Christianity
BORGEN 230 Fi Finney, Charles Grandison, 1792-1875 The promise of the spirit
BORGEN 230 Ge Gerstner, John H ((John Henry)), 1914-1996 The theology of the major sects
BORGEN 230 Go Gonzâalez, Justo L An introduction to Christian theology
BORGEN 230 Ha Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 Understanding the Christian faith
230 Hu Hundley, Raymond C Radical liberation theology : an evangelical response
BORGEN 230 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- I believe
230 La Langford, Andy Is this all there is? : and other big questions about God and life
BORGEN 230 La Lawson, John, 1909- Introduction to Christian doctrine
BORGEN 230 Li Little, Paul E Know why you believe
BORGEN 230 Miley, John, 1813-1895 Systematic theology
BORGEN 230 Mi/2 Miley, John, 1813-1895 Systematic theology
BORGEN 230 Mi/1 Miley, John, 1813-1895 Systematic theology
230 Ne   New and enlarged handbook of Christian theology
BOR 230 Od Oden, Thomas C Agenda for theology
BORGEN 230 Os Osborne, Cecil G The joy of understanding your faith
BORGEN 230 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 A faith for today
230 Ro Robinson, John A. T ((John Arthur Thomas)), 1919-1983 Honest to God
230 Th   Third World liberation theologies : a reader
230.01 Jo Jones, W. Paul ((William Paul)) Theological worlds : understanding the alternative rhythms of Christian belief
230.01 La Lakeland, Paul, 1946- Theology and critical theory : the discourse of the Church
BORGEN 230.03 Zi Ziefle, Helmut W, 1939- Dictionary of modern theological German
230.041 Pe Perdue, Leo G Biblical theology : introducing the conversation
230.041 Pe Perdue, Leo G Biblical theology : introducing the conversation
230.0411 Br Brueggemann, Walter Old Testament theology : an introduction
230.0411 Th   A theological introduction to the Old Testament
230.0415 Du Dunn, James D. G, 1939- New Testament theology : an introduction
BORGEN 230.044 Bo Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945 Jugend und Studium, 1918-1927
BORGEN 230.044 092 Bo Bondi, Roberta C Memories of God : theological reflections on a life
BORGEN 230.044 092 4 Co Cone, James H My soul looks back
BORGEN 230.044 092 4 Co Cox, Harvey Gallagher Just as I am
230.044092 Ba Barrett, Lee C Kierkegaard
BORGEN 230.046 Th   Thy nature and thy name is love : Wesleyan and process theologies in dialogue
BORGEN 230.046 Wi/1 Williams, J. Rodman ((John Rodman)) Renewal theology : God, the world and redemption ; systematic theology from a charismatic perspective
BORGEN 230.046 Wi/2 Williams, J. Rodman ((John Rodman)) Renewal theology : salvation, the Holy Spirit, and Christian living
BORGEN 230.046 Wi Williams, J. Rodman ((John Rodman)) Renewal theology
BORGEN 230.046 24 Kn Knight, Henry H, 1948- A future for truth : evangelical theology in a postmodern world
230.04624 Kn Knight, Henry H, 1948- Is there a future for God's love? : an evangelical theology
BORGEN 230.046 240 92 Ca Callen, Barry L Clark H. Pinnock: journey toward renewal : an intellectual biography
BORGEN 230.07 Ec   Ecumenical & interreligious perspectives : globalization in theological education
BORGEN 230.073 7 Be Beck, Brian E, 1933- Exploring Methodism's heritage : the story of the Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies
BORGEN 230.71 1 Mc McNeal, Reggie Revolution in leadership : training apostles for tomorrow's church
BORGEN 230.071 5 Li   A lifelong call to learn : approaches to continuing education for church leaders
BORGEN 230.08 Si Sigg, Ferdinand, 1902-1965 Ins Herz geschrieben
BORGEN 230.082 Pu Purvis, Sally B, 1945- The power of the cross : foundations for a Christian feminist ethic of community
BORGEN 230.088 042 Ru Ruether, Rosemary Radford Sexism and God-talk : toward a feminist theology
BORGEN 230.089 Go Gonzâalez, Justo L Out of every tribe and nation : Christian theology at the ethnic Roundtable
BORGEN 230.089 96 Re   The recovery of Black presence : an interdisciplinary exploration : essays in honor of Dr. Charles B. Copher
BORGEN 230.089 960 73 Cu   Cut loose your stammering tongue : black theology in the slave narratives
BORGEN 230.08996073 Co Cone, James H For my people : Black theology and the Black church
BORGEN 230.089 960 73 Co Cooper-Lewter, Nicholas C Soul theology : the heart of American Black culture
230.09 Ti Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965 A history of Christian thought, from its Judaic and Hellenistic origins to existentialism
BORGEN 230.0922 Ha   A Handbook of Christian theologians
BORGEN 230.49 Sl Slaatte, Howard Alexander The Arminian arm of theology : the theologies of John Fletcher, first Methodist theologian, and his precursor, James Arminius
230.42 St Stroup, George W, 1944- Calvin
BORGEN 230.490 92 Mu Muller, Richard A ((Richard Alfred)), 1948- God, creation, and providence in the thought of Jacob Arminius : sources and directions of scholastic Protestantism in the era of early orthodoxy
BORGEN 230.510 92 Br Brown, Robert McAfee, 1920- Creative dislocation : the movement of grace
BORGEN 230.510 92 Br Brown, Robert McAfee, 1920- Creative dislocation : the movement of grace
230.57 Os Osterhaven, M. Eugene ((Maurice Eugene)), 1915- The faith of the Church : a Reformed perspective on its historical development
BORGEN 230.580 92 St Steele, Richard B, 1952- "Gracious affection" and "True virtue" according to Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley
BORGEN 230.580 924 Sa Salter, Darius, 1947- Spirit and intellect : Thomas Upham's holiness theology
BORGEN 230.610 92 Iv Ivory, Luther D, 1953- Toward a theology of radical involvement : the theological legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr
BORGEN 230.7 Ca Campbell, Ted Methodist doctrine : the essentials
230.7 Ca Campbell, Ted Methodist doctrine : the essentials
BORGEN 230.7 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- The theology of John Wesley : with special reference to the doctrine of justification
BORGEN 230.7 Co   A Contemporary Wesleyan theology : biblical, systematic, and practical
BORGEN 230.7   A Contemporary Wesleyan theology : biblical, systematic, and practical
BORGEN 230.7 Co   A Contemporary Wesleyan theology : biblical, systematic, and practical
BORGEN 230.7 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Our journey : a Wesleyan view of the Christian way
BORGEN 230.7 Fu   The Future of the Methodist theological traditions
BORGEN 230.7 La Langford, Thomas A Practical divinity : readings in Wesleyan theology
BORGEN 230.7 Langford, Thomas A Practical divinity
BORGEN 230.7 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- The Wesleyan theological heritage : essays of Albert C. Outler
230.7 Po Powe, F. Douglas Just us or justice : moving toward a pan-Methodist theology
BORGEN 230.7 Sp   A Spectrum of thought : essays in honor of Dennis Kinlaw
BORGEN 230.7 St Stokes, Mack B The Bible in the Wesleyan heritage
BORGEN 230.7 Tr   Trinity, community, and power : mapping trajectories in Wesleyan theology
BORGEN 230.7 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) John Wesley's message today
BORGEN 230.7 We   Wesleyan theology : a sourcebook
BORGEN 230.7 We   Wesleyan theology today : a bicentennial theological consultation
BORGEN 230.709 La Langford, Thomas A Practical divinity : theology in the Wesleyan tradition
230.7092 Ma Maddox, Randy L Responsible grace : John Wesley's practical theology
BORGEN 230.709 2 Od Oden, Thomas C John Wesley's scriptural Christianity : a plain exposition of his teaching on Christian doctrine
BORGEN 230.709 2 Re   Rethinking Wesley's theology for contemporary Methodism
BORGEN 230.709 2 Th Thorsen, Donald A. D The Wesleyan quadrilateral : Scripture, tradition, reason & experience as a model of evangelical theology
BORGEN (P) 230.70924 Ha Harper, Steve John Wesley's message for today
BORGEN 230.709 24 Sl Slaatte, Howard Alexander Fire in the brand : an introduction to the creative work and theology of John Wesley
BORGEN 230.71 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Theology in the Wesleyan spirit
BORGEN 230.71 Wy Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs A theology of love : the dynamic of Wesleyanism
BORGEn 230.76 Co Colaw, Emerson S Beliefs of a United Methodist Christian
BORGEN 230.76 Ba   Basic United Methodist beliefs : an evangelical view
BORGEN 230.76 Ca Carder, Kenneth L, 1940- Living our beliefs
BORGEN 230.76 Ch Chilcote, Thomas F United Methodist doctrine
BORGEN 230.76 Do   Doctrine and theology in the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 230.76 Fi Fisher, Neal F ((Neal Floyd)), 1936- Context for discovery
BORGEN 230.76 Gr Grant, C. David, 1949- Thinking through our faith : theology for twenty-first-century Christians
BORGEN 230.76 Ha Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940- Sanctify them in the truth : holiness exemplified
230.76 Hu Hunt, Earl G I have believed : a bishop talks about his faith
BORGEN 230.76 Kl Klaiber, Walter Gelebte Gnade : Grundriss einer Theologie der Evangelisch-methodistischen Kirche
BORGEN 230.76 Kl Klaiber, Walter Living grace : an outline United Methodist theology
BORGEN 230.76 Kl Klaiber, Walter Living grace : an outline United Methodist theology
BORGEN 230.76 La Langford, Thomas A God made known
BORGEN 230.76 Mi Mickey, Paul A, 1937- Essentials of Wesleyan theology : a contemporary affirmation
BORGEN 230.76 St Stokes, Mack B Major United Methodist beliefs
BORGEN 230.76 St Stokes, Mack B Theology for preaching
BORGEN 230.76 Wa Walls, Jerry L The problem of pluralism : recovering United Methodist identity
BORGEN 230.76 Yr Yrigoyen, Charles, 1937- Belief matters : United Methodism's doctrinal standards
BORGEN 230.760 904 5 Ab Abraham, William J ((William James)), 1947- Waking from doctrinal amnesia : the healing of doctrine in the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 230.760 92 Ke Keller, Rosemary Skinner Georgia Harkness : for such a time as this
BORGEN 230.99 St Strachan, Gordon ((Charles Gordon)) The Pentecostal theology of Edward Irving
BORGEN 230.99 Du Dunning, H. Ray, 1926- Grace, faith, and holiness : a Wesleyan systematic theology
BORGEN 230.04 Le Lewis, Edwin, 1881- The faith we declare : the Fondren lectures for 1939
BORGEN 230.0415 Sh Sheldon, Henry C ((Henry Clay)), 1845-1928 New Testament theology
BORGEN 230.082 Cu Cushman, Robert Earl The heritage of Christian thought : essays in honor of Robert Lowry Calhoun
230.092 Lo Lovin, Robin W Reinhold Niebuhr
230.092 Sh Shriver, Donald W H. Richard Niebuhr
r230.203 Le Buchberger, Michael, 1874-1961 Lexikon für theologie und Kirche
BORGEN 230.41 Hi Hildebrandt, Franz,, 1909- This is the message, : a continental reply to Charles Raven,
230.7 Se [Bible. N.T. English. Authorized. 1955] Selections from John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament
BORGEN 230.7 Ho Homrighausen, Elmer George, 1900- [from old catalog] Christianity in America : a crisis
BORGEN 230.7 Le Lewis, Greville Priestley, 1891- An approach to Christian doctrine
BORGEN 230.7 Ly Lyles, Albert M Methodism mocked : the satiric reaction to Methodism in the eighteenth century
BORGEN 230.7 St Stokes, Mack B Major Methodist beliefs
BORGEN 230.7 St Stokes, Mack B The Bible in the Wesleyan heritage
BORGEN 230.7 Wi Williams, Colin W ((Colin Wilbur)), 1921- John Wesley's theology today
230.709 22 Hi Hildebrandt, Franz,, 1909- Christianity according to the Wesleys; : the Harris Rall lectures, 1954, delivered at Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois.
BORGEN 230.709 24 Ha Harper, Steve. John Wesley's message for today /
BORGEN 230.71 We West, Nathaniel. [from old catalog] John Wesley and premillennialism..
BORGEN 230.76 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Going on to salvation : a study in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 230.79 We Minister's conference of Greenville College ( : Greenville, Ill) The Wesleyan message, its scriptures and historical bases : addresses delivered at the 12th annual Ministers' conference, Greenville college, April 10-14 1939
BORGEN 230.8 Ha Hare, Edward, 1774-1818 The principal doctrines of Christianity defended against the errors of Socinianism : being an answer to the Rev. John Grundy's lectures
  Fortman, Edmund J, 1901- The triune god : a historical study of the doctrine of the Trinity
231 Hu Hurtado, Larry W, 1943- God in New Testament theology
BORGEN 231 Ma Matthaei, Sondra Higgins The God we worship
BORGEN 231 Ox Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies (4th : 1969) The living God
  231.044 Tr The Trinitarian controversy
231.044 Je Jenson, Robert W The triune identity : God according to the gospel
231.044 O'D O'Donnell, John J ((John Joseph)), 1944- Trinity and temporality : the Christian doctrine of God in the light of process theology and the theology of hope
BORGEN 231.044 St Stokes, Mack B The Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan heritage : guidebook
BORGEN 231.044 St Stokes, Mack B The Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan heritage
BORGEN 231.1 Mi Miller, John W, 1926- Biblical faith and fathering : why we call God "Father"
BORGEN 231.3 Ho Horton, Stanley M What the Bible says about the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 231.3 Ho Howell, James C, 1955- The kiss of God : 27 lessons on the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 231.3 Kl Klaiber, Walter Embraced by the spirit
BORGEN 231.3 Lo Lockyer, Herbert The Holy Spirit of God
BORGEN 231.3 Mu Murray, Andrew, 1828-1917 The Spirit of Christ : thoughts on the indwelling of The Holy Spirit in the believer and the church
BORGEN 231.3 Oa Oates, Wayne Edward, 1917- The Holy Spirit in five worlds : the psychedelic, the nonverbal, the articulate, the new morality, the administrative
BORGEN 231.3 Ox Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies (1973) The Holy Spirit
231.3 Sc Schweizer, Eduard, 1913-2006 The Holy Spirit
BORGEN 231.3 St Stott, John R. W Baptism & fullness : the work of the Holy Spirit today
231.3 We Wells, David F God the evangelist : how the Holy Spirit works to bring men and women to faith
BORGEN 231.3 Wo Wood, Laurence W, 1941- Truly ourselves, truly the Spirit's : reflections on life in the spirit
231.4 Me Mercadante, Linda A, 1947- Gender, doctrine & God : the Shakers and contemporary theology
231.7 Ha Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 Understanding the kingdom of God
BORGEN 231.8 Em Emerson, James G ((James Gordon)), 1926- Suffering : its meaning and ministry
BORGEN 231.3 Ba Barclay, William, 1907-1978 The promise of the spirit
BORGEN 231.3 De Dewar, Lindsay, b. 1891 The Holy Spirit and modern thought : an inquiry into the historical, theological, and psychological aspects of the Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 231.3 Du Dunn, Lewis R ((Lewis Romaine)), 1822-1898 The mission of the Spirit : or, The office and work of the Comforter in human redemption
BORGEN 231.3 Ma Mahan, Asa, 1799-1889 The baptism of the Holy Ghost
BORGEN 231.3 Ma Mahan, Asa, 1799-1889 The baptism of the Holy Ghost
BORGEN 231.3 Sm Smith, Joseph Henry, 1855-1946 Things of the spirit
BORGEN 231.3 Watkin-Jones, Howard. [from old catalog] The Holy Spirit, from Arminius to Wesley : a study of Christian teaching concerning the Holy Spirit and His place in the Trinity in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
BORGEN 231.7 Mc McClelland, W. Robert ((William Robert)), 1931- God our loving enemy
BORGEN 231.7 St Stafford, Tim, 1950- Knowing the face of God
BORGEN 231.72 Sn Snyder, Howard A Models of the kingdom
231.7652 Pe Peters, Ted, 1941- Can you believe in god and evolution? : a guide for the perplexed
BORGEN 231.765 2 Pe Peters, Ted, 1941- Evolution from creation to new creation : conflict, conversation, and convergence
BORGEN 231.74 Wo Wood, Arthur Skevington Revelation and reason : Wesleyan responses to eighteenth-century rationalism
232 Ch Chilton, Bruce The way of Jesus : to repair and renew the world
BORGEN 232 Lo   The Lord of life : theological explorations of the theme "Jesus Christ--the Life of the World"
BORGEN 232 Ox Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies (3rd : 1965)) The finality of Christ : [papers]
BORGEN 232 Po Poulton, John The feast of life : a theological reflection on the theme "Jesus Christ, the life of the world"
BORGEN 232.089 68 Pe Pedraja, Luis G, 1963- Jesus is my uncle : Christology from a Hispanic perspective
BORGEN 232.1 Ro Rogers, John B, 1941- The birth of God : recovering the mystery of Christmas
BORGEN 232.1 Wi Winter, David Brian Forty days with the Messiah : day-by-day reflections on the words of Handel's oratorio
232.3 At   Atonement and violence : a theological conversation
BORGEN 232.5 Gu Gunter, W. Stephen, 1947- Resurrection knowledge : recovering the Gospel for a postmodern church
232.8 Wi Willimon, William H Why Jesus?
232.1 Br Brooks, Phillips, 1835-1893 New starts in life : and other sermons
BOR 232.5 We Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon, 1893- The Resurrection and the life
BORGEN 232.8 An Anderson, Hugh, 1920- Jesus and Christian origins : a commentary on modern viewpoints
232.9 Bo Booram, Beth Picturing the face of Jesus : encountering Christ through art
BORGEN 232.9 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Christ of the Mount : a working philosophy of life
BORGEN 232.9 Le Lee, John David, 1911- From Bethlehem to Olivet
BORGEN 232.9 Si Singh, Surjit Christology and personality
232.9 We Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon, 1893- It happened in Palestine
232.901 St Strauss, David Friedrich, 1808-1874 The Christ of faith and the Jesus of history : a critique of Schleiermacher's Life of Jesus
BORGEN 232.903 Fo Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969 The Man from Nazareth as his contemporaries saw Him
232.908 Co Cornfeld, Gaalyahu, 1902- The historical Jesus : a scholarly view of the man and his world
232.908 Ke Keck, Leander E A future for the historical Jesus : the place of Jesus in preaching and theology
BORGEN 232.95 Mo Morgan, Robert C, 1933- Who's coming to dinner? : Jesus made known in the breaking of bread
BORGEN 232.96 De Demarest, Victoria Booth-Clibborn The greatest week in history
BORGEN 232.96 Ri Rivkin, Ellis, 1918- What crucified Jesus?
BORGEN 232.97 Ma Marxsen, Willi, 1919-1993 Jesus and Easter : did God raise the historical Jesus from the dead?
BORGEN 232.957 Je Jeremias, Joachim, 1900- The eucharistic words of Jesus
BORGEN 232.96 Be Beach, King D, 1883- Satellites of Calvary
BORGEN 232.96 Mo Morgan, Robert C, 1933- Lift high the cross : choosing the way of the cross
BORGEN 232.96 Sa Sangster, W. E ((William Edwin)), 1900-1960 De møttes på Golgata : var du der-?
232.962 Os Osler, Mark William Jesus on death row : the trial of Jesus and American capital punishment
BORGEN 232.967 Mi Miller, David LeRoy Hells & holy ghosts : a theopoetics of Christian belief
BORGEN 232.991 Mi Mims, Edwin, 1872-1959 The Christ of the poets
233 Br Bringle, Mary Louise Despair : sickness or sin? : hopelessness and healing in the Christian life
233.4 Od Oden, Thomas C Guilt free
BORGEN 233.5 Sh Shostrom, Everett L, 1921- God in your personality : the healing power of love
233.5 Wh   What about the soul? : neuroscience and Christian anthropology
BORGEN 233.14 Fl Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 An appeal to matter of fact and common sense : Or, A rational demonstration of man's corrupt and lost estate ..
BORGEN 233.14 Sm Smith, H. Shelton ((Hilrie Shelton)), 1893- Changing conceptions of original sin : a study in American theology since 1750
234 Fa Farris, Stephen Grace : a preaching commentary
BORGEN 282 Fl Flew, R. Newton ((Robert Newton)), 1886-1962 The idea of perfection in Christian theology : an historical study of the Christian ideal for the present life
BORGEN 234 Gr   Grace upon grace : essays in honor of Thomas A. Langford
BORGEN 234 Ki Kinghorn, Kenneth C The gospel of grace : the way of salvation in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 234 Mo Moffatt, James, 1870-1944 Grace in the New Testament
BORGEN 234 Od Oden, Thomas C The transforming power of grace
BORGEN 234.8 Pe Peters, John Leland Christian perfection and American Methodism
BORGEN 234 Ra Rall, Harris Franklin, 1870-1964 Religion as salvation
BORGEN 234 Tu Turner, George Allen. [from old catalog] The more excellent way : the Scriptural basis of the Wesleyan message
BORGEN 234 Wo Wood, Laurence W, 1941- Pentecostal grace
BORGEN 234 Wo Wood, Laurence W, 1941- Pentecostal grace
BORGEN 234.1 Du Dunn, James D. G, 1939- Baptism in the Holy Spirit : a re-examination of the New Testament teaching on the gift of the Spirit in relation to Pentacostalism today
BORGEN 234.1 En Ensley, Eddie Sounds of wonder : speaking in tongues in the Catholic tradition
BORGEN 234.1 Ki Kinghorn, Kenneth C Gifts of the spirit
BORGEN 234.1 La Larsen, Earnest Holiness
BORGEN 234.1 St Stiles, Jack E The gift of the Holy Spirit
BORGEN 234.1 Tu Tuttle, Robert G, 1941- The partakers : Holy Spirit power for persevering Christians
BORGEN 234.12 Le Lederle, H. I ((Henry I.)) Treasures old and new : interpretations of "Spirit-Baptism" in the charismatic renewal movement
BORGEN 234.13 Be Beuoy, Herbert The heart of a healthy body : helping people find healing and wholeness through the body of Christ : healing ministry within the local church
BORGEN 234.13 Br Bryant, Charles V, 1930- Rediscovering our spiritual gifts : building up the body of Christ through the gifts of the Spirit
BORGEN 234.13 Ha Hawkins, Thomas R Claiming God's promises : a guide to discovering your spiritual gifts
BORGEN 234.13 Sc Schatzmann, Siegfried S A Pauline theology of charismata
BORGEN 234.13 Wa Wagner, James K Blessed to be a blessing
234.16 Ba   Baptism, Eucharist & ministry, 1982-1990 : report on the process and responses
BORGEN 234.16 Ec   Ecumenical perspectives on Baptism, eucharist, and ministry
BORGEN 234.16 0882044 Wh White, James F The sacraments in Protestant practice and faith
BORGEN 234. 160 882 7 St Staples, Rob L Outward sign and inward grace : the place of sacraments in Wesleyan spirituality
BORGEN 234.161 Cu Cullmann, Oscar Baptism in the New Testament
BORGEN 234.161 Fe Felton, Gayle Carlton, 1942- This gift of water : the practice and theology of baptism among Methodists in America
BORGEN 234.161 Ma Maas, Robin, 1939- Living hope : baptism and the cost of Christian witness
BORGEN Arkiv 234.161 209 24 Na Naglee, David Ingersoll, 1930- From font to faith : John Wesley on infant baptism and the nurture of children
BORGEN 234.161 209 24 Na Naglee, David Ingersoll, 1930- From font to faith : John Wesley on infant baptism and the nurture of children
BORGEN 234.163 Op Theologisches Gesprèach (7th : 1976 : Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain) Das Opfer Christi und das Opfer der Christen : siebtes Theologisches Gesprèach zwischen Vertretern der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche und der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland vom 6. bis 10. Juni 1976 in der Evangelischen Akademie Arnoldshain
234.163 Wa Wainwright, Geoffrey, 1939- Eucharist and eschatology
BORGEN 234.163 Wi Willimon, William H Sunday dinner : the Lord's Supper and the Christian life
BORGEN 234.163 0924 Ra Raitt, Jill The eucharistic theology of Theodore Beza : development of the Reformed doctrine
BORGEN 234.2 Sc Schaper, Donna Hard times : sermons on hope
234.23 Gi Giles, Terry A doubter's guide to heaven : walking a path from doubt to trust
234.25 Ma Marshall, Ellen Ott, 1970- Though the fig tree does not blossom : toward a responsible theology of Christian hope
BORGEN 234.4 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 Whitefield & Wesley on the New Birth
BORGEN 234.7 Ta Tamez, Elsa The amnesty of grace : justification by faith from a Latin American perspective
BORGEN 234.8 Dr Drury, Keith W Holiness for ordinary people
BORGEN 234.8 Du Dunning, H. Ray, 1926- A layman®s guide to sanctification
BORGEN 234.8   Exploring Christian holiness
BORGEN 234.8 Pa Parrott, Leslie, 1922- What is sanctification?
BORGEN 234.8 Re   Reaching beyond : chapters in the history of perfectionism
BORGEN 234.8 Ta Taylor, Th. D. The theological formulation
BORGEN 234.8 Ty Tyson, John R Charles Wesley on sanctification : a biographical and theological study
BORGEN 234.8 Wo Wood, J. A ((John Allen)), b. 1828 Perfect love, or, Plain things for those who need them : concerning the doctrine, experience, profession, and practice of Christian holiness
BORGEN 234.9 Gr   The Grace of God, the will of man : a case for Arminianism
BORGEN 234.9 Wy Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian theology
BORGEN 234.1 Wa Watson, Philip S ((Philip Saville)), 1909-1983 The concept of grace : essays on the way of divine love in human life
234.163 Cl Cleland, James T. [from old catalog] Wherefore art thou come?
BORGEN 234.2 Mi Miller, C. W The conflict of centuries
BORGEN 234.4 Ba Baillie, John, 1886-1960 Baptism and conversion : [lectures]
234.5 Ta Taylor, Vincent, 1887-1968 Forgiveness and reconciliation : a study in New Testament theology
BORGEN 234.8 At Atkinson, J. Baines ((Joseph Baines)) The beauty of holiness
BORGEN 234.8.Ma Mahan, Asa, 1799-1889 Scripture doctrine of Christian perfection : with other kindred subjects, illustrated and confirmed in a series of discourses designed to throw light on the way of holiness
BORGEN 234.8 Me Merrill, Stephen Mason, Bp, 1825-1905 Sanctification : right views and other views
BORGEN 234.8 Me Merrill, Stephen Mason, Bp, 1825-1905 Sanctification : right views and other views
BORGEN 234.8 Sc Scott, Percy John Wesleys Lehre von der Heiligung : verglichen mit einem lutherisch-pietistischen Beispiel
BORGEN 234.8 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Christian perfection as taught by John Wesley
BORGEN 234.8 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Christian perfection as taught by John Wesley
BORGEN 235.409015 Fe Ferguson, Everett, 1933- Demonology of the early Christian world
235.2 Sa Sangster, W. E ((William Edwin)), 1900-1960 The pure in heart : a study in Christian sanctitiy
BORGEN 236 Ef Efird, James M End-times : rapture, antichrist, millennium : What the bible says
BORGEN 236.2 Pa Page, Allen F Life after death : what the Bible says
BORGEN 236.21 Na Naglee, David Ingersoll, 1930- From everlasting to everlasting : John Wesley on eternity and time
BORGEN 236.21 Na Naglee, David Ingersoll, 1930- From everlasting to everlasting : John Wesley on eternity and time
BORGEN 236.21 Na Naglee, David Ingersoll, 1930- From everlasting to everlasting : John Wesley on eternity and time
BORGEN 236.9 St Stringer, Denise L What about the rapture? : a study of end-time teachings
236.9 Wi Witherington, Ben, 1951- Revelation and the end times : unraveling God's message of hope
BOR 237.2 We Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon. [from old catalog] After death
Borgen 237.4 We Wesley, John The saint's everlasting rest : or a treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in Glory
Borgen 237.4 We Wesley, John The saint's everlasting rest : or a treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in Glory
BORGEN 238.11 Ha Harnish, James A Believe in me : sermons on the Apostles' Creed
238.11 Ho Howell, James C, 1955- The life we claim : the Apostles' Creed for preaching, teaching, and worship
BORGEN 238.3 Bu Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715 An exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England
239.7 Ha Hamilton, Adam, 1964- When Christians get it wrong
239.7 Mo Morey, Robert A, 1946- The new Atheism and the erosion of freedom
BORGEN 241 Al Allen, Joseph L, 1928- Love & conflict : a covenantal model of Christian ethics
BORGEN 241 Bl Blount, Brian K, 1955- Then the whisper put on flesh : New Testament ethics in an African American context
241 Lo Lovin, Robin W An introduction to Christian ethics : goals, duties, and virtues
BORGEN 241.046 Mc McClendon, James William Systematic theology : doctrine
BORGEN 241.047 Du Dunning, H. Ray, 1926- Reflecting the divine image : Christian ethics in Wesleyan perspective
BORGEN 241.047 092 Ma Marquardt, Manfred, 1940- John Wesley's social ethics : praxis and principles
BORGEN 241.0497 Au Augsburger, Myron S The peacemaker
241.3 Bi Biddle, Mark E Missing the mark : sin and its consequences in biblical theology
BORGEN 241.3 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Yes, Lord, I have sinned, but I have several excellent excuses
BORGEN 241.3 Wh White, William R ((William Robert)), 1939- Fatal attractions : sermons on the seven deadly sins
241.3 Wi Willimon, William H Sinning like a Christian : a new look at the seven deadly sins
BORGEN 241.4 Dy Dykes, D. L, 1917- The power of love
241.4 Gr Greer, Ronald J, 1947- If you know who you are-- you'll know what to do : living with integrity
BORGEN 241.4 La Lauer, Robert H The joy ride : everyday ways to lasting happiness
BORGEN 241.624 2 In   In defense of creation : the nuclear crisis and a just peace
BORGEN 241.641 Bo Bondi, Richard Leading God's people : ethics for the practice of ministry
BORGEN 241.66 Be Beslow, Audrey, 1931- Sex and the single Christian
241.571 An   And you welcomed me : a sourcebook on hospitality in early Christianity
241.68 Ha Harnish, James A Simple rules for money : John Wesley on earning, saving, & giving
241.691 Na Nash, James A, 1938- Loving nature : ecological integrity and Christian responsibility
BORGEN 241.697 6 Sc Schlossberg, Terry, 1938- Not my own : abortion and the marks of the church
241.697 Ch   The Church & abortion : in search of new ground for response : essays
BORGEN 241.047 092 Ma Marquardt, Manfred, 1940- Praxis und Prinzipien der Sozialethik John Wesleys
BORGEN 241.52 Ki Killinger, John To my people with love : the Ten commandments for today
BORGEN 241.52 Ma Marrs, Ross W, 1926- Be my people : sermons on the Ten commandments
241.53 Fo Foskett, Mary F, 1961- Moral teachings of Jesus
241.53 Ka Kalas, J. Ellsworth, 1923- The beatitudes from the back side
242 Ba Bauman, Stephen Simple truths : on values, civility, and our common good
242 Bo Bondi, Roberta C Nick the cat : Christian reflections on the stranger
BORGEN 242 Ca Caldwell, Gilbert H Just the right word
BORGEN 242 Ca   Cat tales : lessons in love from Guideposts
BORGEN 242 Do   Dog tales : lessons in love from Guideposts
242 Es Escamilla, Paul L Longing for enough in a culture of more
BORGEN 242 He Hervey, James, 1714-1758 Meditations and contemplations
BORGEN 242 Hu Huffman, Carolyn Meditations on a rose garden
BORGEN 242 St Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The way to power and poise
  Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Victorious living
BORGEN 242 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Victorious living
BORGEN 242 Mc McAlister, Hazel No pat answers : a book for positive doubters
BORGEN 242 Ya Yates, Elizabeth, 1905- A book of hours
BORGEN 242.2 Go Gordon, Tyrone African American history month, a calendar of devotions, 2003 : 28 meditations of hope, strength and unity
BORGEN 242.2 Jo Job, Rueben P A Wesleyan spiritual reader
BORGEN 242.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Abundant living
BORGEN 242.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Mastery : the art of mastering life
BORGEN 242.2 Ka Kalas, J. Ellsworth, 1923- 365 days from Genesis through Revelation
242.2 Mi Miller, Paul E 365 days of spiritual growth
242.2 Tr   Transformation journal : a one year journey through the Bible
BORGEN 242.33 Sh Shelby, Donald J The unsettling season
242.332 Ha Harnish, James A Rejoicing in hope : an Advent study for adults
242.34 Ha Harnish, James A Radical renovation : living the cross-shaped life : a Lenten study for adults
BORGEN 242.34 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- The common people heard Him gladly : a Lenten study for adults
BORGEN 242.5 Al Allen, Charles Livingstone, 1913- Love is patient, love is kind
BORGEN 242.6 Ke Kena, Kwasi Issa, 1957- 40 days in the wilderness : meditations for African American men
BORGEN 242.64 Fo   For everything there is a season : a book of meditations for single adults
242.643 Me   365 meditations for women
242.68 Hi Hickman, Martha Whitmore, 1925- Prayers and devotions for teachers : with contributions from teachers, pastors, and Christian educators
BORGEN 242.807 We Wesley, Susanna, 1669-1742 The prayers of Susanna Wesley
242.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Word became flesh
BORGEN 242.2 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The Word became flesh
BORGEN 242.2 Ra Rasche, Jeffrey A Devotional companion to the international lessons, 1996-97
BORGEN 243 Mo Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899 "The gospel awakening." : Comprising the sermons and addresses, prayer-meeting talks and Bible readings of the great revival meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey ... with the proceedings of Christian conventions of ministers and laymen. From verbatim r
BORGEN (P) 243 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Evangelism in the Wesleyan spirit
BORGEN 245 Lo Lovelace, Austin C ((Austin Cole)), 1919- The anatomy of hymnody
BORGEN 245.2 Ge Gealy, Fred Daniel Companion to the Hymnal : a handbook to the 1964 Methodist hymnal
BORGEN 245.09 Ke Keith, Edmond D Christian hymnody
BORGEN 245.2 Wa Washburn, Charles C ((Charles Campbell)), 1868- Hymn interpretations
BORGEN 245.2076 Cr Crawford, Benjamin Franklin, 1887- Theological trends in Methodist hymnody
245.3 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, Bp, 1867- John Wesley und das deutsche Kirchenlied
BORGEN 246 Re Rest, Friedrich, 1913- Our Christian symbols
247.1 Da Dark, Mary Awesome altars : how to transform worship space
BORGEN 248 Br Brengle, Samuel Logan, 1860-1936 The guest of the soul
248 Ca Caner, Ergun Mehmet Holier than thou : when faith becomes toxic
248 Es Escamilla, Paul L True when whispered : hearing God's voice in a noisy world
BORGEN 248 Ha Hale, Joe, 1935- Christ matters!
BORGEN 248 Le Leslie, Robert C ((Robert Campbell)), 1917- Sharing groups in the Church : an invitation to involvement
BORGEN 248 Mu Mulholland, M. Robert Invitation to a journey : a road map for spiritual formation
248 Po Powell, Samuel M A theology of Christian spirituality
BORGEN 248 Ro Routley, Erik The gift of conversion
248 Sa Savage, John S Your spiritual IQ : five steps to spiritual growth
BORGEN 248 Sp Spurgeon, C. H ((Charles Haddon)), 1834-1892 Twelve sermons on holiness
BORGEN 248 St   The Study of spirituality
BORGEN 248 St Thompson, T. K ((Thomas Kirkland)), 1914-1996 Stewardship in contemporary life
BORGEN 248 Wa Wakefield, Gordon S ((Gordon Stevens)) The life of the spirit in the world of today
248 We West, George Algernon, 1893-1980 The world that works
BORGEN 248 Ze Zerfoss, Lester F ((Lester Frank)), 1903- All God's children got wings : a pilgrim's progress in search of truth
BORGEN 248.088 27 Ha Harper, Steve Prayer and devotional life of United Methodists
BORGEN 248.09 Sp   Spiritual traditions for the contemporary church
BORGEN 248.2 Be Bevington, G. C Tecken och under i modern tid i kraft av tro och bön
BORGFEN 248.29 Sa Samarin, William J Tongues of men and angels : the religious language of Pentecostalism
BORGEN 248.4 Ki Kinghorn, Kenneth C Dynamic discipleship
BORGEN 248.4 Mo Mohrman, Dick Let it show! : Natural expressions of the spirit-controlled life
BORGEN 248.482 Fé Fâenelon, Franðcois de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715 Christian perfection : devotional reflections on the Christian life
BORGEN 248.487 Ro Roberts, Oral How to get through your struggles : or, You can walk on the stormy waters of your life
BORGEN 248.487 6 La Langford, Thomas A Christian wholeness
BORGEN 248.4876 Ro Roberts, Oral 3 most important steps to your better health and miracle living
BORGEN 248.487 6 We Webb, Lance Disciplines for life in the Age of Aquarius
BORGEN 248.5 Cr Crandall, Ronald K The contagious witness : exploring Christian conversion
BORGEN 248.5 Fo Fox, H. Eddie Let the redeemed of the Lord say so : expressing your faith through witnessing
248.6 Fi   First fruits : 14 sermons on stewardship
248.6 Ha Hall, Douglas John, 1928- The steward : a biblical symbol come of age
248.6 Mo Mosser, David, 1952- Stewardship services
BORGEN 248.97 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Fire of love : the spirituality of John Wesley
BORGEN 248.2 Lo Louth, Andrew The wilderness of God
BORGEN 248.2 Mo Moseley, Romney M, 1943- Becoming a self before God : critical transformations
BORGEN 248.2 St Stagg, Frank, 1911- Glossolalia : tongue speaking in Biblical, historical, and psychological perspective
BORGEN 248.2 We Weatherford, W. D Studies in Christian experience
BORGEN 248.220 92 Tu Tuttle, Robert G, 1941- Mysticism in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 248.24 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Conversion
BORGEN 248.240 882 7 Co   Conversion in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 248.2408996073 Wi Wimberly, Edward P, 1943- Liberation & human wholeness : the conversion experiences of Black people in slavery and freedom
BORGEN 248.246 089 960 73 Wh Whelchel, L. H ((Love Henry)) Hell without fire : conversion in slave religion
BORGEN 248.29 Ke Kelsey, Morton T Tongue speaking : an experiment in spiritual experience
BORGEN 234.132 Ho Hoekema, Anthony A, 1913- What about tongue-speaking?
248.3 Bl Blythe, Teresa Meeting God in virtual reality : using spiritual practices with media
BORGEN 248.3 Mu Mulholland, M. Robert Shaped by the word : the power of Scripture in spiritual formation
BORGEN 248.32 Bo Bondi, Roberta C In ordinary time : healing the wounds of the heart
248.32 Ho Howell, James C, 1955- The beautiful work of learning to pray : 31 lessons
BORGEN 248.32 Mc McClain, George D, 1938- Claiming all things for God : prayer, discernment, and ritual for social change
BORGEN 248.32 Pr Prater, Arnold Learning to pray
BORGEN 248.32 We Webb, Lance The art of personal prayer
BORGEN 248.32 We Webb, Lance The art of personal prayer
BORGEN 248.4 Ba Bailey, Barry, 1926- Come, join the family
248.4 Ba Barks, Herbert B, 1933- Reading the river : charting the course of discipleship
BORGEN 248.4 Be Berrigan, Daniel Ten commandments for the long haul
248.4 Bo Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945 The cost of discipleship
248.4 Ch Chadwick, Samuel, 1860-1932. [from old catalog] The call to Christian perfection
248.4 Co Cochrane, William S, 1855-1914. [from old catalog] Conflict and victory
BORGEN 248.4 Co Coppedge, Allan The Biblical principles of discipleship
BORGEN 248.4 Dr Drescher, John M If we were starting our marriage again
248.4 Fa Favre, Deanna The cure for the chronic life : overcoming the hopelessness that holds you back
BORGEN 248.4 Go Gonzâalez, Justo L When Christ lives in us : a pilgrimage of faith ; leader's guide
BORGEN 248.4 Go Gonzâalez, Justo L When Christ lives in us : a pilgrimage of faith
248.4 Go Gorman, Mary Jane, 1953- Tending body, heart, mind & soul : following Jesus in caring for ourselves
248.4 Gu Gunderson, Gary Leading causes of life
248.4 Ha Hawkins, James, Rev Family : finding who we are and how we belong
BORGEN 248.4 Jo Johnson, Barry Lee, 1943- Choosing hope
BORGEN 248.4 Jo Johnson, Barry Lee, 1943- Choosing hope
BORGEN 248.4 Jo Jones, Cliff C, 1919- Winning through integrity
BORGEN 248.4 Jo Jones, L. Gregory Everyday matters : intersections of life and faith
248.4 Jo Joyner, Alex Where do I go now, God? : study and reflection guide
248.4 La Larson, Bruce Dare to live now!
BORGEN 248.4 Li Liddell, Eric, 1902-1945 The disciplines of the Christian life
BORGEN 248.4 Mi Miller, Keith A second touch
248.4 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Have you ever seen a hearse pulling a trailer?
BORGEN 248.4 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Some things are too good not to be true
BORGEN 248.4 Pa Palmer, Everett W You can have a new life!
BORGEN 248.4 Sc Schmitt, Abraham Before I wake-- listening to God in your dreams
BORGEN 248.4 Sp Spain, Robert H, 1925- How to stay alive as long as you live : practical guides for Christian living
248.4 St Stephen, Ellen, 1930- Vessel of peace : a guide for pilgrims of the spirit
BORGEN 248.4 Th Thompson, Marjorie J, 1953- Family : the forming center : a vision of the role of family in spiritual formation
BORGEN 248.4 Tr Truman, Ruth, 1931- How to be a liberated Christian
Borgen 248.4 We Wesley, John An extract from Mr. Law's serious call to a holy life
248.4 Wi Witherington, Ben, 1951- A shared Christian life
248.46 Gr Groff, Kent Ira Writing tides : finding grace and growth through writing
BORGEN 248.482 Ma Maas, Robin, 1939- Crucified love : the practice of Christian perfection
BORGEN 248.487 Ha Harper, Steve Devotional life in the Wesleyan tradition. A workbook
248.487 Jo Job, Rueben P Three simple rules that will change the world
BORGEN 248.487 Me Mercer, Jerry ((Jerry Lee)) Being Christian : a United Methodist vision for the Christian life : based on John Wesley's original tract, "The character of a Methodist"
BORGEN 248.487 Mo Morris, Danny E A life that really matters : the story of the John Wesley great experiment
248.487 Sc Schnase, Robert C, 1957- Five practices of fruitful living
BORGEN 248.487 Sh Shamana, Beverly J ((Beverly Jean)), 1939- Seeing in the dark : a vision of creativity & spirituality
248.487 Wh White, Woodie W, 1935- Conversations of the heart
BORGEN 248.487 6 Ca Carter, Kenneth H A way of life in the world : spiritual practices for United Methodists
BORGEN 248.487 6 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Alive in Christ : the dynamic process of spiritual formation
BORGEN 248.487 6 Ha Harnish, James A Journey to the center of the faith : an explorer's guide to Christian living
BORGEN 248.487 6 Hi Hinson, William H, 1936-2004 The power of holy habits : a discipline for faithful discipleship
BORGEN 248.487 6 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The divine yes
BORGEN 248.487 6 Kn Knight, Henry H, 1948- Eight life-enriching practices of United Methodists
BORGEN 248.487 6 Se Seamands, Stephen A, 1949- Holiness of heart and life
BORGEN 248.42 La Law, William, 1686-1761 A serious call to a devout and holy life : adapted to the state and condition of all orders of Christians
BORGEN 248.482 Ho Hoffman, Dominic M, 1913- The life within : the prayer of union
BORGEN 248.8 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- For preachers and other sinners
248.8 Ma Mahood, John Wilmot, 1864-1955 Make Jesus king : and other messages to men
248.83 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Can you remember to forget? : and 32 other questions for tomorrow's leaders
BORGEN 248.83 St Streiker, Lowell D The Jesus trip; advent of the Jesus freaks
248.834 Le   Letters to graduates : from Billy Graham, Pope John Paul II, Madeleine L'Engle, Alan Paton, and others
BORGEN 248.8 Mi Miller, Craig Kennet Baby boomer spirituality : ten essential values of a generation
248.842 1 Bu Butler, Lee H, 1959- Listen, my son : wisdom for African American fathers
BORGEN 248.8431 Dr Drew, Anne Marie Empty nest, full life
248.84 4 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Celebrating the gift of marriage
BORGEN 248.845 Gr Groseclose, Kel, 1940- This too shall pass : encouragement for parents who sometimes doubt their teens were created in the image of God
BORGEN 248.845 Sm Smith, Judy Gattis, 1933- Grandmother time, anytime
BORGEN 248.845 Sm Smylie, Betsy Dawn Inskeep Christian parenting
BORGEN 248.846 Wi Wilson, Patricia, 1943- Beyond the crocodiles : reflections on being divorced and being Christian
BORGEN 248.85 Re   Reflections on aging and spiritual growth
248.86 Ha Harnish, James A Strength for the broken places
248.86 Ka Kalas, J. Ellsworth, 1923- God's promises that keep us
248.86 Mo Moore, James W ((James Wendell)), 1938- Healing where it hurts
BORGEN 248.86 Sw Sweet, Leonard I The Jesus prescription for a healthy life
BORGEN 248.86 Sw Sweet, Leonard I The Jesus prescription for a healthy life
BORGEN 248.86 Ta Taylor, Barbara Brown God in pain : teaching sermons on suffering
BORGEN 248.86 Un Underwood, Walter L ((Walter Lee)), 1925- Being human, being hopeful
248.866 Fl Flamming, Peter James, 1934- Healing the heartbreak of grief
248.892 Aw   Awakened to a calling : reflections on the vocation of ministry
BORGEN 248.892 Ca Carter, Kenneth H The pastor as steward : faithful manager and leader
248.892 De Demaray, Donald E Spiritual formation for Christian leaders
248.892 Sc Schnase, Robert C, 1957- Ambition in ministry : our spiritual struggle with success, achievement, and competition
250 Ev Everist, Norma Cook, 1938- Church conflict : from contention to collaboration
BORGEN 250 Fr Frank, Thomas Edward The soul of the congregation : an invitation to congregational reflection
BORGEN 250 Jo Jones, W. Paul ((William Paul)) Worlds within a congregation : dealing with theological diversity
BORGEN 250 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- The seven worlds of the minister
250 No Nouwen, Henri J. M Creative ministry
BORGEN 231.3 St Starkey, Lycurgus Monroe The Holy Spirit at work in the church
250.9173 4 Ju Jung, L. Shannon ((Loyle Shannon)), 1943- Rural congregational studies : a guide for good shepherds
BORGEN 251 Al Allen, Ronald J ((Ronald James)), 1949- Holy root, holy branches : Christian preaching from the Old Testament
BORGEN 251 En English, Donald An evangelical theology of preaching
BORGEN 251 Es Eslinger, Richard L ((Richard Laurence)), 1940- A new hearing : living options in homiletic methods
251 Es Eslinger, Richard L ((Richard Laurence)), 1940- The web of preaching : new options in homiletical method
251 Ha Hall, Thor, 1927- The future shape of preaching
251 Ha Hamilton, Adam, 1964- Unleashing the word : preaching with relevance, purpose, and passion
BORGEN 251 Ho Holbert, John C Preaching Old Testament : proclamation & narrative in the Hebrew Bible
BORGEN 251 Ho Honeycutt, Frank G, 1957- Preaching for adult conversion and commitment : invitation to a life transformed
251 Jo Johnson, Sherman E ((Sherman Elbridge)), 1908- The year of the Lord's favor : preaching the three-year lectionary
BORGEN 251 Ki Kinlaw, Dennis F, 1922- Preaching in the spirit
BORGEN 251 Le Lewis, Ralph L ((Ralph Loren)), 1919- Learning to preach like Jesus
251 Ll Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn Preaching and preachers
BORGEN 251 Lo Lowry, Eugene L Doing time in the pulpit : the relationship between narrative and preaching
251 Lo Lowry, Eugene L How to preach a parable : designs for narrative sermons
BORGEN 251 Lo Lowry, Eugene L Living with the lectionary : preaching through the Revised common lectionary
251 Lo Lowry, Eugene L The homiletical beat : why all sermons are narrative
251 Ma Maclaren, Alexander, 1826-1910 Sermon outlines : a choice collection of thirty-five model sermons
251 Mc McClure, John S, 1952- The roundtable pulpit : where leadership and preaching meet
251 Mc McElvaney, William K, 1928- Preaching from Camelot to Covenant : announcing God's action in the world
251 Mc McKenzie, Alyce M, 1955- Hear and be wise : becoming a preacher and teacher of wisdom
BORGEN 251 Mi Mitchell, Henry H, 1919- Celebration and experience in preaching
251 Pa Parks, Lewis Preaching in the small membership church
251 Po Powell, Mark Allan, 1953- What do they hear? : bridging the gap between pulpit and pew
251 Sa Sangster, W. E ((William Edwin)), 1900-1960 The craft of sermon illustration
251 Sm Smith, D. Moody ((Dwight Moody)) Interpreting the Gospels for preaching
BORGEN 251 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 The model preacher : comprised in a series of letters illustrating the best mode of preaching the gospel
BORGEN 251 Th Thompson, William D Preaching biblically : exegesis and interpretation
BORGEN 251 Wa Wagley, Laurence A, 1933- Preaching with the small congregation
BORGEN 251 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 Sermon outlines : a choice collection of thirty-five model sermons
251 Wi Willimon, William H Conversations with Barth on preaching
BORGEN 251 Wi Willimon, William H Integrative preaching : the pulpit at the center
251 Wi Willimon, William H Proclamation and theology
251 Wi Willimon, William H Undone by Easter : keeping preaching fresh
251 Wi Wilson, Paul Scott, 1949- Broken words : reflections on the craft of preaching
251 Wi Wilson, Paul Scott, 1949- Imagination of the heart : new understandings in preaching
251 Wi Wilson, Paul Scott, 1949- The practice of preaching
251.0088042 Sm Smith, Christine M ((Christine Marie)), 1953- Weaving the sermon : preaching in a feminist perspective
251.0089 Pu   Pu´lpito : an introduction to Hispanic preaching
BORGEN 251.008 996 073 Cr Crawford, Evans E The hum : call and response in African American preaching
BORGEN 251.008 996 073 Mi Mitchell, Henry H Black preaching : the recovery of a powerful art
BORGEN 251.009 2 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- John Wesley's sermons : an introduction
251.0092 Pe   A peculiar prophet : William H. Willimon and the art of preaching
BORGEN 251.009 24 Tr Tracy, Wesley When Adam Clarke preached, people listened : studies in the message and method of Adam Clarke's preaching
BORGEN 251.009 24 Tr Tracy, Wesley When Adam Clarke preached, people listened : studies in the message and method of Adam Clarke's preaching
BORGEN 251.01 Sp Spain, Robert H, 1925- Getting ready to preach
  Williams, Gene, 1932- Sermon outlines on lessons from the Old Testament
BORGEN 251.08 Lu Lufburrow, William A Illustrations without sermons
BORGEN 251.53 Br Brown, Carolyn C ((Carolyn Carter)), 1947- You can preach to the kids, too! : designing sermons for adults and children
251.6 Ab   Abingdon theological companion to the lectionary : preaching year A
251.6 Tr Troeger, Thomas H, 1945- Sermon sparks : 122 ideas to ignite your preaching : tagged by theme and lectionary passage
251.61 Pr   Preaching and worshiping in Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany : includes years A, B, and C
251.001 Fo Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 1848-1921 Positive preaching and the modern mind : The Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching, Yaale university
251.0089 Po Powery, Luke A, 1974- Spirit speech : lament and celebration in preaching
251.03 Av Avery, Elizabeth, 1875-1929 First principles of speech training
BORGEN 252 Ba Baker, Sheridan, 1824-1890 Living waters : being Bible expositions and addresses given at different camp-meetings and to ministers and Christian workers on various other occasions ..
BORGEN 252 Co Cox, Carol Matteson, 1945- Jubilee time : celebrating God's grace and justice : Protestant Hour sermons
BORGEN 252 Fr   Fraternal camp-meeting sermons : preached by ministers of the various branches of Methodism at the Round lake camp-meeting, New York, July, 1874. With an account of the fraternal meeting. Phonographically reported by S. M. Stiles and J. G. Patterson
BORGEN 252 Ha Hamilton, James Wallace, 1900-1968 Ride the wild horses! : The Christian use of our untamed impulses
BORGEN 252.53 Ho Holdcraft, Paul Ellsworth, 1891- 101 snappy sermonettes for the children's church
252 I   I am the Lord who heals you : reflections on healing, wholeness, and restoration
BORGEN 252 Ma Massey, James Earl Sundays in the Tuskegee Chapel : selected sermons
252 Wa Watkinson, William Lonsdale, 1838-1925. [from old catalog] Inspiration in common life
252 Wo Wolff, Hans Walter Old Testament and Christian preaching
BORGEN 252.008 996 073 Th Thomas, Emil Preaching for black self-esteem
252.061 Me Meyer, F. B ((Frederick Brotherton)), 1847-1929 The wideness of God's mercy
BORGEN 252.07 We Webb, Lance God's surprises
Borgen 252.07 Od Wesley, John, 1703-1791 The new birth
252.07 St Wesley, John, 1703-1791 The standard sermons in modern English : vol. III
BORGEN 252.072 Le Lee, Luther, 1800-1889 Five sermons and a tract
BORGEN 252.076 Bo Bouknight, William R, 1941- The authoritative word : preaching truth in a skeptical age
BORGEN 252.076 Ca Carder, Kenneth L, 1940- Sermons on United Methodist beliefs
BORGEN 252.076 Ho Holmes, Robert M ((Robert Merrill)), 1925- Why Jesus never had ulcers & other thought-provoking questions
BORGEN 252.076 Le Lee, Clay F ((Clay Foster)), 1930- Jesus never said everyone was lovable! : lessons in discipleship
BORGEN 252.076 Ni Nichols, Roy C, 1918- Footsteps in the sea
BORGEN 252.076 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Albert Outler, the preacher : sermons on several occasions
BOR 252.076 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Albert Outler, the preacher : sermons on several occasions
BORGEN 252.076 Qu Quick, William K ((William Kellon)), 1933- Signs of our times : a vision for the church
BORGEN 252.03 Da Davies, D. R ((David Richard)), 1889-1958 The art of dodging repentance
252.07 Ba Banks, Louis Albert, 1855-1933. [from old catalog] The great themes of the Bible
252.07 Sa Sangster, W. E ((William Edwin)), 1900-1960 Westminster sermons : Vol I, At morning worship
BORGEN 252.076 Ba Bascom, H. B ((Henry Bidleman)), 1796-1850 The cross of Christ : being a sermon, preached by the late H. B. Bascom ... before the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South ... to which is added a brief sketch of his illness and death ; together with the funeral discourse ... Sept
BORGEN 252.076 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Albert Outler, the university professor
BORGEN 252.076 Sm Smithson, William T The Methodist pulpit, South
BORGEN 252.077 Sn Snethen, Nicholas, 1769-1845 Sermons of the late Nicholas Snethen, minister ... in the Methodist Protestant Church
BORGEN 252.978 Bl Blake, Edgar, bp, 1869- A lost passion
BORGEN 252.08 Ma Matson, Howard, 1907- The fourth wise man : a quest for reasonable certainties
253 Ba Bandy, Thomas G, 1950- Mission mover : beyond education for church leadership
BORGEN 253 Ba Bauknight, Brian Kelley, 1939- Body building : creating a ministry team through spiritual gifts
253 Be Beverly, Urias The places you go : caring for your congregation Monday through Saturday
253 Ca Canada, David, 1946- Spiritual leadership in the small membership church : ministry in the small membership church
BORGEN 253 Ca Carter, Kenneth H The gifted pastor : finding and using your spiritual gifts
BORGEN 253 Ca Carter, William J Team spirituality : a guide for staff and church
253 Co Cormode, Scott Making spiritual sense : Christian leaders as spiritual interpreters
253 Cr Crainshaw, Jill Y, 1962- Keep the call : leading the congregation without losing your soul
253 Cr Crosby, Robert The teaming church : ministry in the age of collaboration
253 Cu Cueni, R. Robert The vital church leader
253 Cu Cueni, R. Robert What ministers can't learn in seminary : a survival manual for the parish ministry
BORGEN 253 Da Dale, Robert D, 1940- Pastoral leadership : a handbook of resources for effective congregational leadership
BORGEN 253 Da Dale, Robert D, 1940- Surviving difficult church members
253 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- A second resurrection : leading your congregation to new life
253 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- Put on your own oxygen mask first : rediscovering ministry
253 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- Sacred cows make gourmet burgers : ministry anytime, anywhere, by anybody
253 Fo Foss, Michael W, 1948- From members to disciples : leadership lessons from the book of Acts
BORGEN 253 Ge Gerdes, Egon W Informed ministry : theological reflections on the practice of ministry in methodism
253 Gr Greenway, Jeffrey E, 1960- Make room to grow : transform the church without killing the congregation
BORGEN 253 Ha Hadaway, C. Kirk What can we do about church dropouts?
BORGEN 253 Ha Hamilton, Adam, 1964- Leading beyond the walls : developing congregations with a heart for the unchurched
253 Ha Harnish, James A You only have to die : leading your congregation to new life
253 He Heuser, Roger Leading the congregation : caring for yourself while serving others
BORGEN 253 Hi Hinson, William H, 1936-2004 A place to dig in : doing evangelism in the local church
BORGEN 253 Hu Hunter, George G Church for the unchurched
253 Ja Jackson, John, 1961- Pastorpreneur : outreach beyond business as usual
253 Ja Jackson, John, Dr Leveraging your leadership style : maximize your influence by discovering the leader within
253 Jo Joyner, F. Belton Ten questions every pastor fears : answers included
253 Ka Kaiser, John Edmund Winning on purpose : how to organize congregations to succeed in their mission
253 Ki Kidder, Daniel P ((Daniel Parish)), 1815-1891 The Christian pastorate
253 Ki Killen, James L Pastoral care in the small membership church
253 La Lawton, George, 1910- Shropshire saint : a study in the ministry and spirituality of Fletcher of Madeley
BORGEN 253 Li Lindgren, Alvin J Let my people go : empowering laity for ministry
253 Ma Matthaei, Sondra Higgins Formation in faith : the congregational ministry of making disciples
253 Mc McElvaney, William K, 1928- The people of God in ministry
BORGEN 253 Mc McKenna, David L ((David Loren)), 1929- Renewing our ministry
BORGEN 253 Mi Miller, Herb Connecting with God : 14 ways churches can help people grow spiritually
BORGEN 253 Mi Miller, Herb Leadership is the key : unlocking your effectiveness in ministry
253 Mo Moessner, Jeanne Stevenson, 1948- Prelude to practical theology : variations on theory and practice
BORGEN 253 Mo Mott, John R ((John Raleigh)), 1865-1955 The larger evangelism ..
BORGEN 253 Mu Mutti, Fritz, 1938- Breath of new life : eight marks of spiritual leadership
BORGEN 253 No Nouwen, Henri J. M The wounded healer : ministry in contemporary society
253 O'M O'Meara, Thomas F, 1935- Theology of ministry
253 Ol Olds, J. Howard Led to follow : leadership lessons from an improbable pastor and a reluctant CEO
253 Pa   Pastor : a reader for ordained ministry
253 Pa   Pastoral care and counseling : redefining the paradigms
253 Pa Patton, John, 1930- Pastoral care : an essential guide
253 Pe   People of a compassionate God : creating welcoming congregations
BORGEN 253 Po Poling, James N ((James Newton)), 1942- Foundations for a practical theology of ministry
BORGEN 253 Ra Ramey, Robert H ((Robert Homer)) The pastor's start-up manual : beginning a new pastorate
253 Re Rediger, G. Lloyd The toxic congregation : how to heal the soul of your church
253 Re Rees, Erik Tilt : small shifts in leadership that make a big difference
BORGEN 253 Sc Scalise, Charles J Bridging the gap : connecting what you learned in seminary with what you find in the congregation
253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E Activating the passive church : diagnosis & treatment
253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E From cooperation to competition : change, choice, and conflict in the congregation
253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E Reflections of a contrarian : second thoughts on the parish ministry
253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E Small congregation, big potential : ministry in the small membership church
BORGEN 253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E The senior minister
BORGEN 253 Sc Schaller, Lyle E What have we learned? : lessons for the church in the twenty-first century
253 Sl Slaughter, Michael Momentum for life : sustaining personal health, integrity, and strategic focus as a leader
253 Sl Slaughter, Michael Unlearning church
BORGEN 253 St Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, 1951- The empowerment church : speaking a new language for church growth
BORGEN 253 St Stone, Howard W The word of God and pastoral care
253 St Stortz, Martha Ellen, 1952- Pastorpower
BORGEN 253 Th Thomas, J. V, 1931- One church, many congregations : the Key Church Strategy
BORGEN 253 Wa Watson, David Lowes Class leaders : recovering a tradition
253 We Weber, Rob, 1960- Visual leadership : the church leader as ImageSmith
BORGEN 253 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) Take the next step : leading lasting change in the church
253 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) Take the next step : leading lasting change in the church
253 Wh Whitesel, Bob Organix : signs of leadership in a changing church
BORGEN 253 Wi Willimon, William H Pastor : the theology and practice of ordained ministry
BORGEN 253 Wi Willimon, William H The last word : insights about the church and ministry
253 Wi   Wisdom from Lyle E. Schaller : the elder statesman of church leadership
BORGEN 253.082 No Norâen, Carol Marie The woman in the pulpit
253.08 Rh Rhodes, Lynn N, 1943- Co-creating : a feminist vision of ministry
BORGEN 253.089 960 73 In   In search of wisdom : faith formation in the black church
BORGEN 253.089 960 73 St Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, 1951- African American church growth : 12 principles of prophetic ministry
BORGEN 253.089 960 73 St Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, 1951- African American church growth : 12 principles of prophetic ministry
BORGEN 253.089 960 73 Wi Wimberly, Edward P, 1943- African American pastoral care
BORGEN 253.089 960 73 Wi Wimberly, Edward P, 1943- Claiming God : reclaiming dignity-- African American pastoral care
BORGEN 253.0926 Li Linden, Nico ter In the Lord's boarding house : vignettes of pastoral care
BORGEN 253.2 Ca Campbell, Dennis M, 1945- Who will go for us? : an invitation to ordained ministry
BORGEN 253.2 Cl   Clergy assessment and career development
BORGEN 253.2 Co Coyner, Michael J Making a good move : opening the door to a successful pastorate
BORGEN 253.2 Ne Nelson, William R ((William Rhame)), 1930- Ministry formation for effective leadership
BORGEN 253.2 Wi Willimon, William H Calling & character : virtues of the ordained life
253.208 42 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) The crisis of younger clergy
253.22 Fl Flint-Borden, Teresa Women married to men in ministry : breaking the sound barrier together
253.7 Co Cordle, Steve The church in many houses : reaching your community through cell-based ministry
253.7 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- Go big with small groups : eleven steps to an explosive small group ministry
253.7 En Entwistle, Dan Recruiting volunteers
253.7 Ju Justes, Emma J, 1941- Hearing beyond the words : how to become a listening pastor
253.7 Mc McCoy, Linda Schiphorst, 1945- Planting a garden : growing the church beyond traditional models
253.7 St Stevens, Becca, 1963- The gift of compassion : a guide to helping those who grieve
253.02854678 St Stephenson, Mark Morgan, 1960- Web-empower your church : unleashing the power of internet ministry
BORGEN 253.082 Mc McCulloh, Gerald O Heralds of Christ
253.089.96073 Wi Wimberly, Edward P, 1943- African American pastoral care
253.5 Ad Adams, Jay Edward A theology of Christian counseling : more than redemption
253.5 Ci Cisney, Jennifer S The first 48 hours : spiritual caregivers as first responders
253.5 Co   The concise dictionary of pastoral care and counseling
253.5 Ho Howe, Leroy T, 1936- Guilt : helping God's people find healing and forgiveness
253.5 Ja Jackson, Edgar N ((Edgar Newman)), 1910-1994 The pastor and his people : a psychology for parish work
BORGEN 253.5 Ke Kemp, Charles F, 1912- The caring pastor : an introduction to pastoral counseling in the local church
253.5 Ma Malony, H. Newton Christian counseling : an introduction
253.5 St Stewart, Charles William The minister as marriage counselor
253.5 Sw Switzer, David K, 1925- The minister as crisis counselor
253.5 To Townsend, Loren L Introduction to pastoral counseling
253.5 We Weaver, Andrew J, 1947- Counseling survivors of traumatic events : a handbook for pastors and other helping professionals
BORGEN 253.7 El Ellis, Howard W., 1914- Evangelism for teen-agers
BORGEN 253.7 Fi Finney, Charles Grandison, 1792-1875 Revivals of religion : with the authors final additions and corrections
BORGEN 253.7 Ra Raines, Robert Arnold New life in the church
BORGEN 253.709 Ha Hall, George Langley The sawdust trail : the story of American evangelism
BORGEN 254 Cr Crandall, Ronald K Turnaround strategies for the small church
BORGEN 254 Cu Cushman, Ralph S ((Ralph Spaulding)), 1879-1960 Will a man rob God? : Four studies in Christian stewardship
BORGEN 254 Do Donaldson, Margaret F Giving and growing : finance and public relations in the local church
254 Du Dudley, Carl S, 1932- Effective small churches in the twenty-first century
BORGEN 254 Ha Harding, Joe A Vision 2000
BORGEN 254 Jo Jones, Ezra Earl Strategies for new churches
BORGEN 254 Mi Mickey, Paul A, 1937- What new creation?
254 Pr Prehn, Yvon, 1959- Ministry marketing made easy : a practical guide to marketing your church message
BORGEN 254 Sc Schaller, Lyle E The middle sized church : problems & prescriptions
BORGEN 254 Sc Schaller, Lyle E The pastor and the people
BORGEN 254 To Todd, Luther Edward, 1874-1937 The call of the forgotten man
BORGEN 254 To Todd, Luther Edward, 1874-1937 The call of the forgotten man
254 Tr Trebilcock, Robin J The small church at large : thinking local in a global context
254 Ty Tyson, John H, 1958- Administration in the small membership church
BORGEN 254.002854 Jo Johnson, William R ((William Raymond)), 1951- Selecting the church computer
BORGEN 254.00688 Ke Kenneson, Philip D Selling out the church : the dangers of church marketing
254.076 Go Goodpaster, Larry M, 1948- There's power in the connection : building a network of dynamic congregations
BORGEN 254.076 Ni Nichols, Roy C, 1918- Doing the gospel : local congregations in ministry
254.3 Wi Wilson, Len, 1970- The wired church 2.0
254.4 Me Metz, Peter, 1951- Marketing your church to the community
254.5 An Anderson, Douglas T, 1951- The race to reach out : connecting newcomers to Christ in a new century
BORGEN 254.5 Ch   Church and denominational growth
254.5 Co Collison, Daniel, 1968- Church in translation : vibrant Christianity in your time and place
BORGEN 254.5 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- The church growth handbook : includes complete ministry audit
254.5 Ha Hamilton, Adam, 1964- Selling swimsuits in the arctic : seven simple keys to growing churches
BORGEN 254.5 Ha Hartman, Warren J Five audiences
BORGEN 254.5 Hu Hunter, George G To spread the power : church growth in the Wesleyan spirit
254.5 Hu Hunter, George G, 1938- The apostolic congregation : church growth reconceived for a new generation
BORGEN 254.5 Hu Hunter, Kent R, 1947- Your church has personality
254.5 Ma Martin, Kevin E, 1946- The myth of the 200 barrier : how to lead through transitional growth
254.5 Mc McGriff, E. Carver, 1924- The passion driven congregation
254.5 Pe Percy, Harold Your church can thrive : making the connections that build healthy congregations
BORGEN 254.5 Ra Raabe, Tom The ultimate church : an irreverent look at church growth, megachurches, & ecclesiastical show-biz
254.5 Wh Whitesel, Bob Growth by accident, death by planning : how not to kill a growing congregation
254.5 Wh Whitesel, Bob Staying power : why people leave the church over change (and what you can do about it!)
254.508996073 Gr   Growing the African American church
254.6 An Anderson, Philip A, 1922- Church meetings that matter
BORGEN 254.6 Ba Baird, John E ((John Edward)), 1922- Conducting church meetings
254.7 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- The nomadic church : growing your congregation without owning the buildings
254.8 Ch Christopher, J. Clif Not your parents' offering plate : a new vision for financial stewardship
254.8 Du Durall, Michael Beyond the collection plate : overcoming obstacles to faithful giving
254.8090511 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- Ministry in hard times
BORGEN 254.4 Ma   Marketing for congregations : choosing to serve people more effectively
BORGEN 254.8 Ho Holck, Manfred Church finance in a complex economy : financing the church, a changing strategy in a changing economy
BORGEN 254.8 Jo Johnson, Douglas W, 1934- Finance in your church
254.8 Sc Schaller, Lyle E 44 ways to expand the financial base of your congregation
254.8 Mc McKeown, Boyd M, 1891- Stewardship in Methodism
255.106 Wa Ware, Corinne Saint Benedict on the freeway : a rule of life for the 21st century
253.5 Hi Hiltner, Seward, 1909- Pastoral counseling
258 Li Linn, Louis Psychiatry and religious experience
253.5 Mi Michalson, Carl Faith for personal crises
BORGEN 259 Jo Johnson, Douglas W, 1934- Ministry with young couples : a pastor's planbook
259 La Lampe, Karen The caring congregation : how to become one and why it matters
259 Ma Maves, Paul B Older people and the church
BORGEN 259 Pa   Pastoral care for the traveller : report of a consultation held at Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland, 19th-24th January, 1970
BORGEN 259 Pa Patton, John, 1930- Christian marriage & family : caring for our generations
BORGEN 259 Ra Ramsden, William E, 1932- Ministries through non-parish institutions
259 We Webb, Larry E Crisis counseling in the congregation
259.08 Od Odum, Harry, 1940- The vital singles ministry
259.08 Sa Sample, Tex Hard living people & mainstream Christians
259.08 St Strobel, Charles F, 1943- Room in the Inn
259.082 Br Brown, Patricia D, 1953- How to start and sustain a faith-based women's spirituality group : circle of hearts
BORGEN 259.084 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- How to reach baby boomers
259.1 Ro Roehlkepartain, Jolene L, 1962- Embracing parents : how your congregation can strengthen families
259.12 We Weaver, Andrew J, 1947- Counseling families across the stages of life : a handbook for pastors and other helping professionals
BORGEN 259.22 Bo Bowdon, Boyce A, 1935- The child friendly church : 150 models of ministry with children
BORGEN 259.23 Cl Clement, Shirley F Youth ministry and evangelism : new wine for a new day
259.23 Dy Dyson, Drew, 1973- Faith-forming junior high ministry : beyond pizza 101
259.23 Ga Gant, Jason Youth ministry : Abingdon Press & the Church of the Resurrection ministry guides
259.23 Gi Gillenwaters, Scott, 1963- Sage advice : stories from seasoned youth workers
259.23 He Heflin, Houston Youth pastor : the theology and practice of youth ministry
259.23 Ja Jacober, Amy The pastor's guide to youth ministry
BORGEN 259.23 Ma Marcum, Walt Sharing groups in youth ministry
259.23 Om   OMG : a youth ministry handbook
259.23 Sc Schnase, Robert C, 1957- Five practices of fruitful youth ministry : a youth leader's guide
259.2308996073 Ke   Keep it real : working with today's Black youth
BORGEN 259.3 Ca Campbell, James A What do you say? : learning to listen for grace in nursing homes and other care settings
BORGEN 259.3 Ta Taylor, Blaine, 1933- The church's ministry with older adults
259.4 Ch Christensen, Michael J The Samaritan's imperative : compassionate ministry to people living with AIDS
BORGEN 259.4 Ko Koenig, Harold G ((Harold George)), 1951- Counseling troubled older adults : a handbook for pastors and religious caregivers
259.4 Su Sunderland, Ronald, 1929- Handle with care : a handbook for care teams serving people with AIDS
259.428 To Townsend, Loren L Suicide : pastoral responses
259.084 2 Wh Whitesel, Bob Inside the organic church : learning from 12 emerging congregations
259.08623 Sa Sample, Tex Blue collar resistance and the politics of Jesus : doing ministry with working-class whites
259.088 Th Thompson, David A, 1946- Beyond the yellow ribbon : ministering to returning combat veterans
259.23 Pl Pletcher, Reuellyn 10 things I wish I had known when I started in youth ministry
BORGEN 260 Co Corson, Fred Pierce, 1896- Your church and you
BORGEN 260 Hu Hudnut, Robert K Church growth is not the point
BORGEN 260 Ma Mathews, Basil, 1879-1951 Kyrkan i världskrisen
BORGEN 260 Sn Snyder, Howard A The problem of wine skins : church structure in a technological age
BORGEN 260.82 Ox Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies (2nd : 1962)) The doctrine of the church
BORGEN 261 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- The Christian church
  Eberhard, Kenneth D The alienated Christian: a theology of alienation
BORGEN 261 Ha Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 The ministry of reconciliation
BOR 261 Ha Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940- After Christendom? : how the church is to behave if freedom, justice, and a Christian nation are bad ideas
BORGEN 261 Ho Hopkins, Charles Howard, 1905- The rise of the social gospel in American Protestantism, 1865-1915
BORGEN 261 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- The Christian and his America
261 La Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968 The Christian outlook
BORGEN 261 Ma   Making the gospel effective
261 Ne Newbigin, Lesslie Foolishness to the Greeks : the Gospel and Western culture
BORGEN 261 Ra Ramsey, Paul Who speaks for the church?
Borgen 261 Sh Shoemaker, Samuel M ((Samuel Moor)), 1893-1963 Behöver kyrkan omvända sig?
261.062 Ch World Conference on Church and Society ((1966 : Geneva, Switzerland) Christians in the technical and social revolutions of our time : World Conference on Church and Society, Geneva, July 12-26, 1966
261.0973 Br Brueggemann, Walter Out of Babylon
261.0973 Th Thomas, Frank A ((Frank Anthony)), 1955- American dream 2.0 : a Christian way out of the great recession
261.0973 Co Cobb, John B Spiritual bankruptcy : a prophetic call to action
261.1 Ha Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940- Resident aliens : life in the Christian colony
BORGEN 261.1 Sc Schaeffer, Francis A ((Francis August)) The great evangelical disaster
BORGEN 261.2 St Stroble, Paul E, 1957- What do other faiths believe? : a study of world religions
BORGEN 261.2 Su Suchocki, Marjorie Divinity & diversity : a Christian affirmation of religious pluralism
BORGEN 261.2 Th Thangaraj, M. Thomas ((Melchizedec Thomas)) Relating to people of other religions : what every Christian needs to know
261.52 Sa Sample, Tex Powerful persuasion : multimedia witness in Christian worship
BORGEN 261.52 Sa Sample, Tex The spectacle of worship in a wired world : electronic culture and the gathered people of God
261.578 Sa Saliers, Don E, 1937- Music and theology
BORGEN 261.7 St Stringfellow, William Conscience & obedience : the politics of Romans 13 and Revelation 13 in light of the Second Coming
BORGEN 261.7 Wh White, C. Dale Making a just peace : human rights & domination systems
BORGEN 261.709 2 We Weber, Theodore R Politics in the order of salvation : new directions in Wesleyan political ethics
261.70973 Hu Hunter, George G, 1938- Christian, evangelical &-- Democrat?
261.70973 Sh Shoemaker, H. Stephen, 1948- Being Christian in an almost chosen nation : thinking about faith and politics
BORGEN 261.8 Gu Gunneweg, Antonius H. J Authority
BORGEN 261.8 Le Lefever, Ernest W Amsterdam to Nairobi : the World Council of Churches and the Third World
BORGEN 261.8 Ma MacArthur, Kathleen Walker, 1891- [from old catalog] The economic ethics of John Wesley ..
BORGEN 261.8 Ma Mathews, Donald G Slavery and Methodism : a chapter in American morality, 1780-1845
BORGEN 261.8 Na Nacpil, Emerito P Jesus' strategy for social transformation
BORGEN 261.8 Ox Oxford Institute on Methodist Theological Studies (1977) Sanctification & liberation : liberation theologies in light of the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 261.8 Pr   Principalities & powers & people : stories of oppression and hope, based on personal experiences
261.8 Ri Rieger, Joerg Globalization and theology
BORGEN 261.8 We Wearmouth, Robert Featherstone, 1882- Methodism and the struggle of the working classes, 1850-1900
261.807 Mc McCollough, Charles R, 1934- Morality of power : a notebook on Christian education for social change
BORGEN 261.8091724 Ha Haines, J. Harry ((Joseph Harry)) The twain shall meet
BORGEN 261.809 24 Wa Wallis, Jim Revive us again : a Sojourner's story
BORGEN 261.83 Br Brewer, Earl D. C Continuation or transformation? : the involvement of United Methodism in social movements and issues
BORGEN 261.8325 Br Bryant, M. Darrol A world broken by unshared bread
BORGEN 261.8 Ke Keck, David, 1965- Forgetting whose we are : Alzheimer's disease and the love of God
261.832292 Da Dann, Bucky, 1951- Addiction : pastoral responses
BORGEN 261.8324 Ei Eiesland, Nancy L, 1964-2009 The disabled God : toward a liberatory theology of disability
BORGEN 261.832 508 827 Po   The portion of the poor : good news to the poor in the Wesleyan tradition
261.83272 He Hedges-Goettl, Len Sexual abuse : pastoral responses
BORGEN 261.834 519 607 307 5 Sm Smith, H. Shelton ((Hilrie Shelton)), 1893- In his image, but .. : Racism in Southern religion, 1780-1910
BORGEN 261.83426 Fa Faber, Heije, 1907- Striking sails : a pastoral-psychological view of growing older in our society
BORGEN 262.83426 Sa Sapp, Stephen Full of years : aging and the elderly in the Bible and today
BORGEN 261.8343 Ge Gerstenberger, Erhard Woman and man
BORGEN 261.8344 Em Emswiler, Sharon Neufer, 1944- The ongoing journey : women and the Bible
BORGEN 261.809 24 Sm Smith, Warren Thomas, 1923- John Wesley and slavery
BORGEN 261.834 800 882 7 Kn Knotts, Alice G Fellowship of love : Methodist women changing American racial attitudes, 1920-1968
BORGEN 261.835 766 Lo   The loyal opposition : struggling with the church on homosexuality / edited by Tex Sample & Amy E. DeLong
BORGEN 261.835 766 088 27 Wo Wood, James R, 1933- Where the Spirit leads : the evolving views of United Methodists on homosexuality
BORGEN 261.8358 Ef Efird, James M Marriage and divorce : what the Bible says
BORGEN 261.83589 Ho Hosier, Helen Kooiman To love again : remarriage for the Christian
BORGEN 261.85 Ro Roels, Shirley J Organization man, organization woman : calling, leadership, and culture
261.873 Sm Smith-Christopher, Daniel L Jonah, Jesus, and other good coyotes : speaking peace to power in the Bible
BORGEN 261.873 Sw Sweet, Leonard I The lion's pride : America and the peaceable community
261.88 Di Dilmore, Pamela Green church : reduce, reuse, recycle, rejoice!
261.88 Dy Dyck, Sally, 1953- A hopeful earth : faith, science, and the message of Jesus
261.88 Si Simon-Peter, Rebekah Green church : reduce, reuse, recycle, rejoice!
BORGEN 261.83 Ca Cameron, Richard Morgan, 1898-1978 Methodism and society in historical perspective : Vol I
BORGEN 261.83 Mu Muelder, Walter G. Methodism and society in the twentieth century : Vol II
BORGEN 261.83 Sc Schilling, S. Paul ((Sylvester Paul)), 1904- Methodism and society in theological perspective
BORGEN 261.83 St Stotts, Herbert Edward, 1916- Methodism and society : guidelines for strategy
261.88 Ha Hallman, David G Spiritual values for earth community
BORGEN 262 Ch   The Church : an inquiry into ecclesiology from a biblical theological perspective
BORGEN 262 Ha Harrell, Costen Jordan, Bp, 1885-1971 The local church in Methodism
262 Lo Lohfink, Gerhard, 1934- Jesus and community : the social dimension of Christian faith
BORGEN 262 St Steinmetz, David Curtis Memory and mission : theological reflections on the Christian past
BORGEN 262 Wi Willimon, William H Shaped by the Bible
BORGEN 262.001 In   In each place : towards a fellowship of local churches truly united : [report of a consultation in Geneva, December 10-13, 1976]
BORGEN 262.001 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 The reconstruction of the Church--on what pattern?
BORGEN 262.001 Jo Jones, James William, 1943- Filled with new wine : the charismatic renewal of the church
BORGEN 262.001 We Webb, Lance When God comes alive through the Spirit-renewed church
262.001 7 Bo Borden, Paul D Hit the bullseye : how denominations can aim congregations at the mission field
BORGEN 262.0017 Le Lebacqz, Karen, 1945- Word, worship, world, and wonder : reflections on Christian living
262.001 7 Sc Schaller, Lyle E A mainline turnaround : strategies for congregations and denominations
BORGEN 262.001 7 St Stewart, Carlyle Fielding, 1951- Reclaiming what was lost : recovering spiritual vitality in the mainline church
BORGEN 262.001 7 Wa Watson, David Lowes God does not foreclose : the universal promise of salvation
BORGEN 262.001 7 Wi Wilke, Richard B, 1930- Signs and wonders : the mighty work of God in the Church
BORGEN 262.001 1 Bi Billheimer, Paul E Love covers : a biblical design for unity in the body of Christ
BORGEN 262.001 7 Ta Taylor, Blaine, 1933- A blueprint for church renewal : John Wesley's relevance in the twenty-first century
BORGEN 262.0342 Gr   Growing into union : proposals for forming a united Church in England
262.07 Ou Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies (12th : 2007)) Our calling to fulfill : Wesleyan views of the church in mission
262.07 Ri Richey, Russell E Doctrine in experience : a Methodist theology of church and ministry
BORGEN 262.07141 Bo Bowmer, John C Pastor and people : a study of church and ministry in Wesleyan Methodism from the death of John Wesley (1791) to the death of Jabez Bunting (1858)
BORGEN 262.076 01 Me   Methodism's destiny in an ecumenical age
BORGEN 262.076 Co   Connectionalism : ecclesiology, mission, and identity
BORGEN 262.076 Fr Frank, Thomas Edward Polity, practice, and the mission of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.076 La Langford, Andy A new connection : reforming the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.07673 Sh Sherwood, John R, 1924- Sources and shapes of power
262.1 Ba Bandy, Thomas G, 1950- Why should I believe you? : rediscovering clergy credibility
BORGEN 262.1 Me Messer, Donald E Contemporary images of Christian ministry
BORGEN 262.1 No Nouwen, Henri J. M In the name of Jesus : reflections on Christian leadership
262.1 Pa Parks, Lewis Ducking spears, dancing madly : a biblical model of church leadership
262.1 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) Church leadership : vision, team, culture, and integrity
BORGEN 262.1 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) Church leadership : vision, team, culture, and integrity
BORGEN 262.12 Ep   Episcopacy : Lutheran-United Methodist dialogue II
BORGEN 262.12 Ma Mathews, James K ((James Kenneth)), 1913- Set apart to serve : the meaning and role of episcopacy in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 262.12 Ma Mathews, James K ((James Kenneth)), 1913- Set apart to serve : the meaning and role of episcopacy in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 262.12 Mi Mitchell, Joseph There is an election! : Episcopal elections in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.12 Mi Mitchell, Joseph, 1927- There is an election! : Episcopal elections in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.12 Mi Mitchell, Joseph, 1927- There is an election! : Episcopal elections in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.12 Mi Mitchell, Joseph, 1927- There is an election! : Episcopal elections in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.12 Mi Mitchell, Joseph, 1927- There is an election! : Episcopal elections in the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.12 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- The episcopal leadership role in United Methodism
BORGEN 262.127 Ki Kirby, James E The episcopacy in American Methodism
262.1276 Am Ammons, Edsel A The confessions of three ebony bishops
BORGEN 262.14 Ex   The Experience of ordination : a symposium
BORGEN 262.14 Za Zaragoza, Edward C No longer servants, but friends : a theology of ordained ministry
BORGEN 262.140 82 Be Becker, Carol E Leading women : how church women can avoid leadership traps and negotiate the gender maze
BORGEN 262.140 82 Or   Ordinary ministry, extraordinary challenge : women and the roles of ministry
BORGEN 262.140 82 Wi Willhauck, Susan, 1955- The web of women's leadership : recasting congregational ministry
BORGEN 262.147 Ca Campbell, Dennis M, 1945- The yoke of obedience : the meaning of ordination in Methodism
BORGEN 262.147 We Weems, Lovett H ((Lovett Hayes)) Leadership in the Wesleyan spirit
253 Ch   The Christian as minister : an inquiry into ordained ministry, commissioned ministries, and church certification in the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.147 6 Cr Crain, Margaret Ann A deacon's heart : the new United Methodist diaconate
BORGEN 262.147 6 Ha Harnish, John E, 1947- The orders of ministry in the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 262.1476 Se   Send me? : the itineracy in crisis
BORGEN 262.15 An Anderson, James D ((James Desmond)) Ministry of the laity
BORGEN 262.15 Gu Gustafson, Gus, 1914- I wascalled to be a layman : the witness of God's people today
BORGEN 262.5 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- Methodist observer at Vatican II
262.7 Re Rendle, Gilbert R Journey in the wilderness : new life for mainline churches
262.7 Ro Root, Andrew, 1974- The promise of despair : the way of the Cross as the way of the church
BORGEN 262.7 Th Thompson, Betty A chance to change : women and men in the church
262.8 Ru Russell, Letty M Household of freedom : authority in feminist theology
BORGEN 262.808 827 Wh   What should Methodists teach? : Wesleyan tradition and modern diversity
BORGEN 262.001 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- That the world may believe : a study of Christian unity
BORGEN 262.001 1 Ne Neill, Stephen, 1900- Towards church union, 1937-1952 : a survey of approaches to closer union among the churches
262.001 1 Fr Franke, John R Manifold witness : the plurality of truth
262.001 7 Es Escobedo-Frank, Dottie reStart your church
BORGEN 262.12 Mo Moede, Gerald F The office of bishop in Methodism : its history and development
BORGEN 262.12 Mo Moede, Gerald F The office of bishop in Methodism : its history and development
BORGEN 262.14 Co Convocation of Methodist Theological Faculties (1st : 1959 : Nashville) The ministry in the Methodist heritage
BOR 262.140.82 Ho Howell, Mabel Katharine Women and the kingdom : fifty years of kingdom building by the women of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1878-1928
BORGEN 262.1509 La Neill, Stephen, 1900- The layman in Christian history : a project of the Department on the Laity of the World Council of Churches
BORGEN 262.2 Kr Kraemer, H ((Hendrik)), 1888-1965 Lægfolket og kirken
BORGEN 262.9 He Henry, William J. [from old catalog] Ecclesiastical law and rules of evidence : with special reference to the jurisprudence of the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 262.987 Wa Warren, William F. [from old catalog] Constitutional law questions now pending in the Methodist Episcopal Church, with a suggestion on the future of the episcopacy : containing also the new constitution, to be acted on by the General Conference of 1896, and a paper on the man and woman questi
BORGEN 263.9 St Stookey, Laurence Hull, 1937- Calendar : Christ's time for the Church
263.93 Ca Carter, Kenneth H Easter services, sermons, and prayers
264 Bu Butler-Moore, Nylea L Praise now! 2 : more ready-to-use services for contemporary and multisensory worship
BORGEN 264 El Elford, Homer J. R A guide to church ushering
BORGEN 264 Hi Hickman, Hoyt L ((Hoyt Leon)), 1927- A primer for church worship
BORGEN 264 Ma Maxwell, William D ((William Delbert)) An outline of Christian worship : its development and forms
264 Me Meeks, Blair Gilmer Season of ash and fire : prayers and liturgies for Lent and Easter
264 Pa Patton, Jeff, 1954- God at the crossroads : the four movements of transformational worship
264 Ro Rogne, David George, 1934- Advent services
264 Wa Wallace, Robin Knowles Palm Sunday and Holy Week services
264 Wa Wallace, Robin Knowles Worshiping in the small membership church
BORGEN 264.008 2 El Elkins, Heather Murray Worshiping women : re-forming God's people for praise
BORGEN 264.0082 Pr Procter-Smith, Marjorie In her own rite : constructing feminist liturgical tradition
BORGEN 264.008 996 073 Co Costen, Melva Wilson, 1933- African American Christian worship
264.0089 Co Costen, Melva Wilson, 1933- African American Christian worship
264.0089 Ki Kirk-Duggan, Cheryl A Soul pearls : worship resources for African American congregations
264.030985 St Stevens, Becca, 1963- Funeral for a stranger : thoughts on life and love
BORGEN 264.07 Be Bedell, Kenneth B Worship in the Methodist tradition
BORGEN 264.07 Bi Bishop, John, 1908- Methodist worship in relation to Free Church worship
BORGEN 264.07 Su   The Sunday service of the Methodists : twentieth-century worship in worldwide Methodism : studies in honor of James F. White
264.07.00973 We Westerfield Tucker, Karen B ((Karen Beth)), 1954- American Methodist worship
BORGEN 264.070 2 Be Berger, Teresa Theology in hymns? : a study of the relationship of doxology and theology according to A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists (1780)
BORGEN 264.070 85 Co Coe, Bufford W, 1951- John Wesley and marriage
BORGEN 264.076 Co   Companion to The book of services : introduction, commentary, and instructions for using the new United Methodist services
BORGEN 264.076 008996073 Mc McClain, William B Come Sunday : the liturgy of Zion
BORGEN 264.07601 Ce   Celebrating the 250th anniversary of Aldersgate : suggestions for local congregations
BORGEN 264.07602 Ca Case, Riley B Understanding our new United Methodist hymnal
BORGEN 264.076 023 Ki Kimbrough, S. T, 1936- A heart to praise my God : Wesley hymns for today
Borgen 264.076036 Hi Hickman, Hoyt L ((Hoyt Leon)), 1927- 74842894 : a service book for use by the minister
264.1 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Praying the story : pastoral prayers from the Psalms
264.13 Pa   Pastoral prayers for the hospital visit
264.13 Sc Schaper, Donna Prayers for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost
BORGEN 264.23 Co   A Collection of psalms and hymns
BORGEN (P) 264.2 Go Goldhawk, Norman P ((Norman Panter)) On hymns and hymn-books
BORGEN 264.2 Mc McIntyre, Dean B Song leading
BORGEN 264.2 Nu Nuelsen, John Louis, Bp, 1867- John Wesley and the German hymn : a detailed study of John Wesley's translations of thirty-three German hymns
BORGEN 264.2 Or Orr, N. Lee, 1949- The church music handbook : for pastors and musicians
264.2 Wi Winkler, Lance, 1959- Starting a praise band
BORGEN 264.208 996 073 Sp Spencer, Jon Michael Black hymnody : a hymnological history of the African-American church
BORGEN 264.209 22 Do Dough, Whitney J The hymnwriters : our unknown friends : a biographical guide to British and American sacred song
BORGEN 264.209 22 La Lawson, John, 1909- The Wesley hymns as a guide to scriptural teaching
BORGEN(P) 264.20924 Ki Kimbrough, S. T, 1936- Lost in wonder : Charles Wesley, the meaning of his hymns today
BORGEN 264.20948 Sm Smith, Charles Howard, 1915- Scandinavian hymnody from the Reformation to the present
  264.23 Me The message in the music : studying contemporary praise and worship
BORGEN 264.34 Ps   Psalms for praise and worship : a complete liturgical psalter
264.0028 4 St Stella, Constance E Wiring your church for worship
BORGEN 264.009 Br Brenner, Scott Francis, 1903- The way of worship : a study in ecumenical recovery
BORGEN 264.00942 De Dearing, Trevor, 1933- Wesleyan and Tractarian worship : an ecumenical study
BORGEN 264.035 Wi Wilkinson, John, 1929- The Supper and the Eucharist : a layman's guide to Anglican revision
BORGEN 264.07 Tr Tripp, David H, 1940- The renewal of the covenant in the Methodist tradition
BORGEN 264.076 Co   Companion to The book of worship
BORGEN 264.076 Bo   The book of worship for church and home : with orders for the administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies according to the use of The Methodist Church
BORGEN 264.076 Bo Methodist Church (U.S.) The book of worship for church and home : with orders of worship, services for the administration of sacraments and aids to worship according to the usages of the [United] Methodist Church
BORGEN 264.1 Fi Fisher, Fred L Prayer in the New Testament
264.1 Ha Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 Prayer and the common life
BORGEN 264.23 Co   A collection of hymns for public, social, and domestic worship ..
264.23 Ev Everett, Grace Morrison Hymn treasures
BORGEN 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal church, South. [from old catalog] Hymn and tune book of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BOR 264.83 St Stevenson, Arthur Linwood, 1891- The story of southern hymnology
BORGEN 264.8 Mi Miley, John, 1813-1895 Treatise on class meetings
BOR 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the methodist church,
BOR 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BORGEN 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal church and the Methodist Episcopal church, South
BOR 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, the Methodist Episcopal church, the Methodist Protestant church
BOR 264.23 Me Methodist Episcopal Church The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal, the Methodist Episcopal church, the Methodist Episcopal church, South [and] the Methodist Protestant church
BOR 264.23 Me   The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 265 Br Bromiley, Geoffrey William Sacramental teaching and practice in the Reformation churches
BORGEN 265 Fi Fiedler, Ernest J The sacraments : an experiment in ecumenical honesty
  Fiedler, Ernest J The sacraments : an experiment in ecumenical honesty
  Fiedler, Ernest J The sacraments : an experiment in ecumenical honesty
BORGEN 265 Wo World Council of Churches. Commission on Faith and Order Towards an ecumenical consensus on baptism, the eucharist and the ministry : a response to the Churches
265.1 Ca Carter, Kenneth H Baptism services, sermons, and prayers
BORGEN 265.1 Ja Jagger, Peter John Christian initiation, 1552-1969 : rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the Reformation period
BORGEN 265.2 Pe Perry, Michael Charles Crisis for Confirmation
265.82 Wa Wagner, James K Healing services
265.85 La Langford, Andy Christian funerals
265.85 Sh Sheppy, Paul P. J In sure and certain hope : liturgies, prayers, and readings for funerals and memorials
BORGEN 265.1 Ca Carr, Warren Baptism: conscience and clue for the church
BORGEN 265.1 Te Tertullian, ca. 160-ca. 230 De baptismo liber : Homily on baptism
BORGEN 265.1 Wh White, R. E. O ((Reginald Ernest Oscar)), 1914- The Biblical doctrine of initiation
BORGEN 265.2 Ha Hartman, William Emory Membership manual of the Methodist Church for pastors : a guide for the use of pastors in preparing boys and girls, teen-agers, and young people and adults for membership in the Methodist Church
BORGEN 265.2 No Norwood, Frederick Abbott Church membership in the Methodist tradition
BORGEN 265.3 Au Aulâen, Gustaf, 1879-1977 Eucharist and sacrifice
BORGEN 265.3 Br Brilioth, Yngve, 1891-1959 Eucharistic faith & practice : Evangelical & Catholic
BORGEN 234.163 Mc McCormick, Scott The Lord's Supper : a Biblical interpretation
BORGEN 265.5 Le Leach, William Herman, 1888- The Cokesbury marriage manual
  Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 Luther's and Zwingli's propositions for debate : the Ninety-five theses of 31 October 1517 and the Sixty-seven articles of 19 January 1523 : in the original version and contemporary translations
BORGEN 265.8 Ja Jackson, Edgar N ((Edgar Newman)), 1910-1994 Understanding grief : its roots, dynamics, and treatment
266 Hu Hunter, Kent R, 1947- The Jesus enterprise : engaging culture to reach the unchurched
BORGEN 266 Mi International Missionary Council Missions under the Cross : addresses delivered at the enlarged meeting of the Committee of the International Missionary Council at Willingen, in Germany, 1952; with statements issued by the meeting
BORGEN 266 Jo Jones, Tracey K Our mission today : the beginning of a new age
266 Kr Kraemer, H ((Hendrik)), 1888-1965 The Christian message in a non-Christian world
BORGEN 266 Me Messer, Donald E A conspiracy of goodness : contemporary images of Christian mission
BORGEN 266 Ra Ranson, Charles W, 1903-1988 That the world may know
BORGEN 266 Tu Tuttle, Robert G, 1941- Can we talk? : sharing your faith in a pre-Christian world
266 We Webber, Robert Journey to Jesus : the worship, evangelism, and nurture mission of the church
BORGEN 266 Wo Wolfensberger, G. H ((Gerrit Hendrick)) Multiplying the loaves: the Bible in mission and evangelism
BORGEN 266.001 Ar Arias, Mortimer The Great Commission : biblical models for evangelism
BORGEN 266.001 Gl   Global good news : mission in a new context
BORGEN 266.001 Kl Klaiber, Walter Call and response : biblical foundations of a theology of evangelism
BORGEN 266.001 Kl Klaiber, Walter Ruf und Antwort : biblische Grundlagen einer Theologie der Evangelisation
BORGEN 266.009 Pa Parshall, Phil New paths in Muslim evangelism : evangelical approaches to contextualization
BORGEN 266.7 Do Doraisamy, Theodore R Oldham--called of God : profile of a pioneer, Bishop William Fitzjames Oldham
BORGEN (P) 266.7 Mi   The Mission of the church in Methodist perspective : the world is my parish
BORGEN 266. 760 899 7 No Noley, Homer, 1932- First white frost : Native Americans and United Methodism
266.76092 Gr Graham, Stephen A Ordinary man, extraordinary mission : the life and work of E. Stanley Jones
266.001 Ni Niles, D. T ((Daniel Thambyrajah)), 1908-1970 The message and its messengers
BORGEN 266.023 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 California life illustrated
BORGEN 266.023 Wa Warne, Francis Wesley, Bp, 1854- The Darjeeling disaster, its bright side : the triumph of the six Lee children
BORGEN 266.082 An Anderson, William K ((William Ketcham)), 1888-1947 Christian world mission
266.7 Ch Methodist Church (U.S.). Board of Missions Christian mission in theological perspective : an inquiry by Methodists
BORGEN 266.7 Mo Moore, Arthur James, bp, 1888- [from old catalog] Christ after chaos : the post-war policy of The Methodist Church in foreign lands
BORGEN 266.7 Ne Neely, Thomas B ((Thomas Benjamin)), 1841-1925 The Methodist Episcopal church and its foreign missions
BORGEN 266.7 Ta Taylor, William, 1821-1902 Four years' campaign in India
BORGEN 266.76 Is Isham, Mary Valorous ventures : a record of sixty and six years of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church
BORGEN 266.76 Mo Moore, Arthur J ((Arthur James)), 1888-1974 Christ and our country : the missionary evangelization of the United States of America
BORGEN 267.187 6 Cu Curtis, Thomas L, 1931- From the grassroots : a history of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
BORGEN 268 Ch Chappell, E. B ((Edwin Barfield)), 1853-1936 Evangelism in the Sunday school
BORGEN 268 He Henderlite, Rachel, 1905-1991 The Holy Spirit in Christian education
BORGEN 268 Se Seymour, Jack L ((Jack Lee)), 1948- Educating Christians : the intersection of meaning, learning, and vocation
268 Ty Tye, Karen B Christian education in the small membership church
268 Ch Vieth, Paul Herman, 1895- The church and Christian education : Paul H. Vieth, editor
BORGEN 268.089 960 73 Wi Wimberly, Anne Streaty, 1936- Soul stories : African American Christian education
BORGEN 268.089 960 73 Wi Wimberly, Anne Streaty, 1936- Soul stories : African American Christian education
268.67 Mi Mitchum, Naomi Abingdon's intergenerational programs
BORGEN 269.804 Jo Johnson, Susanne Christian spiritual formation in the church and classroom
BORGEN 268.876 Wa Watson, David Lowes Covenant discipleship : Christian formation through mutual accountability
268.1 Mi   Ministry by the people : theological education by extension
268.432 Tr Trimmer, Edward A BeTween everything : teacher helps for transitioning preteens
BORGEN 269 Pi Pinnock, Clark H, 1937- Three keys to spiritual renewal
269 Sl Slaughter, Michael Change the world : recovering the message and mission of Jesus
269 Sl Slaughter, Michael Spiritual entrepreneurs : 6 principles for risking renewal
269 St Stewart, James A ((James Alexander)), 1910- Evangelism without apology : The Bob Jones University lectures on evangelism for 1959
BORGEN 269 Sw Sweet, Leonard I Eleven genetic gateways to spiritual awakening
BOR 269 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 Revivalism in America : its origin, growth and decline
BORGEN 269.2 Ab Abraham, William J ((William James)), 1947- The logic of evangelism
BORGEN 269.2 Ar Armstrong, James, 1924- From the underside : evangelism from a Third World vantage point
BORGEN 269.2 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- Evangelism in a contemporary context
BORGEN 269.2 Du Dunnam, Maxie D Congregational evangelism : a pastor's view
BORGEN 269.2 Fi Finney, Charles Grandison, 1900-1967 Finney on revival : an abbreviation of the sermons on revival
BORGEN 269.2 Hu Hunter, George G How to reach secular people
BORGEN 269.2 Hu Hunter, George G Radical outreach : The Recovery of Apostolic Ministry and Evangelism
BORGEN 269.2 Jo Jones, Scott J The evangelistic love of God & neighbor : A theology of witness and discipleship
BORGEN 269.2 Ke Kennedy, D. James ((Dennis James)), 1930-2007 Evangelism explosion
BORGEN 269.2 Mo Morris, George E, 1935- Shalom : a vision of a new world
269.2 Pi Pierson, Robert D, 1936- Needs-based evangelism : being a good Samaritan church
BORGEN 269.2 Ra Ravenhill, Leonard Why revival tarries
269.2 Sp Speidel, Royal Evangelism in the small membership church
269.2 Wo Wood, Charles Monroe Attentive to God : thinking theologically in ministry
BORGEN 269.2 Be World Methodist Council Consultation on Evangelism (1974 : Jerusalem) Beginning in Jerusalem
BORGEN 269.208 827 Ch   Christ for the world : United Methodist bishops speak on evangelism
BORGEN 269.208 827 Th   Theology and evangelism in the Wesleyan heritage
BORGEN 269.209 2 Be Belden, Albert D George Whitefield, the awakener : a modern study of the Evangelical Revival
BORGEN 269.209 2 Da Dallimore, Arnold A George Whitefield; the life and times of the great evangelist of the eighteenth-century revival
BORGEN 269.209 2 He Henry, Stuart Clark George Whitefield : wayfaring witness
BORGEN 269.209 2 St Stout, Harry S The divine dramatist : George Whitefield and the rise of modern evangelicalism
BORGEN 269.20924 Ly Lyall, Leslie T John Sung : flame for God in the Far East
BORGEN 269.209769483 On   One divine moment
269.2092 We Wellman, James K Rob Bell and a new American Christianity
BORGEN 269.209 2 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 Journals
BORGEN 269.240974 Pe   Penuel, or, Face to face with God
BORGEN 269.692 Jo Job, Rueben P A guide to retreat for all God's shepherds
BORGEN 269.09755 Ge Gewehr, Wesley Marsh, 1888- The great awakening in Virginia, 1740-1790
269.2 Br Bryan, Dawson C ((Dawson Charles)), 1900- Handbook of evangelism for laymen
BORGEN 269.2 De Dean, George B Manual on personal evangelism
BORGEN 269.2 Hu Hughes, Edwin Holt, 1866-1950 Are you an evangelist?
BORGEN 269.2 Ma Mahood, John Wilmot, 1864- [from old catalog] The art of soul-winning
269.2 Mi   The mission of an evangelist : Amsterdam 2000
BORGEN 269.2 Sm Smith, Timothy Lawrence, 1924- Revivalism and social reform in mid-nineteenth-century America : Chapters I-XI and XIV comprise the Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer prize essay for 1955, the American Society of Church History
BORGEN 269.2 Ta Taylor, William, bp, 1821-1902. [from old catalog] Seven years' street preaching in San Francisco, California : embracing incidents, triumphant death scenes, etc.
BORGEN 269.209 2 La Lambert, Frank, 1943- Pedlar in divinity : George Whitefield and the transatlantic revivals, 1737-1770
BORGEN 269.2 Jo Johnson, Charles A ((Charles Albert)), 1916- The frontier camp meeting : religion's harvest time
BORGEN 269.20973 Mc McLoughlin, William Gerald Modern revivalism : Charles Grandison Finney to Billy Graham
270 Gr Graham, Henry, 1841-1923 Old truths newly illustrated
BORGEN 270 Hi   A history of the ecumenical movement, 1517-1948
BORGEN s270.072 Ma Maser, Frederick E How to write a local church history
BORGEN 270.082 In   In her words : women's writings in the history of Christian thought
BORGEN 270.089 916 Hu Hunter, George G The Celtic way of evangelism : how Christianity can reach the West-- again
270.1 Gu Gutenson, Charles E The right church : live like the first Christians
270.1 Mo Moffatt, James, 1870-1944 The first five centuries of the church
BORGEN 270.6 Gr   Great holiness classics
BORGEN 270.6 Hi Hildebrandt, Franz,, 1909- Melanchthon: alien or ally?
BORGEN 270.6 Gr/4   The 19th-century Holiness movement
BORGEN 270.3 Gr/3   Leading Wesleyan thinkers
BORGEN 270.6 Gr/5   Holiness preachers and preaching
BORGEN 270.6 Gr/2   The Wesley century (1725-1825)
BORGEN 270.7 Wo Wood, Arthur Skevington The inextinguishable blaze : spiritual renewal and advance in the eighteenth century
BORGEN 270.82 Ch   The Church is charismatic
BORGEN 270.82 Da Dayton, Donald W Theological roots of Pentecostalism
BORGEN 270.82 Di   Dictionary of Pentecostal and charismatic movements
BORGEN 270.82 Qu Quebedeaux, Richard The new charismatics : the origins, development, and significance of neo-pentecostalism
BORGEN 270.82 Ro Robb, Edmund W The spirit who will not be tamed : the Wesleyan message and the charismatic experience
BORGEN 270.82 Na World Council of Churches. Central Committee Nairobi to Vancouver, 1975-1983 : report of the Central Committee to the Sixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches
BORGEN 270.822 Ba Barratt, T. B ((Thomas Ball)), 1862-1940 The work of T.B. Barratt
270.828 Ed Edwards, David L ((David Lawrence)), 1929- The futures of Christianity
BORGEN 270.828 Ga World Council of Churches. Assembly ((6th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C) Gathered for life : official report, VI Assembly World Council of Churches, Vancouver, Canada, 24 July-10 August 1983
270.83 Ch   The church of the perfect storm
271.302 Ho Howell, James C, 1955- Conversations with Saint Francis
BORGEN 273 Be Bemesderfer, James O. [from old catalog] Pietism and its influence upon the Evangelical United Brethren Church
BORGEN 274.108 1 Ma Martin, Roger H, 1943- Evangelicals united : ecumenical stirrings in pre-Victorian Britain, 1795-1830
BORGEN 274.2 Br Bready, J. Wesley ((John Wesley)), 1887-1953 England: before and after Wesley : the evangelical revival and social reform
BORGEN 274.2 Da Davies, Horton Worship and theology in England : from Watts and Wesley to Maurice, 1690-1850
BORGEN 274.207 Ru Rupp, E. Gordon ((Ernest Gordon)), 1910-1986 Religion in England, 1688-1791
BORGEN 274.3081 Fl Fleisch, Paul Die moderne Gemeinschaftsbewegung in Deutschland
BORGEN 266.7 Ma Mathews, James K ((James Kenneth)), 1913- South of the Himalayas : one hundred years of Methodism in India and Pakistan
BORGEN 277.3 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 Religion in colonial America
BORGEN 277.3 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 The story of religion in America
BORGEN 277.300 899 607 3 Br Brown, Teresa L. Fry, 1951- God don't like ugly : African American women handing on spiritual values
277.3008996073 Bl   Black church studies : an introduction
BORGEN 277.308 1 Di Dieter, Melvin Easterday The holiness revival of the nineteenth century
BORGEN 277.308108931 Ma O'Malley, J. Steven ((John Steven)), 1942- Early German-American Evangelicalism : pietist sources on discipleship and sanctification
BORGEN 277.308 29 Sw Sweet, Leonard I FaithQuakes
BORGEN 277.308 290 896 8 Vo   Voces : voices from the Hispanic church
277.3083 Ea Easum, William M, 1939- Under the radar : learning from risk-taking churches
277.30089 Ro Robinson, Elaine A, 1959- Race and theology
BORGEN 277.8 Mi Miyakawa, Tetsuo Scott Protestants and pioneers : individualism and conformity on the American frontier
BORGEN 280 Ma   Man's disorder and God's design
BORGEN 280 Fi World Council of Churches. Central Committee The first six years, 1948-1954 : a report on the activities of the departments and secretariats of the Council
BORGEN 280.0956 Ho Horner, Norman A Rediscovering christianity where it began : a survey of contemporary churches in the Middle east and Ethiopia
BORGEN 280.097 3 De   Denominationalism
BORGEN 280.4 Ma Marshall, Catherine, 1914-1983 Light in my darkest night
BORGEN 280.4 Na Nash, Ronald H Evangelicals in America : who they are, what they believe
BORGEN 280.4 Ra Ravâi, S. V, 1838-1913 Sicilian rebel
BORGEN 280.409 73 Am   The American quest for the primitive church
280.40973 Sc Schaller, Lyle E From geography to affinity : how congregations can learn from one another
BORGEN 280.409 730 904 Ca Carothers, J. Edward The paralysis of mainstream Protestant leadership
BORGEN 280.409 73 Hu Hutcheson, Richard G, 1921- Mainline churches and the evangelicals : a challenging crisis?
BORGEN 280.1 Ga Garrison, Winfred Ernest, 1874- The quest and character of a united church
BORGEN 280.1 Ch World Council of Churches. Assembly ((2nd : 1954 : Evanston, Ill) The Christian hope and the task of the church : six ecumenical surveys and the report of the Assembly
280.042 Ou Outler, Albert Cook, 1908- The Christian tradition and the unity we seek
BORGEN 280.973 Cl Clark, Elmer Talmage, 1886-1966 The small sects in America
BORGEN 281.9 Fr Frost, Brian, 1935- Living in tension between East & West
BORGEN 282 O'C O'Connor, Edward D ((Edward Dennis)) The pentecostal movement in the Catholic Church
BORGEN 282 Ra Ranaghan, Kevin Catholic pentecostals
BORGEN 282.092 De De la Bedoyere, Michael, 1900- SaintMaker : the remarkable life of Francis de Sales, shepherd of kings and commoners, sinners and saints
BORGEN 282.092 4 Fé Fâenelon, Franðcois de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715 Selections from the writings of Fenelon : with a memoir of his life by Mrs. Follen
282.41 Di   Dissent and descent : essays on Methodism and Roman Catholicism
BORGEN 283.092 4 St Stuart, Clara H Latimer, apostle to the English
BORGEN s283.73 Pe Perry, William Stevens, 1832-1898 The history of the American Episcopal Church, 1587-1883
BORGEN 283.42 To Anglican-Methodist Unity Commission Towards reconciliation : the interim statement of the Anglican-Methodist Unity Commission
BORGEN 283.42 La Lawson, John, 1909- Methodism and Catholicism : candid comment upon the present project for "full communion" between the Church of England and the Free Churches
BORGEN 284 Ca Flew, R. Newton ((Robert Newton)), 1886-1962 The catholicity of protestantism : being a report presented to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury by a group of Free Churchmen
  éRâiécan, Rudolf The history of the Unity of Brethren : a Protestant Hussite church in Bohemia and Moravia
BORGEN 284.909 24 Ba Bangs, Carl, 1922- Arminius; a study in the Dutch Reformation
284.1092 He Hendrix, Scott H Luther
BORGEN 284.143 Sp Spener, Philipp Jakob, 1635-1705 Pia desideria
BORGEN 284.1748 Bu Burgess, Ellis B ((Ellis Beaver)), 1869-1947 Memorial history of the Pittsburgh Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1748-1845-1924 : together with a sketch of each of the 317 congregations found in the fellowship of the Synod in the year of the merger
BORGEN 285.209 24 Gi Gillies, John, 1712-1796 Memoirs of Rev. George Whitefield
BORGEN 285.209 24 Gi Gillies, John, 1712-1796 Memoirs of Rev. George Whitefield
BORGEN 285.235 Cl Clarkson, George E George Whitefield and Welsh Calvinistic Methodism
BORGEN 285.834 092 4 Ra Raines, Robert Arnold The gift of tomorrow
BORGEN 286.109 24 Go Gordon, Ernest B Adoniram Judson Gordon : a biography
  Johnson, Gordon G My church
BORGEN 287 Be Betts, Albert Deems, 1882-1958 History of South Carolina Methodism
BOR 287 Ca Cannon, James, 1892- History of Southern Methodist missions
BORGEN 287 Ch Church, Leslie F The early Methodist people
BORGEN 287 Co Cookman, George G ((George Grimston)), 1800-1841 Speeches delivered on various occasions
BORGEN 287 Cu Currie, Robert Methodism divided : a study in the sociology of ecumenicalism
BOR 287 Du Duren, William Larkin The trail of the circuit rider
BOR 287 Fa Farish, Hunter Dickinson, 1897-1945 The circuit rider dismounts
BORGEN 287 Ga Garber, Paul N ((Paul Neff)), 1899-1972 The Methodists of continental Europe
BORGEN 287 He Henkle, M. M ((Moses Montgomery)), 1798-1864 Primary platform of Methodism : or, Exposition of the general rules
BORGEN 287 Ho Holt, Ivan Lee, 1886-1967 The World Methodist movement
BOR 287 Hy Hyde, A. B ((Ammi Bradford)), 1826-1921 The story of Methodism : tracing the rise and progress of that wonderful religious movement
BORGEN 287 Ke Kennedy, Gerald Hamilton, Bp, 1907- The Methodist way of life
BORGEN 287 Ke Kern, Paul Bentley, 1882-1953 Methodism has a message! : The Jarrell lectures for 1941 at Emory University
BORGEN 287 Ma Matthaei, Sondra Higgins Making disciples : faith formation in the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 287 Me Melle, F. H. Otto, d. 1947- Das walten Gottes im deutschen methodismus : mit einem gelietwort von bischof d. dr. J. L. Nuelsen und unter mitarbeit von dr. A. J. Bucher, J. W. E. Sommer, M. A., dr. Otto Kriege [u.a.] ..
BORGEN 287 Me   The Message of the Wesleys : a reader of instruction and devotion
BORGEN 287 Me   The Message of the Wesleys : a reader of instruction and devotion
BORGEN 287 Mi Middleton, William Vernon, 1902- Methodism in Alaska and Hawaii; new patterns for living together
BORGEN 287 Mo Moore, John Monroe, Bp, 1867-1948 Methodism in belief and action
BORGEN 287 No North, Eric M ((Eric McCoy)), 1888-1980 Early Methodist philanthropy
BORGEN 287 Pa Palmer, Louis De Forest Heroism and romance : Early Methodism in northeastern Pennsylvania
BORGEN 287 Pe Peacock, Mary Thomas The circuit rider and those who followed : Sketches of Methodist Churches organized before 1860 in the Chattanooga area with special reference to centenary
BORGEN 287 Se Semmel, Bernard The Methodist revolution
BORGEN 287 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- Methodism and Christian experience
BORGEN 287 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- Methodism and Christian experience
BORGEN 287 Sm Smith, Roy Lemon, 1887- Why I am a Methodist
BORGEN 287 Sn Snyder, Howard A The divided flame : Wesleyans and charismatic renewal
BORGEN 287 Te Tenney, Mary Alice, 1889- Blueprint for a Christian world : an analysis of the Wesleyan way
Borgen 287 Tu Tucker, Robert Leonard, 1890- The separation of the Methodists from the Church of England
BORGEN 287 Ty Tyerman, Luke, 1819 or 20-1889 The Oxford Methodists : memoirs of the Rev. Messrs. Clayton, Ingham, Gambold, Hervey and Broughton
BORGEN 287 Vi Vincent, John J Christ and Methodism : towards a new Christianity for a new age
BORGEN 287 Wa Wainwright, Geoffrey, 1939- Methodists in dialogue
BORGEN 287 Wa Watkins, William Turner, 1895-1961 Out of Aldersgate
BORGEN 287 Wa Watson, David Lowes The early Methodist class meeting : its origins and significance
BORGEN 287.092 242 We   A Wesley family book of days
287 Wh Whiteley, John Harold, 1883- [from old catalog] Wesley's England : a survey of XVIIIth century social and cultural conditions
BORGEN 287.03 En   The Encyclopedia of world Methodism : volume 1
BORGEN 287.03 En   The Encyclopedia of world Methodism : volume II
BORGEN 287.03 En   Volume II
BORGEN 287.082 092 2 Co Coles, George, 1792-1858 Heroines of Methodism : or, Pen and ink sketches of the mothers and daughters of the church
BORGEN 287.082 092 2 St Stevens, Abel, 1815-1897 The women of Methodism : its three foundresses, Susanna Wesley, the Countess of Huntingdon, and Barbara Heck; with sketches of their female associates and successors in the early history of the denomination
BORGEN 287.082 097 3 Sc Schmidt, Jean Miller Grace sufficient : a history of women in American Methodism, 1760-1939
BORGEN 287.088 042 Wo/1   Women in new worlds : historical perspectives on the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 287.088 042 Wo/2   Women in new worlds : historical perspectives on the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 287.088 042   Women in new worlds : historical perspectives on the Wesleyan tradition
BORGEN 287.089397073 Wh Whyman, Henry C ((Henry Carl)), 1903- The Hedstroms and the Bethel Ship saga : Methodist influence on Swedish religious life
BORGEN 287.09 Ge   Geschichte der Evangelisch-Methodistischen Kirche : Weg, Wesen und Auftrag des Methodismus unter besonderer Beru¨cksichtigung der deutschsprachigen La¨nder Europas
BORGEN 287.09 Ma Maser, Frederick E If saddlebag's could talk : Methodist stories and anecdotes
BORGEN 287.090 33 Ra Rack, Henry D Reasonable enthusiast : John Wesley and the rise of methodism
BORGEN 287.092 Al   Aldersgate reconsidered
287.092 Be Berg, Johannes van den, 1922- John Wesley and the Netherlands
BORGEN 287.092 Ch   Charles Wesley : poet and theologian
287.092 Ch   Charles Wesley : poet and theologian
BORGEN 287.092 Da Dallimore, Arnold A A heart set free : the life of Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 Da Dallimore, Arnold A Susanna : the mother of John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Harmon, Rebecca Lamar Susanna, mother of the Wesleys
BORGEN 287.092 Jo   John Wesley : contemporary perspectives
Borgen 287.092 La La Gorce, Agnáes de ...Wesley, maãitre d'un peuple (1703-1791)..
BORGEN 287.092 Pi Piette, Maximin John Wesley in the evolution of Protestantism
BORGEN 287.092 Ra Rataboul, Louis J John Wesley : un anglican sans frontiáeres, 1703-1791
BORGEN 287.092 Ru Runyon, Theodore The new creation : John Wesley's theology today
BORGEN 287.092 Sh Sherwin, Oscar, 1902- John Wesley, friend of the people
BORGEN 287.092 St Stone, Ronald H John Wesley's life & ethics
BORGEN 287.092 Te Telford, John, 1851- The life of the Rev. Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 To Todd, John Murray John Wesley and the Catholic Church
BORGEN 287.092 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791 I am your affectionate brother JWesley : the Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Galleries, 7 September-16 December 1994
BORGEN 287.092 We Wesley, Susanna, 1669-1742 Susanna Wesley : the complete writings
BORGEN 287.092 Wi Wiseman, F. L ((Frederick Luke)), 1858-1944 Charles Wesley : evangelist and poet
BORGEN 287.092 2 Br Brailsford, Mabel Richmond A tale of two brothers; John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ed Edwards, Maldwyn Lloyd, 1903- Family circle : a study of the Epworth household in relation to John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 2 Fu Funston, John Wesley The Wesleys in picture and story : An illustrated history of the life and times of John and Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro   Vol II
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro   Vol III
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro   Vol IV
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro   Vol V
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro   Vol VI
BORGEN 287.092 2 Ro Rogal, Samuel J A biographical dictionary of 18th century Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 2 Wa Watson, Philip S ((Philip Saville)), 1909-1983 Anatomy of a conversion : the message and mission of John & Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 2 We   Wesley-Langshaw correspondence : Charles Wesley, his sons, and the Lancaster organists
BORGEN 287.092 De Dengler, Sandy Susanna Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 4 In Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-1772 Diary of an Oxford Methodist, Benjamin Ingham, 1733-1734
BORGEN 287.092 4 Lu Ludwig, Charles, 1918- Susanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ma Maser, Frederick E Robert Strawbridge, first American Methodist circuit rider
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mo Moore, Robert L John Wesley and authority : a psychological perspective
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pl   The Place of Wesley in the Christian tradition
BORGEN 287.609 24 Sm Smeltzer, Wallace Guy, 1900- Bishop Francis Asbury, field marshal of the Lord
287.0924 Sn Snyder, Howard A The radical Wesley & patterns for church renewal
BORGEN 287.092 4 Tu Tuttle, Robert G, 1941- John Wesley : his life and theology
BORGEN s287.092 4 Vi Vickers, John A ((John Ashley)) Thomas Coke and World Methodism
BORGEN 287.092 4 We Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Charles Wesley : a reader
BORGEN 287.092 4 We Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ Church, Oxford : the early journal, 1736-1739
BORGEN 287.092 4 We/2 Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ Church, Oxford : to which are appended selections from his correspondence and poetry with an introduction and occasional notes in two volumes
BORGEN 287.092 4 We/1 Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ Church, Oxford : to which are appended selections from his correspondence and poetry with an introduction and occasional notes in two volumes
BORGEN 287.092 4 We/2 Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ Church, Oxford : to which are appened selections from his correspondence and poetry with an introduction and occasional notes in two volumes
BORGEN 287.092 4 We/1 Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ Church, Oxford : to which are appened selections from his correspondence and poetry with an introduction and occasional notes in two volumes
BORGEN 287.092 4 Wi Wilder, Franklin The Methodist riots : the testing of Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 4 Li Lipsky, Abram, 1872-1946 John Wesley : a portrait
  Lipsky, Abram, 1872-1946 John Wesley : a portrait
BORGEN 287.092 4 Pi Pilmore, Joseph, 1734?-1825 The journal of Joseph Pilmore, Methodist itinerant, for the years August 1, 1769, to January 2, 1774
BORGEN 287.0941 He Hempton, David Methodism and politics in British society, 1750-1850
BORGEN 287.0947 Me   Methodism in Russia and the Baltic states : history and renewal
BORGEN 287.097 3 By Byrne, Donald E No foot of land : folklore of American Methodist itinerants
BORGEN 287.097 3 Le Lee, Jesse, 1758-1816 A short history of the Methodists
BORGEN 287.097 309 033 Wi Wigger, John H, 1959- Taking heaven by storm : Methodism and the rise of popular Christianity in America
BORGEN 287.09742 Ke Kern, Charles W, 1921- God, grace, and granite : the history of methodism in New Hampshire, 1768-1988
BORGEN 287.09747 Wa Ward, William Ralph Faith in action : a history of Methodism in the Empire State, 1784-1984
BORGEN 287.09752 Wi Williams, William Henry, 1936- The garden of American Methodism : the Delmarva Peninsula, 1769-1820
BORGEN 287.09758 Ow Owen, Christopher H The sacred flame of love : Methodism and society in nineteenth-century Georgia
BORGEN 287.09759 Br Brooks, William Erle, 1931- From saddlebags to satellites : a history of Florida Methodism
BORGEN 287.109 22 Ga Garlick, Kenneth B Mr Wesley's preachers : an alphabetical arrangement of Wesleyan Methodist preachers and missionaries and the stations to which they were appointed, 1739-1818
BORGEN 287.109 22 Ga Hill, William An alphabetical arrangement of all the Wesleyan-Methodist preachers and missionaries who are now travelling, or are located, in Great Britain, and in distant parts of the globe : with a view of all the circuits and stations
BORGEN 287.109 22 Mo Morrow, Thomas M ((Thomas Manser)) Early Methodist women
BORGEN s287.109 24 Ba Bates, Edmund Ralph Captain Thomas Webb : Anglo-American Methodist hero
BORGEN s287.109 24 Ba Bates, Edmund Ralph Captain Thomas Webb : Anglo-American Methodist hero
BORGEN s287.109 24 Ba Bates, Edmund Ralph Captain Thomas Webb : Anglo-American Methodist hero
BORGEN 287.092 4 Le Lee, Luther, 1800-1889 Autobiography of the Rev. Luther Lee
BORGEN 287.1 0924 Mc McKenny, Helen G A City Road diary : the record of three years in Victorian London
BORGEN 287.109 24 Ne Newton, John A ((John Anthony)) Susanna Wesley and the Puritan tradition in Methodism
BORGEN 287.109 24 Po Pollock, John Charles George Whitefield and the Great Awakening
BORGEN 287.1 0924 We Weatherhead, A. Kingsley ((Andrew Kingsley)), 1923- Leslie Weatherhead : a personal portrait
BORGEN 287.109 24 Wh Whitefield, George, 1714-1770 Letters of George Whitefield, for the period 1734-1742
BORGEN 287.109 24 Wi Wilder, Franklin Father of the Wesleys : a biography
BORGEN 287.109 24 Wi Wilder, Franklin Martha Wesley
BORGEN 287.173 Mc McLeister, Ira Ford Conscience and commitment : the history of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America
BORGEN 287.442 Ke Kendall H.B. The history of the Primitive Methodist Connexion
BORGEN 287.442 Pe Petty, John The History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion from its origin to The Conference of 1859
BORGEN 287.442 We Werner, Julia Stewart, 1936- The Primitive Methodist Connexion : its background and early history
BORGEN 287.508 804 2 Br Brown, Earl Kent Women of Mr. Wesley's Methodism
BORGEN 287.509 Tu Turner, John Munsey Conflict and reconciliation : studies in Methodism and ecumenism in England, 1740-1982
BORGEN 287.509 2 We Welch, Edwin Spiritual pilgrim : a reassessment of the life of the Countess of Huntingdon
287.50922 He   Her own story : autobiographical portraits of early Methodist women
BORGEN 287.6 Ca Campbell, Ted The apostolate of United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Ca Carder, Kenneth L, 1940- A bishop's reflections
BORGEN 287.6 Ch   Churches of vision : stories from the five jurisdictions of United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Do   Doctrines and discipline
BORGEN 287.6 Ha Haines, J. Harry ((Joseph Harry)) Committed locally, living globally
BORGEN 287.6 He Heidinger, James V United Methodist renewal : what will it take?
BORGEN 287.6 Hu Hunt, Earl G A bishop speaks his mind : a candid view of United Methodism
287.6 Jo Johnson, Douglas W, 1934- Facts & possibilities : an agenda for the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6 Jo Jones, Charles Edwin, 1932- Perfectionist persuasion : the Holiness movement and American Methodism, 1867-1936
BORGEN 287.6 Ki Kirby, James E The Methodists
BORGEN 287.6 Kn Knight, Henry H, 1948- The conversation matters : why United Methodists should talk with one another
BORGEN 287.6 Pa Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874 Phoebe Palmer : selected writings
BORGEN 287.6 Ro Robbins, Bruce A world parish? : hopes and challenges of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6 Sp Sprague, C. Joseph, 1939- Affirmations of a dissenter
BORGEN 287.6 Vi United Methodist Church (U.S.). Council of Bishops Vital congregations, faithful disciples : vision for the church : foundation document
BORGEN 287.6 Un   Unity, liberty, and charity : building bridges under icy waters
BORGEN 287.6 Wa Watson, David Lowes Forming Christian disciples : the role of covenant discipleship and class leaders in the congregation
BORGEN 287.6 Wh White, Woodie W, 1935- Confessions of a prairie pilgrim
BORGEN 287.6 Wi Wilke, Richard B, 1930- And are we yet alive? : the future of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6 Wi Willimon, William H Rekindling the flame : strategies for a vital United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Wi Wilson, Robert Leroy, 1925- Faith and form : a unity of theology & polity in the United Methodist tradition
BORGEN 287.6 Wo Wogaman, J. Philip To serve the present age : the gift and promise of United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6 Yr Yrigoyen, Charles, 1937- John Wesley : holiness of heart & life
287.6 Yr Yrigoyen, Charles, 1937- John Wesley : holiness of heart and life
BORGEN 287.601 12 Qu   Questions for the twenty-first century church
BORGEN 287.608 968 Ea   Each in our own tongue : a history of Hispanics in United Methodism
BORGEN 287.608 995 073 Ch   Churches aflame : Asian Americans and United Methodism
BORGEN 287.608 996 073 He   Heritage and hope : The African-American presence in United Methodism
BORGEN 287.608 996 073 Mc McClain, William B Black people in the Methodist Church : whither thou goest?
BORGEN 287.608 996 073 Ou   Our time under God is now : reflections on Black Methodists for church renewal
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ca Cannon, William Ragsdale, 1916- A magnificent obsession : the autobiography of William Ragsdale Cannon
BORGEN 287.609 2 Co Coyner, Michael J Prairie wisdom : reflections on life in the Dakotas
BORGEN 287.609 2 Cu Current, Angella P, 1942- Breaking barriers : an African American family & the Methodist story
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ho Holland, John, 1794-1872 Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. John Summerfield
287.6092 Jo   The journals of Dr. Thomas Coke
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ka Kaufman, Paul Leslie, 1944- "Logical" Luther Lee and the Methodist war against slavery
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ki Kimbrough, David L, 1951- Reverend Joseph Tarkington, Methodist circuit rider : from frontier evangelism to refined religion
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ki Kirby, James E Brother Will : a biography of William C. Martin
BORGEN 287.092 Li Lind, Robert W Brother Van : Montana pioneer circuit rider
BORGEN 287.609 2 Lo Logan, James C A charge to keep : the life of Earl Gladstone Hunt, Jr
BORGEN 287.609 2 Ma Mathews, James K ((James Kenneth)), 1913- A global odyssey : the autobiography of James K. Mathews
BORGEN 287.609 2 Mi Miller, Robert Moats Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam : paladin of liberal Protestantism
BORGEN 287.609 2 Wa Wallace, Adam, 1825-1903 My business was to fight the Devil : recollections of Rev. Adam Wallace, peninsula circuit rider, 1847-1865
BORGEN 287.6092 We Welch, Elizabeth, 1905- Learning to be 85
BORGEN 287.60922 Le   The leading women : stories of the first women bishops of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.60922 Sp   Spirituality and social responsibility : vocational vision of women in the United Methodist tradition
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ba Bauman, Edward W God's presence in my life
BORGEN 287.609 24 Br Brown, Elmore Paul Neff Garber : a bishop of destiny
BORGEN 287..609 24 Ch Christopher, Louise W Hoofbeats on the prairie : the story of a saddlebag preacher
287.60924 Ch Christopher, Louise W Hoofbeats on the prairie : the story of a saddlebag preacher
BORGEN 287.609 24 Co Connor, Elizabeth, 1884- Methodist trail blazer, Philip Gatch, 1751-1834 : his life in Maryland, Virginia and Ohio
BORGEN 287.609 24 Da Dabney, Virginius, 1901- Dry messiah : the life of Bishop Cannon
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ha Harmon, Nolan B ((Nolan Bailey)), 1892- Ninety years and counting
BORGEN 287.609 24 Mo Moore, Arthur J ((Arthur James)), 1888-1974 Bishop to all peoples
BORGEN 287.609 24 Na Nall, T. Otto ((Torney Otto)), 1900- Builder of bridges : a biography of Roy Hunter Short
BORGEN 287.60924 Na Nall, T. Otto ((Torney Otto)), 1900- Builder of bridges : a biography of Roy Hunter Short
BORGEN 287.609 24 Po Pope, William Kenneth, 1901- A Pope at roam : the confessions of a bishop
BORGEN 287.092 4 Ro Rogers, Harold, 1907- Harry Denman : a biography
BORGEN 287.609 24 Sp Spellmann, Norman W ((Norman Woods)), 1928- Growing a soul : the story of A. Frank Smith
BORGEN 287.609 24 Ve Vernon, Walter N Forever building : the life and ministry of Paul E. Martin
BORGEN 287.609 24 Vi Vincent, Leon H ((Leon Henry)), 1859-1941 John Heyl Vincent : a biographical sketch
BORGEN 287.609 24 Wh Wheatley, Richard, b. 1831 The life and letters of Mrs. Phoebe Palmer
BORGEN 287.609 24 Wh White, Charles Edward The beauty of holiness : Phoebe Palmer as theologian, revivalist, feminist, and humanitarian
BORGEN 287.673 Fe Ferguson, Charles W ((Charles Wright)), 1901-1987 Organizing to beat the Devil : Methodists and the making of America
BORGEN 287.675271 Th   Those incredible Methodists : a history of the Baltimore Conference of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6773 Me Melton, J. Gordon Log cabins to steeples : the complete story of the United Methodist way in Illinois, including all constituent elements of the United Methodist Church
287.609051 Fu   The future of the United Methodist Church : seven vision pathways
BORGEN 287.60922757 Un   United Methodist ministers in South Carolina, 2001 : including a history of South Carolina United Methodism
BORGEN 287.631 089 960 73 Th Thomas, James S, 1919- Methodism's racial dilemma : the story of the Central Jurisdiction
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 As Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 Francis Asbury's America : an album of early American Methodism
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Ca Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872 Autobiography of Peter Cartwright
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Ga Garrettson, Freeborn, 1752-1827 American Methodist pioneer : the life and journals of the Rev. Freeborn Garrettson, 1752-1827 : social and religious life in the U.S. during the revolutionary and federal periods
BORGEN 287.632 0924 Gr Gravely, William, 1939- Gilbert Haven, Methodist abolitionist : a study in race, religion, and reform, 1850-1880
BORGEN s287.632 092 4 Hu Hughes, J. Theodore, 1904- An historical sketch of the life of Freeborn Garrettson, pioneer Methodist preacher
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Jo Jones, Ralph H, 1906- Charles Albert Tindley, prince of preachers
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 La Lacy, Creighton Frank Mason North: his social and ecumenical mission
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Lu Ludwig, Charles, 1918- Francis Asbury : God's circuit rider
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Sm Smith, Warren Thomas, 1923- Harry Hosier, circuit rider
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Sm Smith, Warren Thomas, 1923- Harry Hosier, circuit rider
BORGEN 287.632 092 4 Sm Smith, Warren Thomas, 1923- Harry Hosier, circuit rider
BORGEN 287.633 Tu Turley, Briane K A wheel within a wheel : Southern Methodism and the Georgia Holiness Association
BORGEN 287.63309 Sl Sledge, Robert Watson, 1932- Hands on the Ark : the struggle for change in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1914-1939
BORGEN 287.633 092 4 Ba Bauman, Mark K, 1946- Warren Akin Candler, the conservative as idealist
BORGEN 287.67949 Je Jervey, Edward Drewry, 1929- The history of Methodism in Southern California and Arizona
BORGEN 287.683 Ca Case, Riley B Evangelical and Methodist : a popular history
BORGEN 287.673 Mc McEllhenney, John Galen 200 years of United Methodism : an illustrated history
BORGEN 287.673 Pe   Perspectives on American Methodism : interpretive essays
BORGEN 287.673 Ro Rogers, Kristine M ((Kristine Malins)), 1946- Paths to transformation : a study of the general agencies of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.673 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- History of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church, 1939-1979
BORGEN 287.673 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- History of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church, 1939-1979
BORGEN 287.673 So   Sourcebook of American Methodism
BORGEN 287.67309 Me   Methodism, the shaping of American culture : 1760-1860
BORGEN 287.673 090 34 Me   Methodism and the shaping of American culture
BORGEN 287.6747 Sc Schwartz, Charles Downer A flame of fire : the story of Troy Annual Conference
BORGEN 287.674 71 Ha Hardt, Philip F The soul of Methodism : the class meeting in early New York City Methodism
BORGEN 287.6748 Sm Smeltzer, Wallace Guy, 1900- Methodism in Western Pennsylvania, 1784-1968
BORGEN 287.6748 Sm Smeltzer, Wallace Guy, 1900- The history of United Methodism in Western Pennsylvania : the 150th anniversary volume of the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.6752 Me Methodist Church (United States). Conferences American Methodist bicentennial, 1766-1966 : an official souvenir book
BORGEN 287.6753 Ca Calkin, Homer L Castings from the Foundry mold : a history of Foundry Church, Washington, D.C., 1814-1964
BORGEN 287.6753 Ma   Many witnesses : a history of Dumbarton United Methodist Church, 1772-1990
BORGEN 287.6754 Bu Burrows, Carl E, 1922- Melting times : a history of West Virginia United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6756 Cl Clark, Elmer Talmage, 1886-1966 Methodism in western North Carolina
BORGEN 287.675 874 Ma Martin, S. Walter ((Sidney Walter)) Epworth : a mission by the sea
BORGEN 287.676134 Ce   A Century at Enterprise First Methodist : history of Enterprise First United Methodist Church, Enterprise, Alabama, a mother church, 1883-1983
BORGEN 287.6768 Sm Smith, John Abernathy, 1939- Cross and flame : two centuries of United Methodism in middle Tennessee
    A history of Pleasant Grove Methodist Church : Holston Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 287.6769 Sh Short, Roy H ((Roy Hunter)), 1902- Methodism in Kentucky
BORGEN 287.6774 Ma Macmillan, Margaret Burnham, 1898- The Methodist Church in Michigan
BORGEN 287.6776 Na Nall, T. Otto ((Torney Otto)), 1900- Forever beginning
BORGEN 287.6777 Ny Nye, John A Between the rivers : a history of Iowa United Methodism
BORGEN 287.6781 Ho Holter, Don W, 1905- Fire on the prairie : Methodism in the history of Kansas
287.678186 Ha Harding, Kevass J, 1967- Can these bones live? : bringing new life to a dying church
BORGEN 287.809 Ri Richardson, Harry V ((Harry VanBuren)), 1901-1990 Dark salvation : the story of Methodism as it developed among Blacks in America
BORGEN 287.83 Al Allen, Richard, 1760-1831 The life experience and Gospel labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen : to which is annexed the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America : containing a narrative of the yellow fever in the year of Our Lord,
BORGEN 287.83 Ge George, Carol V. R Segregated Sabbaths; Richard Allen and the emergence of independent Black churches 1760-1840
BORGEN 287.83 Wa Walls, William Jacob, Bp, 1885- The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church : reality of the Black church
BORGEN 287.875 090 34 Hi Hildebrand, Reginald Francis The times were strange and stirring : Methodist preachers and the crisis of emancipation
BORGEN 287.875 6 Ad Addo, Linda D To be faithful to our heritage : a history of Black United Methodism in North Carolina
BORGEN 287.09 Bi Bibbins, Ruthella Bernard Mory, 1865-1942 How Methodism came : the beginnings of Methodism in England and America
287.09 Da Daniels, Wm The illustrated history of Methodism in Great Britain and America.. : from the days of the Wesleys to the present time
BORGEN 287.09 Hu Hulme, Thomas Ferrier, 1856- Voices of the New room
BORGEN 287.09 Te Tees, Francis Harrison, 1875- Methodist origins
BORGEN 287.090 33 He Heitzenrater, Richard P.,, 1939- Mirror and memory : : reflections on early Methodism /
287.092 Fa Faulkner, John Alfred, 1857-1931 Wesley as sociologist, theologian, churchman
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Haddal, Ingvar. John Wesley : a biography
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Hampson, John,, 1760-1817. Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., : with a review of his life and writings, and a History of Methodism, from it's commencement in 1729, to the present time.
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Hampson, John,, 1760-1817. Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., : with a review of his life and writings, and a History of Methodism, from it's commencement in 1729, to the present time.
BORGEN 287.092 Ha Harrison, G. Elsie ((Grace Elsie),), b. 1886. Son to Susanna, : the private life of John Wesley,
BORGEN 287.092 Hi Higgins, Paul Lambourne. John Wesley: spiritual witness.
BORGEN 287.92 La La Gorce, Agnáes de. ...Wesley, maãitre d'un peuple (1703-1791)...
BORGEN 287.092 Lu Lunn, Arnold Henry Moore, Sir, 1888-1974 John Wesley
287.092 Sc Schmidt, Martin, 1909- John Wesley : a theological biography
BORGEN 287.092 Ur Urlin, Richard Denny. [from old catalog] John Wesley's place in church history : determined with the aid of facts and documents unknown to, or unnoticed by, his biographers
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 The life of the Rev. John Wesley : founder of the Methodist societies
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 The life of the Rev. John Wesley .. : founder of the Methodist societies
BORGEN 287.092 Wh Whitehead, John, 1740?-1804 The life of the Rev. John Wesley .. : Collected from his private papers and printed works; and written at the request of his executors. To which is prefixed some account of his ancestors and relations; with the life of the Rev. Charles Wesley ... Collecte
BORGEN 287.092 Wi Winchester, C. T ((Caleb Thomas)), 1847-1920 The life of John Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 Wa Watson, Richard, 1781-1833 The life of the Rev. John Wesley .. : to which are subjoined Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley
BORGEN 287.0922 Wh   Who's who in the Methodist Church
BORGEN 287.092 4 Hu Hurst, J. F ((John Fletcher)), 1834-1903 John Wesley the Methodist : a plain account of his life and work
BORGEN 287.092 4 Me Meredith, William Henry, 1844-1911 John Wesley, his courage and ambition
BORGEN 287.092 4 Me Meredith, William Henry. [from old catalog] The real John Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mi Miller, Basil, 1897-1978 John Wesley : the world his parish
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mo Monk, Robert C John Wesley; his puritan heritage : a study of the Christian life
BORGEN 287.092 4 Mo Monk, Robert C John Wesley; his puritan heritage : a study of the Christian life
BORGEN 287.092 4 My Myers, Elisabeth P Singer of six thousand songs : a life of Charles Wesley
BORGEN 287.092 4 Tu Turrell, Walter John, 1865- [from old catalog] John Wesley; physician & electrotherapist
BORGEN 287.092 4 Wh Whitehead, John, 1740?-1804 The life of the Rev. John Wesley .. : Collected from his private papers and printed works; and written at the request of his executors. To which is prefixed some account of his ancestors and relations; with the life of the Rev. Charles Wesley ... Collecte
BORGEN 287.092 4 Wo Wood, Arthur Skevington The burning heart : John Wesley, evangelist
BORGEN 287.097 3 Ga Garber, Paul N ((Paul Neff)), 1899-1972 The Methodists are one people
BORGEN 287.097 3 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 Methodism in American history
  Lazenby, Marion Elias, 1885-1957 History of Methodism in Alabama and West Florida : being an account of the amazing march of Methodism through Alabama and West Florida
BORGEN 287.09792 Me Merkel, Henry Martin History of Methodism in Utah : by Henry Martin Merkel, B.D
BORGEN 287.509 Da Davies, Rupert E ((Rupert Eric)), 1909-1994 A history of the Methodist Church in Great Britain : Vol.I
BORGEN 287.509 Da   Vol II
BORGEN 287.509 Da   Vol III
BORGEN 287.509 Da   Vol. II
BORGEN 287.142 Wh Whitney, Arthur P, 1912- The basis of opposition to Methodism in England in the eighteenth century
BORGEN 287.142 Wh Whitney, Arthur P, 1912- The basis of opposition to Methodism in England in the eighteenth century
BORGEN 287.2 Mc McDaniel, S.C. [from old catalog] The origin and early history of the Congregational Methodist Church..
BOR 287.4 Le Lee, Umphrey, 1893- [from old catalog] John Wesley and modern religion
BORGEN 287.509 Da   Vol IV
287.542 Da Davies, Rupert E ((Rupert Eric)), 1909-1994 Methodism
BOR 287.6 Pe Peterson, P A History of the revisions of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
BORGEN 287.6 St Straughn, James Henry, Bp, 1877- Inside Methodist union
BORGEN 287.6 Ti Title, Ernest Fremont, 1885- [from old catalog] What must the church do to be saved? : and other discussions
287.6 Le Lewis, Edwin, 1881- A philosophy of the Christian revelation
BORGEN 287.606373 Do Downey, David George, 1858-1935 Militant Methodism : the story of the first National convention of Methodist men, held at Indianapolis, Indiana, October twenty-eight to thirty-one, nineteen hundred and thirteen ..
BORGEN 287.609778 Tu Tucker, Frank C The Methodist Church in Missouri, 1798-1939 : a brief history
287.632 At Atkinson, John, 1835-1897 Centennial history of American Methodism : inclusive of its ecclesiastical organization in 1784 and its subsequent development under the superintendency of Francis Asbury
287.632 Ba Baker, Osmon C. [from old catalog] A guide book in the administration of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
287.632 09 Cu Curtiss, George Lewis, 1835-1898. [from old catalog] Manual of Methodist Episcopal Church history : showing the evolution of Methodism in the United States of America for the use of students and general readers
BORGEN 287.633 Al Alexander, Gross. [from old catalog] A history of the Methodist Church, south, in the United States..
BORGEN 287.633 Me Methodist Episcopal Church, South History of the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South : comprehending all the official proceedings of the General conference ..
BORGEN 287.643 Wu Wunderlich, Friedrich, Bp Methodists linking two continents
BORGEN 287.673 Le Lednum, John A history of the rise of Methodism in America : Containing sketches of Methodist itinerant preachers, from 1736 to 1785 ... Also, a short account of many hundreds of the first race of lay members, male and female, from New York to South Carolina. Together
BORGEN 287.673 Mc McElreath, Walter, 1867-1951 Methodist union in the courts
BORGEN 287.673 Mo Moore, John Monroe, Bp, 1867- The long road to Methodist union
BORGEN 287.673 Ro Rose, Delbert R A theology of Christian experience : interpreting the historic Wesleyan message
BORGEN 287.673 Se Selecman, Charles Claude, 1874-1958 The Methodist primer
BORGEM 287.673 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 Men of zeal : the romance of American Methodist beginnings
BORGEN 287.674 71 Ha Hardt, Philip F. The soul of Methodism : : the class meeting in early New York City Methodism /
BORGEN 287.6748 Me Methodist Episcopal church. Conferences Pioneering in Penn's woods : Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal annual conference through one hundred fifty years
BORGEN 287.6749 Me Methodist Church (U.S.). Conferences The Methodist trail in New Jersey : one hundred and twenty-five years of Methodism in the New Jersey annual conference, 1836-1961
BORGEN 287.6755 Sw Sweet, William Warren, 1881-1959 Virginia Methodism; a history
BORGEN 287.6759 Th Thrift, Charles Tinsley, 1911- The trail of the Florida circuit rider : an introduction to the rise of Methodism in middle and east Florida
BORGEN 287.6762 Jo Jones, William Burwell Methodism in the Mississippi Conference [1870-1894]
BORGEN 287.6768 Ca Carter, Cullen Tuller, 1880- History of the Tennessee Conference : and a brief summary of the general conferences, the Methodist Church, from the frontier in middle Tennessee to the present time
BORGEN 287.6772 He Herrick, H. N ((Horace N.)), 1847-1915 A history of the North Indiana Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church : from its organization in 1844 to the present
BORGEN 287.6772 No Norwood, Frederick A. History of the North Indiana Conference 1917-1956 : North Indiana Methodism in the twentieth century
BORGEN 287.678 Po Posey, Walter Brownlow, 1900- The development of Methodism in the Old Southwest : 1783-1824
BORGEN 287.7 Co Conant, Newton Cooper, 1900- Present day Methodism and the Bible
BORGEN 287.8 Al Allen, Richard, 1760-1831 The life experience and Gospel labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen : to which is annexed the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America : containing a narrative of the yellow fever in the year of our Lord
BORGEN 287.673 Fo   Forever beginning, 1766-1966 : historical papers presented at American Methodism's bicentennial celebration, Baltimore, Maryland, April 21-24, 1966
BORGEN 289.5092 Da Dakin, Edwin Franden, 1898- Mrs. Eddy : the biography of a virginal mind
BORGEN 289.9 Be Behney, J. Bruce The history of the Evangelical United Brethren Church
BORGEN 289.9 Da Dayton, Donald W The American Holiness movement : a bibliographic introduction
BORGEN 289.9 Fo Ford, Jack, 1908- In the steps of John Wesley : the Church of the Nazarene in Britain
BORGEN 289.9 Gi Girvin, E. A ((Ernest Alexander)), b. 1857 Phineas F. Bresee : a prince in Israel
BORGEN 289.9 Ho Hollenweger, Walter J, 1927- The Pentecostals
BORGEN 289.9 Mi Milhouse, Paul William, 1910- Nineteen bishops of the Evangelical United Brethren Church
BORGEN 289.9 Sh Sherrill, John L They speak with other tongues
BORGEN 289.9 Sm Smith, Timothy Lawrence, 1924- Called unto holiness : the story of the Nazarenes
289.9 Sy Synan, Vinson The Holiness-Pentecostal movement in the United States
BORGEN 289.9 Th Thomas, Lately Storming heaven : the lives and turmoils of Minnie Kennedy and Aimee Semple McPherson
BORGEN 290 Da Davies, Horton Christian deviations : essays in defence of the Christian faith
BORGEN 290 Hu Hume, Robert Ernest, 1877-1948 The world's living religions : an historical sketch with special reference to their sacred scriptures and in comparison with Christianity
BORGEN 290.3 Gl Glasenapp, Helmuth von, 1891-1963 Non-Christian religions A to Z
BORGEN 291.093 Fi Finegan, Jack, 1908- Myth & mystery : an introduction to the pagan religions of the Biblical world
BORGEN 291.0966 Mc McKenzie, P. R ((Peter Rutherford)) Inter-religious encounters in West Africa : Samuel Ajayi Crowther's attitude to African traditional religion and Islam
  Marcireau, Jacques Le culte du phallus
BORGEN 291.408 2 Oc Ochs, Carol Women and spirituality
BORGEN 296 Pf Pfeiffer, Robert H ((Robert Henry)), 1892-1958 History of New Testament times : with an introduction to the Apocryopha
296 Sm Smith, George, 1800-1868 The Hebrew people : or, The history and religion of the Israelites, from the origin of the nation to the time of Christ: deduced from the writings of Moses and other inspired authors; and illustrated by copious references to the ancient records, tradition
296.07 Ne Neusner, Jacob, 1932- The ecology of religion : from writing to religion in the study of Judaism
BORGEN 296.3 Fo Fox, G. George ((Gresham George)), b. 1883 The Jews, Jesus and Christ
296.7 Ka Karff, Samuel E Permission to believe : finding faith in troubled times
BORGEN 299.7 St Starkloff, Carl F, 1933- The people of the center : American Indian religion and Christianity
BORGEN 299.792 Ca Carrasco, David Religions of Mesoamerica : cosmovision and ceremonial centers
299.219 Ro Rogers, Robert William, 1864-1930 The religion of Babylonia and Assyria, especially in its relations to Israel : five lectures delivered at Harvard University
BORGEN 301 Su Sutherland, Robert L ((Robert Lee)) Introductory sociology
301.11 Cl Clinebell, Howard John, 1922- The people dynamic : changing self and society through growth groups
BORGEN 301.1543 2611 Se Sexton, Virgil Wesley Listening to the church : a realistic profile of grass roots opinion
BORGEN 301.350975 We Weatherford, Willis D ((Willis Duke)), 1875-1970 Life and religion in Southern Appalachia : an interpretation of selected data from the Southern Appalachian studies
BORGEN 301.412 Od Oden, Marilyn Brown Beyond feminism : the woman of faith in action
BORGEN 301.42 Bu Burgess, Ernest Watson, 1886-1966 The family, from institution to companionship
BORGEN 301.440954 Tr   Tribe, caste, and religion in India
BORGEN 301.451 960 73 Sh Shannon, Alexander Harvey, 1869- Racial integrity and other features of the Negro problem
  303.485 Sk The sky is crying : race, class, and natural disaster
BORGEN 305.3 Ki Kilgore, James E The intimate man
305.42 Gi Gilligan, Carol, 1936- In a different voice : psychological theory and women's development
306 Sh Shinn, Roger Lincoln Forced options : social decisions for the 21st century
BORGEN 306.0978 Gj Gjerde, Jon, 1953- The minds of the West : ethnocultural evolution in the rural Middle West, 1830-1917
BORGEN 306.6 En Enroth, Ronald M Youth, brainwashing, and the extremist cults
BORGEN 306.7 Le Lewin, Samuel Aaron, 1877-1953 Sex without fear
306.7 Ru Rutter, Peter Sex in the forbidden zone : when men in power--therapists, doctors, clergy, teachers, and others--betray women's trust
BORGEN 306.81 La Lauer, Jeanette C For better and better : building a healthy marriage for a lifetime
  Krueger, Caryl Waller, 1929- Working parent--happy child : you can balance job & family
BORGEN 306.874 3 Mo   A Mother's love : best-loved memories from Guideposts magazine ; [foreword by Marion Bond West]
BORGEN 306.88 Va Vaux, Kenneth L, 1939- Dying well
BORGEN 309.1421 Ge George, M. Dorothy ((Mary Dorothy)) London life in the eighteenth century
323.092 Bu Bush, Chet Called to the fire : a witness for God in Mississippi : the story of Dr. Charles Johnson
BORGEN 323.1 Ma Mathews, Basil, 1879-1951 The clash of colour : a study in the problem of race
BORGEN 326 Le Lesick, Lawrence Thomas, 1950- The Lane rebels : evangelicalism and antislavery in antebellum America
BORGEN 327.7308 Ez Ezcurra, Ana Marâia The neoconcervative offensive : U.S. churches and ideological struggle for Latin America
331.31 Cl Clark, Davis Wasgatt, 1849- [from old catalog] American child and Moloch of to-day : child labor primer
BORGEN 332.0242 Jo Joiner, Donald W Christians and money : a guide to personal finance
BORGEN 343.730 53 Ba Bailey, Richard D ((Richard Douglas)), 1934- Estate planning, a workbook for Christians
BORGEN 347.7366 Bu Bush, John C. The right to silence : privileged clergy communication and the law
BORGEN 347.7366 Ti Tiemann, William Harold The right to silence : privileged clergy communication and the law
BORGEN 351.74 Ox Oxnam, Garfield Bromley, Bp, 1891- I protest
BORGEN 361.924 Ed Edwards, Michael S Pure this Realm : a life of Joseph Rayner Stephens
BORGEN 361.7508827 Ke Kehrberg, Norma, 1938- Love in action : UMCOR : 50 years of service
BORGEN 362.07 Ri Richey, Russell E The Methodist Conference in America : a history
BORGEN 362.196 979 200 92 Mu Mutti, Fritz, 1938- Dancing in a wheelchair : one family faces HIV/AIDS
362.19 Ch Christopher, William, 1932- Mixed blessings
BORGEN 362.29386 Ne Neff, Pauline, 1928- Tough love : how parents can deal with drug abuse
BORGEN 362.7044 Qu Quinn, P. E ((Phil E.)), 1950- Cry out!
362.709 Ko Kozol, Jonathan Amazing grace : the lives of children and the conscience of a nation
BORGEN 363.7 Sn Snyder, Howard A EarthCurrents : the struggle for the world's soul
BORGEN 376.876 1 El Ellison, Rhoda Coleman, 1904- History of Huntingdon College, 1854-1954
BORGEN 377.80973 Se Seymour, Jack L ((Jack Lee)), 1948- The church in the education of the public : refocusing the task of religious education
BORGEN 377.87673 Br Brawley, James P Two centuries of Methodist concern: bondage, freedom, and education of Black people
BORGEN 377.871 73 Bo Bowser, Beth A ((Beth Adams)) Living the vision : the University Senate of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist Church, and the United Methodist Church, 1892-1991
BORGEN 378.09 Ch Christenberry, Daniel Pinkney The semi-centennial history of the Southern university, 1856-1906
BORGEN 378.54 St Seminar on Students Participation in University Bodies (1969 : Delhi) Student participation
BORGEN 378.758 231 En English, Thomas H ((Thomas Hopkins)), 1895- Emory University, 1915-1965 : a semicentennial history
BORGEN 394.268 Ol Olson, Richard P The practical dreamer and other stories to tell at Christmas
BORGEN 398.9 Ta Taylor, William Patterson, 1864- One-line wisdom : five hundred notable proverbs (with index) First survey
BORGEN 401 Wi Wilson, Clifford A The language gap
BORGEN 419.2 Wa Wakeley, Joseph Beaumont, 1809-1875. [from old catalog] Anecdotes of the Wesleys: illustrative of their character and personal history
r420 We   Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged
r 423 Ox   Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English
BORGEN 573 La La Barre, Weston, 1911- The human animal
BORGEN 610.92 Ge Gess, Lowell A Mine eyes have seen the glory : a medical missionary's African challenges
BORGEN 616.0252 Re   Reader's digest family safety & first aid
  Lehrman, Jonathan W, 1946- A practical guide for handling drug crises
616.891 Si Singer, Erwin, 1919- Key concepts in psychotherapy
616.8914 Ol Olson, G. Keith Counseling teenagers : the complete Christian guide to understanding and helping adolescents
616.8917 Ro Rogers, Carl R ((Carl Ransom)), 1902-1987 Counseling and psychotherapy : newer concepts in practice
616.891 Fo Ford, Donald Herbert, 1926- Systems of psychotherapy : a comparative study
BORGEN 630.7114192 Mc McKinney, J. Wesley Gurteen College : a venture of faith
  Emerson, Margaret, 1930- Moving : the challenge of change
BORGEN 781.717 009 Yo Young, Carlton R Music of the heart : John & Charles Wesley on music and musicians : an anthology
BORGEN 783 Lo Lovelace, Austin C ((Austin Cole)), 1919- Music and worship in the church
BORGEN 783.026 Lo Lovelace, Austin C ((Austin Cole)), 1919- Music and worship in the church
BORGEN 783.026 092 2 Ro Routley, Erik The musical Wesleys
BORGEN 783.092 4 Ch Chappell, Paul Dr. S. S. Wesley, 1810-1876 : portrait of a Victorian musician
BORGEN 783.9 Mc McCutchan, Robert Guy, 1877-1958 Our hymnody, a manual of the Methodist hymnal
  Nicholson, Sydney H, Sir ((Sydney Hugo)), 1875-1947 Practical methods in choir training
BORGEN 790.191 On O'Neal, Debbie Trafton Family time : 101 great ideas for Sunday afternoons
791.43682 Fl Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken Film & religion : an introduction
BORGEN 808.5 Ei Eisenson, Jon, 1907- Basic speech : a college text
808.87 We Weisfeld, Israel H ((Israel Harold)), 1906- The pulpit treasury of wit & humor
BORGEN 811.54 Of Oftedal, Sarah Jorunn, 1933- A window on eternity : the life and poetry of Jane Hess Merchant
BORGEN 818.02 Pa Patterson, Sheron C, 1959- I want to be ready
BORGEN 820.9 Sh Shepherd, Thomas Boswell Methodism and the literature of the eighteenth century
BORGEN 821.6 We Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The American war under the conduct of Sir William Howe : "Tu Maximus ille est unus qui nobis cunctando restituis rem"
BORGEN 821.6 Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 The unpublished poetry of Charles Wesley
823.912 Br Brown, Devin The Christian world of The hobbit
BORGEN 861 Ba Barbieri, Sante Uberto Anthology of poetry & prose : with biographical notes about the author
901 Sc Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965 The philosophy of civilization
BORGEN 910.4 Ki Kingsley, Calvin, 1812-1870 Round the world : a series of letters
BORGEN 914.290 472 We Wesley, John, 1703-1791 John Wesley in Wales, 1739-1790 : entries from his journal and diary relating to Wales
BORGEN(P) 917.3063982 An Andersen, Arlow W ((Arlow William)), 1906- The Norwegian-Americans
BORGEN 917.688 9 Po Porter, Eliot, 1901-1990 Appalachian wilderness : the Great Smoky Mountains
BORGEN 917.7 Pi Pitezel, John H, 1814-1906 Lights and shades of missionary life : containing travels, sketches, incidents, and missionary efforts, during nine years spent in the region of lake Superior
BORGEN 920.02 Th Thoburn, J. M ((James Mills)), 1836-1922 My missionary apprenticeship
BORGEN 922 Ne Newton, Joseph Fort, 1876- [from old catalog] Wesley and Woolman : an appraisal and comparison
922.342 Hi Higham, F. M. G ((Florence May Greir)), 1896-1980 Faith of our fathers : the men and movements of the seventeenth century
922.4143 Di Dibelius, Otto, 1880-1967 In the service of the Lord
922.4241 Ha Hanna, William, 1808-1882 Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Chalmers ..
922.742 Gr Green, Richard,, 1828-1907. [from old catalog] The conversion of John Wesley,
BORGEN 922.742 Wi Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924 John Wesley's place in history
BORGEN 922.742 Wr Wright, Dudley, 1868-1949 The Epworth phenomena
BORGEN 922.773 He Henkle, M. M ((Moses Montgomery)), 1798-1864 The life of Henry Bidleman Bascom ..
BORGEN 922.773 Hy Hyde, William J Dig or die, Brother Hyde
BORGEN 922.773 Mi Miller, Adam, 1810-1901 Experience of German Methodist preachers
BORGEN 922.773 Wr Wright, John F, 1795-1879 Sketches of the life and labors of James Quinn, who was nearly half a century a minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal church
BORGEN 923.273 Ch Church, Leslie F Oglethorpe: a study of philanthropy in England and Georgia
BORGEN 923.751 9 Ki Kim, Hwal-lan, 1899- Grace sufficient : the story of Helen Kim
BORGEN 923.773 Ar Armstrong, William Howard, 1914- Through troubled waters
BORGEN 928.4 Li Little, Katharine Day Franðcois de Fâenelon : study of a personality
BORGEN 933 Ba Bailey, Albert Edward, 1871-1951 History of the Hebrew commonwealth
933 Wo Josephus, Flavius The Works of Flavius Josephus : the learned and authentic jewish historian
939.4 Mc McLaughlin, John L The ancient Near East : an essential guide
940.23 Me Merle d'Aubignâe, J. H ((Jean Henri)), 1794-1872 History of the reformation of the sixteenth century : Vol IV
BORGEN 940.531 809 22 He Hearth, Amy Hill, 1958- In a world gone mad : a heroic story of love, faith, and survival
BORGEN 940.5409 Fa Farago, Ladislas Patton: ordeal and triumph
BORGEN 941.073 Re   Religion and revolution in early-industrial England : the Halâevy thesis and its critics
BORGEN 942.07 Wh Whiteley, John Harold, 1883- [from old catalog] Wesley's England : a survey of XVIIIth century social and cultural conditions
BORGEN 951 Ba Bates, M. Searle ((Miner Searle)), 1897-1978 China in change : an approach to understanding
BORGEN 954.035 092 Jo Jones, E. Stanley ((Eli Stanley)), 1884-1973 Mahatma Gandhi ; an interpretation
962.404 3 Le Leembruggen, Melissa The Sudan Project : rebuilding with the people of Darfur : a young person's guide
BORGEN 968.06 3 Co Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons Mission to South Africa : the Commonwealth report
BORGEN 268.910 409 24 Mu Muzorewa, Abel Tendekai, 1925- Rise up and walk : an autobiography
BORGEN 970.1 De Debo, Angie, 1890-1988 A history of the Indians of the United States
BORGEN 970.3 Fi Finley, James B ((James Bradley)), 1781-1856 Life among the Indians : or, Personal reminiscences and historical incidents illustrative of Indian life and character
BORGEN 973.1 No   North America
BORGEN 975.802 092 4 Et Ettinger, Amos Aschbach, 1901- Oglethorpe, a brief biography
BORGEN 992.7 Ta Taylor, Isaac, 1787-1865 Wesley, and Methodism
  Cooke, William, 1806-1884. [from old catalog] The authentic report of the theological discussion between the Rev. W. Cooke and Mr. Jos. Baker : held during ten nights in Newcastle ..
  Gamertsfelder, Solomon J. 1851- [from old catalog] Systematic theology
  Methodist Church (Great Britain) The constitutional practice and discipline of the Methodist Church
  Methodist Church (Great Britain) The constitutional practice and discipline of the Methodist Church


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